Directorate of Studies 33 - Nutritional Sciences
Bachelor Nutritional Sciences (638 [4] - Version 2013)
Group of Compulsory Modules 1 Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)
Module 1 BACH Introduction into Nutritional Sciences (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE STEOP: Introduction into Nutritional Sciences
- 330008 VO ( OV ) Basics in Nutrition: Applied and Multidisciplinary - Teil der STEOP im Bachelorstudium Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2013 und im UF Bach HE/DP HÖK
- 330105 VO Nutritional Scienes as a Scientific Discipline - Teil der STEOP im Bachelor EW Version 2013 und Bachelor Lehramt
Module 2 BACH Basics of Chemistry (10 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE STEOP: Basics of Chemistry
- 330106 VO Practice in Chemical Calculations - Teil der STEOP im Bachelor EW Version 2013
- 330107 VO General and Inorganic Chemistry - for nutritional scientists
Group of Compulsory Modules 2 (137 ECTS)
Module 3 BACH Introduction into Biostatistics and Scientific Work (10 ECTS)
- 330004 UE ( MIXED ) Practices in Biostatistics
Module 4 BACH General and Molecular Biology (10 ECTS)
- 300448 VO Plants, Structure and Function
- 330026 VO ( ON-SITE ) General biology and botany - supplement to lecture structure and function of the plant.
- 330046 VO Genetics and Molecular Biology
Module 5 BACH Basics in Medicine and Biochemistry (16 ECTS)
- 330088 VO Human Physiology
- 330112 VO ( MIXED ) Anatomy and Histology
Module 6 BACH Chemical Consolidation (12 ECTS)
- 330048 VO ( MIXED ) Organic chemistry
- 330051 UE ( MIXED ) Introduction to Laboratory Practice
Module 7 BACH Consolidation into Chemical Practice (10 ECTS)
- 330001 UE Chemical exercises for nutritional scientists (5ECTS/ 4SWS) - für Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330018 UE ( MIXED ) Biochemical Practise
Module 8 BACH Food Science (19 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Food chemistry
- 330101 VO Food Science I - Production and Quality of Plant Products
Module 9 BACH Human Nutrition 1 (10 ECTS)
- 330031 UE Practice of Human Nutrition I
Module 10 BACH Human Nutrition 2 (10 ECTS)
- 330057 VO Basics in Nutrition: Micronutrients
- 330108 UE ( MIXED ) Practice in Human Nutrition II
Module 11 BACH Food Safety (11 ECTS)
- 330041 VO Food Safety and Food Toxicology
Module 12 BACH Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics (16 ECTS)
- 330038 UE ( MIXED ) Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics (5ECTS/4SWS)
- 330078 VO Introduction to Public Health Nutrition
Module 14 BACH Scientific Writing and Presenting (13 ECTS)
- 330058 SE Seminar on Nutritional Sciences
- 330063 SE Scientific Writing and Bachelor Thesis - für Bachelorstudierende Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2013
Alternative Compulsory Modules (12 ECTS)
Module 13.1 BACH Alternative Compulsory Module Quality Management (12 ECTS)
- 330005 VO ( MIXED ) Basics of Food Sensory - für Bachelorstudium
- 330006 VO ( MIXED ) Quality Management
- 330009 UE Practice in Basics of Food Sensory - für Bachelorstudium
- 330089 UE Microbiology Practicals
Module 13.2 BACH Alternative Compulsory Module Community Nutrition (12 ECTS)
- 330006 VO ( MIXED ) Quality Management
- 330039 VO ( REMOTE ) Basics in Community Nutrition
- 330047 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction into Food Storage Techniques
Module 13.3 BACH Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Botany (12 ECTS)
Module 13.4 BACH Alternative Compulsory Module Introduction to Molecular Nutritiony (12 ECTS)
- 330034 UE Histology and Cytology
Module 13.5 BACH Alternative Compulsory Module Nutrition Ecology (12 ECTS)
