19.02. Teacher Training Programme
A. New Curriculum
1. Pedagogic-Scientific Career Preparation
Introductory Phase
1.1. § Introductory Lecture (VO 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190341 VO Introduction Relevant Questions on TeacherTraining - An Introduction to Relevant Questions on Teacher Training and Professionalization (Lecture)
1.2. § Introductory Seminar (PS 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190022 PS Introductory Seminar - Introduction course Teacher Education and Training: Introduction to Practice Research for Teacher Trainees
- 190308 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190309 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190313 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190396 SE Topics in music education - Topics in music education
- 190400 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190402 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190658 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190673 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190680 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190713 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190714 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190715 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190758 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
- 190760 PS Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.3. § Educational Theory and Social Criticism (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190399 VO Education in Institutionalized Settings - Education in Institutionalized Settings: Problems and Possible Solutions
- 190412 SE Scientific Writing - Scientific Writing for Teachers-to-be: from Abstract to Thesis
- 190416 VO What is man? - What is man? The pedagogic concept of human nature beyond dogmatism and relativism.
- 190432 SE present-day topic of education poitics - Inquiry into a present-day topic of education poitics
1.4. § School Theory (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190009 UE Analytical reflections about the antagonism - First Steps in Professional Pedagogical Thinking and Acting - analytical reflections about the antagonism of the role as a pupil, a student and a teacher
- 190399 VO Education in Institutionalized Settings - Education in Institutionalized Settings: Problems and Possible Solutions
- 190432 SE present-day topic of education poitics - Inquiry into a present-day topic of education poitics
- 190662 VO Theories of schooling - Theories of schooling
- 190664 VO Theory of School - Theory of School: School and Teacher Practice as Field of Social Reproduction. A Sociological View
- 190858 SE Occupational image,working environment of teachers - Occupational image and working environment of teachers
1.5. § Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development (VO or UE 1 SST) (2 CP)
- 190414 SE Developmental Psychology - Developmental Psychology
- 190444 SE Pedagogical Problems in ontogenetic development - Pedagogical Problems in ontogenetic development
- 190661 VO+UE Develompental Theories - Develompental theories. Psychological theories of human develpment
- 190701 VO+UE The childs development in school - The childs development in school
- 190785 VO+UE Grow up in School - Grow up in School. Introduction into the Topic "Development in the Course of Life" - for Student-Teachers
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. § Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190015 SE Bodily behaviour in classrooms - Bodily behaviour in classrooms - internal and external effects
- 190037 SE Authentic Teaching - Authentic Teaching - Requirements and opportunities of personal development in everday life of school from an existantial perspective - seminar with practical exercises
- 190312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
- 190338 SE Learning to open up a world of experience - Specific human learning as an action to open up a world of experience
- 190411 SE Basic principles and practices of eLearning - Basic principles and practices of eLearning
- 190428 SE creative writing in science - creative writing in science
- 190671 SE Before the question-mark and after it - Before the question-mark and after it. About the Formulation of Question and its Relation to Comprehension
- 190772 SE Learning in communities - Face-to-face and online learning in communities
- 190827 SE Blended-Learning-Scenarios in School Education - Development and Realization of Blended-Learning-Scenarios in School Education
2.2. § Theory and practical experience of educating and consulting (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190047 SE Pedagogy of diverse ways of life - Diversity with Differences - gender-critical perspectives of a new pedagogy of diverse ways of life
- 190312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
- 190315 SE Class atmosphere is also learning climate - How do I promote the good learning climate of may class?
