European History and Law
- 040239 UK ( ON-SITE ) International Private- and European Law
- 070051 VO Lecture - Public History
- 070060 VO Further Historical Approaches - Between Festival and Competition. New Body Practices - A History of Sports in Modern Times
- 070144 VO Political History
- 070165 VO Lecture Series: Education - Democracy - Inequality
- 070222 VO Focus area history of science - Data and Datacolonialism
- 070313 VO Lecture - Human Rights from the beginning to present - With a special focus on Austria
- 240064 VO ( BDG ) Education for Self-Determination - A critical assessment of emancipatory and revolutionary educational concepts and their implementation in the Global South
- 240099 VO ( SGU ) Inequality and Development
- 240116 SE [ en ] VM5 / VM1 - The International History and Politics of Humanitarianism
- 240123 SE VM2 / VM6 - Uneven socio-spatial development in the EU - Integration and desintegration from the perspective of development studies
- 240149 VO [ de en ] (EC - EF1) Introduction to International Development
- 240152 VO (EC - EZA) Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
Last modified: Tu 23.01.2024 13:12