FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
In diesem Modul können alle Lehrveranstaltungen, die prinzipiell für den BA Musikwissenschaft anrechenbar sind, absoviert werden.
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160013 PS The Music Video as an Intermedial Artefact
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160025 VO Music of the World - Overview II
- 160026 PS Music of Oceania
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160030 VO Music History II
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160062 PS Blindfolded Opera? The Oratorio in 18th-Century Europe
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
- 160075 PS Simple Polyphony: Between Improvisatory Performative Practices and Rudimentary Notational Technology
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
- 160080 PS Sound Production and Timbre(s) of Non-percussive Musical Instruments
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53