First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Introduction to European Ethnology
- 080005 VO European Ethnology: introductory course - European Ethnology: introductory course
- 080048 UE+EX Institutions of EE in Austria - Institutions of European Ethnology in Austria
- 080062 PS Scientific working methods - Scientific working methods
1.2. Fields of Research of European Ethnology
- 070470 VO Death and Ritual in Vienna - Death and Ritual in Vienna
- 080012 VO+UE Elfish creatures in films - Elfish creatures in films
- 080015 VO+UE Guided individuals - Guided individuals
- 080017 AG Current positions of European Ethnology - Current positions of European Ethnology
- 080036 VO+UE rustic furnitures - rustic furnitures: relict and antique
- 080044 VO+UE From sources to cultural practice - From sources to cultural practice
- 080046 UE+EX On Schultes' footsteps in the Schneeberg area - On Schultes' footsteps in the Schneeberg area
- 080052 VO fashion & clothes as ethnographical areas of study - fashion & clothes as ethnographical areas of study
- 080067 UE+EX Areas of study of EE (with excursion in Austria) - Areas of study of European Ethnology (with excursion in Austria)
- 080079 VO+UE faces of racism - black and white images: faces of racism
- 080085 PS Areas of study of EE - Areas of study of European Ethnology
- 080233 VO+UE Photography as a practice of ethno. representation - Photography as a practice of ethnograpical representation
1.3. Empirical Techniques
- 080015 VO+UE Guided individuals - Guided individuals
- 080044 VO+UE From sources to cultural practice - From sources to cultural practice
- 080046 UE+EX On Schultes' footsteps in the Schneeberg area - On Schultes' footsteps in the Schneeberg area
- 080081 UE+EX Empirical methods (with excursion to Berlin) - Empirical methods (with excursion to Berlin)
- 080233 VO+UE Photography as a practice of ethno. representation - Photography as a practice of ethnograpical representation
1.4. Cultural Theories
- 080011 VO The dynamics of culture and state - The dynamics of culture and state in past and present times
- 080076 PS Theories of culture - Theories of culture
- 080233 VO+UE Photography as a practice of ethno. representation - Photography as a practice of ethnograpical representation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34