Final Phase (25 ECTS)
PM 14 Art in Vienna (5 ECTS)
- 080014 EX Viennese Art: The others' Vienna: Non-Catholic monumental buildings, 1781-1938
- 080019 EX Viennese Art: Kontakt. The Art Collection of Erste Group and ERSTE Foundation
- 080094 EX Viennese Art: Rock Crystal Objects in the Kunstkammer of the KHM
- 080112 EX Viennese Art: Renaissance Art in the KHM
PM 15 Seminar I (10 ECTS)
- 080016 SE The Voynich-Manuscript
- 080018 SE Body Concepts in Socialist and Post-Socialist Art
- 080023 SE Gothic Sculpture in France
- 080024 SE Spolia Columns: Material, History, Iconography
- 080031 SE German Expressionism - Painting and Graphic Art
- 080032 SE Vanitas. Death in Art
- 080038 SE The Monument in the City: The Occupation of Public Urban Space in the Early Modern Period
- 080051 SE Baroque altarpieces in Viennese churches
- 080052 SE Brilliant Bodies. Portrait Juwels and Armour of the English Renaissance
- 080058 SE "Byzantine" Rome
- 080060 SE International Museum Architecture from the Beginning to the Present - Buildings, concepts, developments
- 080083 SE Studia transdanubica I: concerning urban morphology and the history of architecture in Vienna XXII
- 080086 SE Early Modern Armor as "second skin", Sculpture of Steel and Heroic Object
- 080099 SE Architecture & Education. School Building in Vienna from 1860 to 2000
- 080105 SE Pain, Eroticism, and Redemption in Medieval Art
- 080110 SE Seriality and Innovation in Early Netherlandish Manuscript Illumination and Panel Painting
- 080111 SE Image Perception, Imagination and Body in the Renaissance
PM 16 Seminar II (10 ECTS)
- 080016 SE The Voynich-Manuscript
- 080018 SE Body Concepts in Socialist and Post-Socialist Art
- 080023 SE Gothic Sculpture in France
- 080024 SE Spolia Columns: Material, History, Iconography
- 080031 SE German Expressionism - Painting and Graphic Art
- 080032 SE Vanitas. Death in Art
- 080038 SE The Monument in the City: The Occupation of Public Urban Space in the Early Modern Period
- 080051 SE Baroque altarpieces in Viennese churches
- 080052 SE Brilliant Bodies. Portrait Juwels and Armour of the English Renaissance
- 080058 SE "Byzantine" Rome
- 080060 SE International Museum Architecture from the Beginning to the Present - Buildings, concepts, developments
- 080083 SE Studia transdanubica I: concerning urban morphology and the history of architecture in Vienna XXII
- 080086 SE Early Modern Armor as "second skin", Sculpture of Steel and Heroic Object
- 080099 SE Architecture & Education. School Building in Vienna from 1860 to 2000
- 080105 SE Pain, Eroticism, and Redemption in Medieval Art
- 080110 SE Seriality and Innovation in Early Netherlandish Manuscript Illumination and Panel Painting
- 080111 SE Image Perception, Imagination and Body in the Renaissance
Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44