Extension Curriculum Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (148)
Colonial and Postcolonial Africa (15 ECTS)
- 143149 VO Critical Social Commentary and Historical Reflections in 20th Century West African Cinema - Ousmane Sembène & Co.
- 143176 VO History of West Africa 2: Early Modern Developments, Colonial History and Independence Era
- 143201 VO Writing and publishing in contemporary Africa: Focus West Africa
- 143223 VO [ en ] African Poetry Workshop
- 143264 VO [ en ] 21st Century African Women’s Writing and Feminism
- 143283 VO On the trails of Amadou Hampâté Bâ - Oral Traditions, Local Knowledge and the Cultural Heritage of Humanity
- 143316 VO The Sudan in the 19th Century - Hegemonial Intentions, European Colonialism and the "Discovery" of Africa
- 143345 VO African History, 1500 to 1800: Turbulent Times
- 143346 VO History of North Africa 2 - Periphery and Centre: New Order(s) of the Mediterranean World
- 143385 VO The Burial of Dennis the Goat - Politics, Satire, Life, Death and Humanity in South Africa's Transition Years
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53
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