- 190317 PS Theory and practice in education and advice - Theories and contributions of psychology to Education
- 190330 SE Professional talking - Professional talking for teachers: counselling, mediation and dealing with conflicts in a constructive manner
- 190337 SE experience of antagonism of power + powerlessness - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190361 SE Self concept and School Performance - On the Relation between self concept and School Performance
- 190415 SE Complexity as challenge - Complexity as challenge in teaching and consulting concepts
- 190656 SE Practice Research in Collaboration with Schools - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools (for teacher training students)
- 190855 SE Gender & diversity management at schools - Gender & diversity management at schools
2.3. § Theory and practical experience of school development (SE 2 SST) (3 CP)
- 190010 SE Instruction as the subjet of empirical research - Instruction as the subjet of empirical research
- 190397 SE Theory and Practice School - Theory and Practice of SchooldDevelopment and Religion
- 190432 SE present-day topic of education poitics - Inquiry into a present-day topic of education poitics
- 190656 SE Practice Research in Collaboration with Schools - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools (for teacher training students)
- 190781 SE Practice Research in Collaboration with Schools - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools (for teacher training students)
- 190783 SE Developement in Teams - Developement in Teams based on Schools and Universities - Methods, Strategys, Examples
- 190798 SE Practice Research in Collaboration with Schools - Practice Research in Collaboration with Secondary Schools
- 190804 SE Practical research training cooperating schools - Practical research training with cooperating schools
2.4. § Elective Course (2 SST) (2 CP)
- 190015 SE Bodily behaviour in classrooms - Bodily behaviour in classrooms - internal and external effects
- 190337 SE experience of antagonism of power + powerlessness - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190338 SE Learning to open up a world of experience - Specific human learning as an action to open up a world of experience
- 190411 SE Basic principles and practices of eLearning - Basic principles and practices of eLearning
- 190432 SE present-day topic of education poitics - Inquiry into a present-day topic of education poitics
- 190659 SE Theory and Practice of Education - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
- 190783 SE Developement in Teams - Developement in Teams based on Schools and Universities - Methods, Strategys, Examples
- 190827 SE Blended-Learning-Scenarios in School Education - Development and Realization of Blended-Learning-Scenarios in School Education
- 190840 SE Understanding of sources in Islam - Methods for the deriving of norms from the sources for religious practice
- 190842 SE Spirituality and Mysticism - Spirituality and mysticism in Muslim religious education
- 190843 SE Narratives from the Qur' an - The role of narratives from the Qur' an in Muslim religious education in higher education
- 190844 SE Schools of thoughts in Islam - The position of schools of thoughts in everyday life of Muslims
- 190845 SE Sunna - Understanding in the present - Ways of thought and conduct of Prophet Muhammed
- 190850 VO+UE Concepts of Active Tolerance im Islam - Concepts of Active Tolerance im Islam - Learning Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Competence and Communication
- 190851 VO+SE Pedagogical acting from a sufistic perspective - The development of Islamic pedagogical methods from the perspective of mystical and sufistic training
- 190856 SE Media skills for tutors - Media skills for tutors
Practical School Training
3.1. Pedagogy practicum (2 SST) (5 CP)
- 190310 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190319 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190413 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190666 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190667 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190679 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190681 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190717 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190718 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190761 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190784 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190801 SE+UE Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190859 SE+EX Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
3.2. Supervision of the Pedagogy Practicum (1 SST) (1 CP)
3.3. Subject Specific Practicum (3 SST) (5 CP)
3.4. Supervision of the Subject Specific Practicum(1 SST) (1 CP)
- 190422 SE Supervision for FAP-Students - Supervision for Subject Specific Internship-Students
Project Studies: Model Curriculum "Professionalized Pedagogical Acting"
- 190419 SE+EX Pedagogy Practicum - Pedagogy Practicum
- 190712 SE The Pedagogical Relationship - The Pedagogical Relationship: Teaching and Educating as an Interpersonal Process. Case Comprehension and Intervention.
- 190782 SE Supervision for PÄP-Students - Modellcurriculum: Supervision for Pedagogy Practicum-Students
- 190797 SE Teacher Training Questions of Professionalization - Pilot Curriculum: Teacher Training and Questions of Professionalization (Seminar)
B. Old Curriculum
1. General Pedagogical Training
1.1. Theory of Teaching (2 SST) (2 CP)
- 190338 SE Learning to open up a world of experience - Specific human learning as an action to open up a world of experience
- 190411 SE Basic principles and practices of eLearning - Basic principles and practices of eLearning
- 190773 SE Reformulation of the conception of "Bildung"? - Reformulation of the conception of "Bildung"?
1.2. Education theory (2 SST) (2 CP)
- 190312 SE Reflection and learning in Action - Reflection and learning in Action
- 190337 SE experience of antagonism of power + powerlessness - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190659 SE Theory and Practice of Education - Theory and Practice of Education; Introduction to the Global Education Approach
1.3. School Theory (2 SST) (2 CP)
- 190662 VO Theories of schooling - Theories of schooling
- 190766 VO Introduction to Research On Schooling + Education - Introduction to Research On Schooling and Education
- 190858 SE Occupational image,working environment of teachers - Occupational image and working environment of teachers
1.4. Pedagogical Psychology (2 SST) (2 CP)
- 190316 SE Pedagogical psychology - Pedagogical psychology for students of teaching profession
- 190396 SE Topics in music education - Topics in music education
1.5. Developmental Psychology (2 SST) (2 CP)
- 190335 PS How to deal with activity, aggression, sexuality - How to deal with activity, aggression and sexuality of youngsters
- 190414 SE Developmental Psychology - Developmental Psychology
- 190444 SE Pedagogical Problems in ontogenetic development - Pedagogical Problems in ontogenetic development
2. Specialist Teaching Methodology (see individual departments)
3. Practical School Training (Old Curriculum)
3.1. Introductory Phase (Old Curriculum) (2 SST) (5 CP)
3.2. Practical Phase (Old Curriculum) (2 SST) (5CP)
C. Support Teacher Training
- 190720 SE reflection for supervising teachers - reflection on practical problems for supervising teachers
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34
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