Universität Wien

Postgraduate Center - Certificate Programs

Education and Social Care

Training as a Mentor in Teacher Education Programmes (362)

Teaching German as a Foreign Language all over the World - Online certificate course (371)

Teaching German as a Second/Foreign Language (333)

Digital Inclusion - Enabling Inclusion through digitalisation (365)

Diversity Competence - A Continuing Education Programme to Strengthen Social, Work and Leadership Skills (374)

Mentoring: Starting a Career Professionally (364)

Teaching Competence Plus (334)

Health and Natural Sciences

Boulder- and sport climbing trainer (350)

Dance Instructor for Urban & Classic Dance Styles (020)

Health and Vitality Coach (030)

Basics of Psychological Psychotherapy (BA extension module for psychology students) (376)

Principles of Disaster Management (037)

International Humanitarian Assistance (043)

Disaster Legislation (044)

Classical Massage - basic training (011)

Clinical pharmacy - medication review (352)

Mental training with focus on relaxation techniques (031)

Pilates trainer (015)

Risk Assessment (041)

Risk Management (349)

Theory of Person-Centred Psychotherapy (353)

Yoga Instructor (337)

International Affairs and Business

Teaching at Higher Education Institutions Abroad: Further Qualification for University Lecturers (294)

Cultural Management (305)

Cooperative Urban and Regional Development: The Sustainable Region (338)

Cooperative Urban and Regional Development - The Resilient Region (373)

Cooperative Urban and Regional Development: The Social Region (340)

Cooperative Urban and Regional Development: The Smart Region (357)

Cooperative Urban and Regional Development: The Entrepreneurial Region (361)

Communication and Media

Collection Development and Management in Academic Libraries (165)

Library Leadership and Management (102)

Data Librarian (101)

Digital Inclusion - Enabling Inclusion through digitalisation (365)

Court and public service interpreting and translation: specialization for graduated interpreters or translators (367)

Data Steward (370)

Teaching Librarian - Professional Design of Educational Offers at Libraries (377)


IT Law Up-Date (346)

Tourism Law Expert (378)

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44