Module 13.6 BACH Alternative Compulsory Module Basics of Economics (12 ECTS)
Alternative Extensions / Courses for Students from other Degree Programmes
- 330006 VO ( MIXED ) Quality Management
- 330007 SE [ de en ] Presentationstraining
- 330014 VO+UE First Aid including accident prevention
- 330023 SE Study4Sucess Step1 - Final
- 330024 SE Seminar Habitat forming/Human ecology - Habitat forming under human-ecological aspects
- 330084 VO+SE ( MIXED ) Communication- and mediaresearch
- 330127 SE Study4Success - Hold on
Suggested Lectures
Bachelor Teacher training programme: Home Economics and Nutrition (193 052, 198 413)
UF HE 01 Introductory and Orientation Period - Basics in Nutrition (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE STEOP: Introduction into Nutritional Sciences
- 330008 VO ( OV ) Basics in Nutrition: Applied and Multidisciplinary - Teil der STEOP im Bachelorstudium Ernährungswissenschaften Version 2013 und im UF Bach HE/DP HÖK
- 330105 VO Nutritional Scienes as a Scientific Discipline - Teil der STEOP im Bachelor EW Version 2013 und Bachelor Lehramt
UF HE 02 Basics in Natural Sciences for the Subject Home Economics and Nutrition (11 ECTS)
- 330019 VO Basics in Human Physiology - für das Lehramtstudium Haushaltsökonomie und Ernährung
- 330035 VO Introduction into Biochemistry and Metabolism
UF HE 03 Household and Economy for the Subject Home Economics and Nutrition (11 ECTS)
- 330024 SE Seminar Habitat forming/Human ecology - Habitat forming under human-ecological aspects
- 330043 VO ( REMOTE ) Home Economics
UF HE 04 Human Nutrition (15 ECTS)
- 330057 VO Basics in Nutrition: Micronutrients
UF HE 05 Food Science for the Subject Home Economics and Nutrition (7 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Food chemistry
UF HE 06 Food Production (10 ECTS)
UF HE 07 Introduction in Teaching Structure (6 ECTS)
- 330011 UE Practice: Implementation of Curriculum Specific Topics - Independent acting in lesson
- 330013 SE ( MIXED ) Implementation of curriculum specific topics and designing lessons - für Bachelor Lehramt in Kooperation mit der PH Wien
- 330076 SE Implementation of curriculum specific topics
UF HE 08 Methodological Competence for the Subject Home Economics and Nutrition (5 ECTS)
- 330093 VO Methodology in Teaching
UF HE 09a Alternative Compulsory ModuleTransmit of practical skills in Household Economy and Nutrition (9 ECTS)
- 330010 UE ( MIXED ) Subject Didactics and Food Processing - in Kooperation mit der PH NÖ
- 330017 UE Projects and School Experiments in Nutrition and Consumer Education
- 330022 UE Dietetics and Educational Pilot Projects
- 330040 UE ( MIXED ) Projects in Household Economy and Nutrition - Haushaltsökonomie und Ernährungswissenschaften
UF HE 09b Alternative Compulsory Module Transmit of practical skills in Household Economy and Nutrition (9 ECTS)
- 330017 UE Projects and School Experiments in Nutrition and Consumer Education
- 330022 UE Dietetics and Educational Pilot Projects
- 330040 UE ( MIXED ) Projects in Household Economy and Nutrition - Haushaltsökonomie und Ernährungswissenschaften
UF HE 10 Electives (0-10 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Overall Examination Module 4 Introduction to Biology and Botany
- 300448 VO Plants, Structure and Function
- 330005 VO ( MIXED ) Basics of Food Sensory - für Bachelorstudium
- 330006 VO ( MIXED ) Quality Management
- 330007 SE [ de en ] Presentationstraining
- 330009 UE Practice in Basics of Food Sensory - für Bachelorstudium
- 330014 VO+UE First Aid including accident prevention
- 330023 SE Study4Sucess Step1 - Final
- 330026 VO ( ON-SITE ) General biology and botany - supplement to lecture structure and function of the plant.
