Directorate of Studies 31 - Molecular Biology
The use of AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT) for the production of texts is only permitted if this is explicitly requested by the course director.In order to ensure good scientific practice, the course management can provide for a "grade-relevant discussion" (plausibility check), which must be successfully completed.
Master Genetics and Developmental Biology (877)
ABCM (1) Genetics and Molecular Pathology (30 ECTS)
MGE I-1 Advanced Genetics and Molecular Pathology (5 ECTS)
MGE I-2 Advanced Genetic and Molecular Pathology Techniques (10 ECTS)
- 301102 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Genetics and Pathology - Epigenetics
- 301180 UE [ en ] Advanced genetics: C.elegans
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
MGE I-3 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Genetic and Molecular Pathology (15 ECTS)
- 301847 UE [ de en ] Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject genetics and Developmental Biology
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
ABCM (2) Cell- and Developmental Biology (30 ECTS)
MGE II-1 Advanced Cell- and Developmental Biology (5 ECTS)
- 301656 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Eukaryotic Model Systems in Chromosome Biology
MGE II-2 Advanced Cell- and Developmental Biological Techniques (10 ECTS)
- 300145 UE [ de en ] Developmental biology of marine invertebrates in Villefranche-sur-Mer
- 301115 UE [ en ] Practical course in developmental biology and molecular neurobiology
- 301656 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Eukaryotic Model Systems in Chromosome Biology
MGE II-3 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Cell- and Developmental Biology (15 ECTS)
- 301847 UE [ de en ] Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject genetics and Developmental Biology
Block of Elective Modules: Genetics and Developmental Biology (30 ECTS)
MGE III-1 Advanced Genetics (15 ECTS)
- 301103 SE [ en ] Advances Seminar Epigenetics
- 301248 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology II
- 301250 SE [ en ] Seminar - Genetics
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301353 SE [ en ] New developments in chromosome biology II
- 301736 SE [ en ] Seminar in Developmental Biology
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
MGE III-2 Elected Subjects in Biology or Chemistry (15 ECTS)
- 300038 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 300080 VO [ en ] Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2)
- 300201 UE [ en ] Microbial Oceanography Course
- 300330 PR [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 301091 UE [ en ] OMICS in the research on model organisms and ecosystems
- 301103 SE [ en ] Advances Seminar Epigenetics
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301180 UE [ en ] Advanced genetics: C.elegans
- 301186 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics II
- 301250 SE [ en ] Seminar - Genetics
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301353 SE [ en ] New developments in chromosome biology II
- 301380 SE [ de en ] Reading and Discussing Publications in Biochemistry
- 301652 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301656 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Eukaryotic Model Systems in Chromosome Biology
- 301705 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
- 301841 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301845 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301846 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301902 VO [ en ] Model systems and concepts in stem cell biology and regeneration
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronal Network Dynamics and Behavior - for PhD and Master
Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists (30 ECTS)
- 233062 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
- 301902 VO [ en ] Model systems and concepts in stem cell biology and regeneration
Courses of the Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 300085 SE [ en ] Interactions and Evolution of Organisms - Evolutionary Systemsbiology 2
- 300156 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
Master Molecular Biology (834)
ABCM (1) Biochemistry (30 ECTS)
MMB I-1 Dynamic Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
MMB I-2 Current Topics in Biochemistry (10 ECTS)
- 301380 SE [ de en ] Reading and Discussing Publications in Biochemistry
- 301461 VO Biomolecular NMR-Spectroskopy
- 301652 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells
- 301704 VO Molecular Biology of plants II - Molecular Physiology and Development Development
- 301705 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
MMB I-3 Advanced Biochemical Techniques (10 ECTS)
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 301236 UE [ en ] Exercises in Computational Structural Biology - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
MMB I-4 Elective Laboratory Course Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 301236 UE [ en ] Exercises in Computational Structural Biology - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
ABCM (2) Molecular Structural Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB II-1 Dynamic Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
MMB II-2 Current Topics in Structural Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301186 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics II
- 301248 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology II
- 301461 VO Biomolecular NMR-Spectroskopy
MMB II-3 Advanced Structural Biology Techniques (10 ECTS)
