Group of Elective Modules (36 ECTS)
Aus den nachfolgenden Modulen sind drei verschiedene Wahlmodule im Umfang von 36 ECTS zu wählen, wobei in dieser Auswahl zumindest ein Wahlmodul aus der Gruppe HIS-V1, HIS-V2, ETH-V, SYS-V und POP-V enthalten sein muss.
HIS-V1 Elective module: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160030 VO Music History II
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
- 160075 PS Simple Polyphony: Between Improvisatory Performative Practices and Rudimentary Notational Technology
HIS-V2: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160062 PS Blindfolded Opera? The Oratorio in 18th-Century Europe
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
ETH-V: Advanced Ethnomusicology (12 ECTS)
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160025 VO Music of the World - Overview II
- 160026 PS Music of Oceania
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
SYS-V: Advanced Systematic Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160080 PS Sound Production and Timbre(s) of Non-percussive Musical Instruments
POP-V: Advanced Popular Music (12 ECTS)
- 160013 PS The Music Video as an Intermedial Artefact
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
PRX: Practical Applications of Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160061 PR Information Management for Archives and Libraries
- 160065 PR Microphones and How to Use Them
- 160067 PR Room Acoustic Basics and Room Acoustics in Ordinary Rooms
- 160070 PR Introduction to Digital Music Editing
- 160071 PR Transkribus Tools and Text Paleography
- 160074 PR Introduction to Practical Music Journalism
FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160013 PS The Music Video as an Intermedial Artefact
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160025 VO Music of the World - Overview II
- 160026 PS Music of Oceania
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160030 VO Music History II
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160062 PS Blindfolded Opera? The Oratorio in 18th-Century Europe
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
- 160075 PS Simple Polyphony: Between Improvisatory Performative Practices and Rudimentary Notational Technology
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
- 160080 PS Sound Production and Timbre(s) of Non-percussive Musical Instruments
INT: Interdisciplinary Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160013 PS The Music Video as an Intermedial Artefact
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53