Master Cultural and Social Anthropology (810)
For further information, please, check our webpage: Due to the current COVID-19 situation, short-term changes in teaching and exam modalities may become necessary. Be sure to check the relevant infomation in the course directory even after your registration.
P1 Methods (15 ECTS)
- 240501 PR [ en ] Field School in Indonesia: Civil Society Organisations in Java (P1)
- 240502 PR Perception of the Environment at the National Park Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel (P1)
- 240503 PR [ en ] Environmental Governance: Climate Crisis Mitigation & Biodiversity Protection on the Seychelles (P1)
- 240504 PR New Ways of Ethnographic Collecting and Exhibiting (P1)
- 240505 PR Daily life and cultural heritage between the local and the global (P1)
- 240506 SE [ en ] Before and After the Field School (P1) - Preparing, analysing and and writing about research in Indonesia
- 240507 SE Perception of the Environment at the National Park Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel (P1)
- 240508 SE [ en ] Audiovisual Cocreation and Expert-Interviews (P1)
- 240509 SE Daily life and cultural heritage between the local and the global (P1)
P2 Theories (15 ECTS)
- 240510 VO [ en ] Thinking with the People: Theories of Populism (P2)
- 240511 SE [ en ] Reflexivity and Positionality in Fieldwork Practices (P2)
- 240512 VO [ en ] Working with Narratives: Methodological and Theoretical Approaches (P2)
P3 Regional Fields of Research (15 ECTS)
- 010081 SE "Indigenous" Religions in North America
- 240513 SE (Post)Coloniality in New Zealand/Aotearoa (P3)
- 240514 SE Man and the Sea (P3) - Identity-forming elements of Polynesian and Micronesian seafaring traditions
- 240515 SE [ en ] (Post) conflict narratives and practices of well being and hope (P3) - A non-exoticist approach to Latin America
- 240516 SE [ en ] Southeast Asia in/and Cultural Theory (P3)
- 240517 SE The Anthropology of Tibet (P3)
- 240518 SE The Buryats: the Mongolians of Three Countries (P3)
- 240552 SE [ en ] Islam in the Contemporary World and Its Futures in Southeast Asia (P3, P4)
P4 Thematic Fields of Research (15 ECTS)
- 020056 SE Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Patient:innensicherheit und Empowerment
- 240519 SE [ en ] Social Lives of Ecology (P4)
- 240520 SE [ en ] Cyborgs, bodies and medical technologies (P4)
- 240521 SE Medical Anthropology Today. Topics, Theories and Tendencies (P4)
- 240522 SE Anthropology of ritual action (P4)
- 240523 SE Citizen science projects: models for, contradictions with a participatory anthropology (P4)
- 240524 SE "Wiener Völkerkunde" in the first half of the 20th century (P4) - Selected texts on the institute’s history
- 240525 SE [ en ] Not only museums! (P4) - A critical look at private collections and collectors of ethnographic objects against the background of the restitution debate
- 240526 SE [ en ] Selling/Consuming Identities (P4)
- 240527 SE [ en ] Waste (P4)
- 240528 SE [ en ] Anthropology of Time (P4)
- 240529 SE [ en ] Human Betterment Utopias (P4) - Eugenic ideas and concepts from the political left and the political right
- 240530 SE [ en ] Power and Inequality in a Global World (P4)
- 240531 SE [ en ] Imagining mobility (P4)
- 240532 SE [ en ] ‘Death on the Nile’ - The Colonial Gaze in Fiction and Film (P4)
- 240533 SE [ en ] Digital Visuality and Popular Culture (P4)
- 240540 SE [ en ] Digital Anthropology (P4)
- 240550 SE [ en ] Hydrosocial anthropology: waterworlds and wet ontologies (P4)
- 240552 SE [ en ] Islam in the Contemporary World and Its Futures in Southeast Asia (P3, P4)
- 240554 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Vulnerabilities in health during Covid-19 pandemic (P4)
APA Alternative mandatory modul A (0/15 ECTS)
- 020056 SE Seminar: Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Patient:innensicherheit und Empowerment
- 240519 SE [ en ] Social Lives of Ecology (P4)
- 240520 SE [ en ] Cyborgs, bodies and medical technologies (P4)
- 240521 SE Medical Anthropology Today. Topics, Theories and Tendencies (P4)
- 240522 SE Anthropology of ritual action (P4)
- 240523 SE Citizen science projects: models for, contradictions with a participatory anthropology (P4)
- 240524 SE "Wiener Völkerkunde" in the first half of the 20th century (P4) - Selected texts on the institute’s history
- 240525 SE [ en ] Not only museums! (P4) - A critical look at private collections and collectors of ethnographic objects against the background of the restitution debate
- 240526 SE [ en ] Selling/Consuming Identities (P4)
- 240527 SE [ en ] Waste (P4)
- 240528 SE [ en ] Anthropology of Time (P4)
- 240529 SE [ en ] Human Betterment Utopias (P4) - Eugenic ideas and concepts from the political left and the political right
- 240530 SE [ en ] Power and Inequality in a Global World (P4)
- 240531 SE [ en ] Imagining mobility (P4)
- 240532 SE [ en ] ‘Death on the Nile’ - The Colonial Gaze in Fiction and Film (P4)
- 240533 SE [ en ] Digital Visuality and Popular Culture (P4)
- 240540 SE [ en ] Digital Anthropology (P4)
- 240550 SE [ en ] Hydrosocial anthropology: waterworlds and wet ontologies (P4)
- 240552 SE [ en ] Islam in the Contemporary World and Its Futures in Southeast Asia (P3, P4)
- 240554 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Vulnerabilities in health during Covid-19 pandemic (P4)
P5 Research Design and Practical Skills (15 ECTS)
- 240534 UE Fieldwork in the Archives - Introductory Course (P5)
- 240535 UE Survival strategies in the data jungle (P5) - coding, categorising and visualising in qualitative data analysis
P6 Anthro Lab (5 ECTS)
- 240536 AL [ en ] Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240537 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53