Universität Wien

Directorate of Studies 22 - Journalism and Communication Studies

Bachelor Journalism and Communication Studies (641 [2] - Version 2017)

STEOP-A Introductory and Orientation Period A (10 ECTS)

STEOP-B Introductory and Orientation Period B (10 ECTS)

METH Methods in Communication Science (18 ECTS)

THEO Theoretical Approaches in Communication Science (18 ECTS)

FOPRAX Research Practice (9 ECTS)

SPEZI Special Areas of Communication Science (9 ECTS)

GESKO-A Theories and Practice of Societal Communication (12 ECTS)

GESKO-B1 Alternative compulsory module: Practice Fields of Societal Communication B1 (24 ECTS)

GESKO-B2 Alternative compulsory module: Practice Fields of Societal Communication B2 (24 ECTS)

INSOWI-A Networked Module "Intetrative Social Sciences": Theory (elective module) (15 ECTS)

INSOWI-B Networked Module "Integrative Social Sciences": Research Practice (elective module) (15 ECTS)

BACH Bachelor's Module (10 ECTS)

Master Journalism and Communication Studies (841 [2] - Version 2017)

VERTHE Advanced Theory (9 ECTS)

VERME Advanced Methods (15 ECTS)

VERBE Advanced Job-Related Skills (12 ECTS)

Media and communication management (3 ECTS)

Media and communications law (3 ECTS)

Communication science research (3 ECTS)

Fields of professional practice (3 ECTS)

FOSE Research Seminars (16 ECTS)

VERIN Individual Electives (30 ECTS)

MASTER Master's Module (8 ECTS)

Master Communication Science (550)

THERES Introduction to Communication Theory and Research (18 ECTS)

CORES Introduction to Communication Research Methods (12 ECTS)

ADA Advanced Data Analysis (15 ECTS)

REPRO1 Research Projekts 1 (20 ECTS)

REPRO2 Research Projekts 2 (25 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Public Communication (222)

GESKO-A Theories and Practice of Societal Communication (12 ECTS)

ÖFFKO Interdisciplinary Approaches in Public Communication (3 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Social Media (223)

PM 1 Theories and Practices of Social Media Communication (6 ECTS)

PM 2 Structure and Organisation of Social Media Communication (9 ECTS)

Extension Curriculum Public Affairs (224)

Theories and Practices of Public Affairs (9 ECTS)

PM 2 Legal Basics of Public Affairs (6 ECTS)

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44