- 330034 UE Histology and Cytology
- 330039 VO ( REMOTE ) Basics in Community Nutrition
- 330041 VO Food Safety and Food Toxicology
- 330044 VO Food technology - social challenges, state of the art and trends
- 330046 VO Genetics and Molecular Biology
- 330048 VO ( MIXED ) Organic chemistry
- 330058 SE Seminar on Nutritional Sciences
- 330084 VO+SE ( MIXED ) Communication- and mediaresearch
- 330089 UE Microbiology Practicals
- 330112 VO ( MIXED ) Anatomy and Histology
- 330115 VO+SE ( REMOTE ) Nutritional Ecology focused on scool-based settings
- 330127 SE Study4Success - Hold on
UF HE 11 Subject-based Practicum (7 ECTS)
- 330020 SE Guided practice in Schools - für Bachelor Lehramt in Kooperation mit der PH Wien
UF HE 12 Bachelor´s Module Scientific Work (10 ECTS)
Master Nutritional Sciences (838 [2] - Version 2019)
Group of compulsory modules: Advanced Nutritional Sciences (32 ECTS)
G1 Advanced Human Nutrition (compulsory module) (12 ECTS)
G2 Advanced Biostatistics (compulsory module) (10 ECTS)
- 330152 VU Applied Data Preparation and Analysis - Arbeiten mit R
- 330175 VU ( REMOTE ) Multivariate Analyses Methods and their applications in Nutritional Sciences
G3 Nutritional Requirements throughout the Lifespan (compulsory module) (10 ECTS)
- 330061 SE Seminar Nutrition through the Life Cycle
- 330100 VO Nutritient through the Life Cycle
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Specialisation: Molecular Nutrition (40 ECTS)
MN1 Metabolic Regulation/Dietary Prevention and Diet Therapy (alternative compulsory module) (17 ECTS)
- 330055 VO Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics (patho)biochemical and (patho)physiologic aspects
- 330120 UE Nutrition and Immune Function
MN2 Experiments in Nutrition Research (alternative compulsory module) (11 ECTS)
- 330021 UE Practice of Advanced Human Nutrition
MN-AP1 Biofunctionality and Toxicology of Food (alternative compulsory module) (12 ECTS)
MN-AP2 Molecular Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences (alternative compulsory module) (12 ECTS)
Group of compulsory modules: Individual Specialisation: Molecular Nutrition (21 ECTS)
- 580002 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
WMN1 Elective Subjects: Individual Specialisation: Molecular Nutrition (compulsory module) (15 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
- 330002 SE [ en ] Nutrition in Developing Countries - Nutrition, Development & Gender
- 330007 SE [ de en ] Presentationstraining
- 330016 VO ( MIXED ) Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research
- 330033 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Nutrition
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330069 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Masterstudierende der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330132 VO Introduction inSocial, Nutritional and Nursing Basics of Ageing - EC Altern und Lebensqualität
- 580002 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
WMN2 Internship: Individual Specialisation: Molecular Nutrition (compulsory module) (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Specialisation: Food Quality and Food Safety (40 ECTS)
FQ1 Special Aspects of Food Production (alternative compulsory module) (17 ECTS)
- 330027 VU Water and Food Quality
- 330074 VO Food Packaging and Food Labeling - für Studierende im Masterstudium Ernährungswissenschaften
FQ2 Food Quality (alternative compulsory module) (11 ECTS)
FQ-AP1 Food Safety (alternative compulsory module) (12 ECTS)
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330064 VU [ en ] Food Safety
FQ-AP2 Modern Aspects of Food Science (alternative compulsory module) (12 ECTS)
- 330071 VO New Developments in Food Research
Group of compulsory modules: Individual Specialisation: Food Quality and Food Safety (21 ECTS)
WFQ1 Elective Subjects: Individual Specialisation: Food Quality and Food Safety (compulsory module) (15 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
- 330002 SE [ en ] Nutrition in Developing Countries - Nutrition, Development & Gender
- 330007 SE [ de en ] Presentationstraining
- 330016 VO ( MIXED ) Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research
- 330033 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Nutrition
- 330069 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Masterstudierende der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330132 VO Introduction inSocial, Nutritional and Nursing Basics of Ageing - EC Altern und Lebensqualität
- 580002 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
WFQ2 Internship: Individual Specialisation: Food Quality and Food Safety (compulsory module) (6 ECTS)
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Specialisation: Public Health Nutrition (40 ECTS)
- 330015 VU Lifestyle Modification
PH1 Advanced Public Health Nutrition (alternative compulsory module) (17 ECTS)
- 330025 VU ( MIXED ) Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
PH2 Physical Activity and Health (alternative compulsory module) (11 ECTS)
- 330081 VU ( MIXED ) Health Impacts of Physical Activity
PH-AP1 Principles of Health Promotion (alternative compulsory module) (12 ECTS)
PH-AP2 Research, Evidence and Policy (alternative compulsory module) (12 ECTS)
Group of compulsory modules: Individual Specialisation: Public Health Nutrition (21 ECTS)
- 580002 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
WPH1 Elective Subjects: Individual Specialisation: Public Health Nutrition (compulsory module) (15 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
- 330002 SE [ en ] Nutrition in Developing Countries - Nutrition, Development & Gender
- 330007 SE [ de en ] Presentationstraining
- 330016 VO ( MIXED ) Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research
- 330033 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Nutrition
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330069 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Masterstudierende der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330132 VO Introduction inSocial, Nutritional and Nursing Basics of Ageing - EC Altern und Lebensqualität
- 580002 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
WPH2 Internship: Individual Specialisation: Public Health Nutrition (compulsory module) (6 ECTS)
Master Teacher Training Programme: Home Economics and Nutrition (196 052, 199 513)
- 330036 UE ( MIXED ) Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics (3ECTS/2SWS)
UF MA HE 01 Public Health Nutrition (6 ECTS)
- 330078 VO Introduction to Public Health Nutrition
UF MA HE 02 Alternative Compulsory Modules (6 ECTS)
UF MA HE 02.1 Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Public Health Nutrition: Life Style Modification (6 ECTS)
- 330036 UE ( MIXED ) Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics (3ECTS/2SWS)
UF MA HE 02.2 Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Home Economics (6 ECTS)
- 330033 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Nutrition
UF MA HE 02.3 Alternative Compulsory Module Cultural History and Aspects of Behavioral Science of Nutrition (6 ECTS)
- 330015 VU Lifestyle Modification
UF MA HE 02.4 Alternative Compulsory Module Food Safety and Hygienics (6 ECTS)
- 330047 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction into Food Storage Techniques
UF MA HE 03 Didactical Support of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)
- 330003 SE ( REMOTE ) Practical Seminar - Didactic Monitoring of the Practical Phase
UF MA HE 04 Advanced Didactics of Home Economics and Nutrition (10 ECTS)
- 330086 VU ( MIXED ) Praxis der Unterrichtsgestaltung im Fachbereich Ernährungswissenschaften
UF MA HE 05 Master´s Thesis Support (10 ECTS)
- 330002 SE [ en ] Nutrition in Developing Countries - Nutrition, Development & Gender
- 330007 SE [ de en ] Presentationstraining
- 330015 VU Lifestyle Modification
- 330016 VO ( MIXED ) Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research
- 330033 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Nutrition
- 330044 VO Food technology - social challenges, state of the art and trends
- 330064 VU [ en ] Food Safety
- 330069 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Masterstudierende der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330084 VO+SE ( MIXED ) Communication- and mediaresearch
- 330100 VO Nutritient through the Life Cycle
- 330115 VO+SE ( REMOTE ) Nutritional Ecology focused on scool-based settings
- 580002 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) PhaNuSpo - Scientific Lectures - Scientific Lectures
Extension Curriculum Aging and Quality of Life (331)
Module I Aging and Quality of Life (15 ECTS)
- 330132 VO Introduction inSocial, Nutritional and Nursing Basics of Ageing - EC Altern und Lebensqualität
- 330133 UE Practice of Sociology of Ageing and Generations - EC Altern und Lebensqualität
- 330135 UE Practice in Nutrition in Elderling - EC Altern und Lebensqualität
- 330136 SE Seminar to pallaitive care and dementia care - EC Altern und Lebensqualität
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53