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 301236 UE [ en ] Exercises in Computational Structural Biology - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
MMB II-4 Elective Laboratory Course Structural Biology (5 ECTS)
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 301236 UE [ en ] Exercises in Computational Structural Biology - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
ABCM (3) Molecular Cell Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1 Advanced Cell Biology (5 ECTS)
- 301591 VO [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology
MMB III-2 Current Topics in Cell Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
MMB III-3 Dynamic Biochemistry (5 ECTS)
MMB III-4 Elective Laboratory Course Cell Biology (5 ECTS)
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
MMB III-5 Advanced Cell Biology Techniques (5 ECTS)
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
ABCM (4) Molecular Medicine (30 ECTS)
MMB IV-1 Advanced Molecular Medicine (5 ECTS)
- 301585 VO [ de en ] Molecular Medicine 1 - Monogenetic Diseases
MMB IV-2 Current Topics in Molecular Medicine (10 ECTS)
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301589 SE [ de en ] Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
MMB IV-3 Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques in Molecular Medicine (10 ECTS)
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301589 SE [ de en ] Literature seminar in Molecular Medicine
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
MMB IV-4 Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Medicine (5 ECTS)
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
ABCM (5) Neurosciences (30 ECTS)
MMB V-1 Basics of Neuroscience (5 ECTS)
MMB V-2 Basics of Neuroscience (Lab Course) (15 ECTS)
MMB V-3 Current Topics in Neuroscience (5 ECTS)
- 300280 SE [ de en ] Principles of Brain Evolution
- 300311 SE [ de en ] Molecular mechanisms of brain disorders
- 300336 VO [ en ] Biology of Cognition
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
MMB V-4 Elective Laboratory Course Neuroscience (5 ECTS)
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
Block of Elective Modules Molecular Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB W-1 Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Biology (15 ECTS)
- 301850 UE [ de en ] Advanced Course in Compulsory Subject Molecular Biology
MMB W-2 Selected Subjects in Molecular Biosciences or Chemistry (15 ECTS)
- 270109 UE Laboratory Course C + Advanced Laboratory Course in Biochemistry - Proteinbiochemistry
- 300026 SE [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 300080 VO [ en ] Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2)
- 300104 UE [ en ] Physiology and cell biology of marine symbionts and their hosts
- 300201 UE [ en ] Microbial Oceanography Course
- 300332 UE [ en ] Practial Course in Modelling and Systems Biology
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 300600 UE [ en ] Methods of chemodiversity research - Phytochemistry and secondary metabolism
- 301091 UE [ en ] OMICS in the research on model organisms and ecosystems
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301248 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology II
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301461 VO Biomolecular NMR-Spectroskopy
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - Structurbiology
- 301558 UE Exercises for Biomolecular Simulation
- 301578 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 301585 VO [ de en ] Molecular Medicine 1 - Monogenetic Diseases
- 301591 VO [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology
- 301600 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II
- 301652 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells
- 301704 VO Molecular Biology of plants II - Molecular Physiology and Development Development
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature
- 301845 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronal Network Dynamics and Behavior - for PhD and Master
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
MMB W-3 Selected Subjects in Bioinformatics (15 ECTS)
- 300026 SE [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 300332 UE [ en ] Practial Course in Modelling and Systems Biology
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 301558 UE Exercises for Biomolecular Simulation
- 301577 VO Biomolecular Simulation Techniques
- 301578 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 301600 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists (30 ECTS)
- 233062 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
- 301282 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
- 301600 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature
- 301770 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Immunobiology and Signal transduction
- 301771 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Molecular Microbiology
- 301860 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology I
- 301861 UE [ de en ] Elective Laboratory Course Molecular Biology II
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
Courses of the Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 300156 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
Master Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology (830 [2] - Version 2013)
Introduction (30 ECTS)
MMEI I Research topics in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology (30 ECTS)
- 300347 SE [ en ] Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution - Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunology
- 301484 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology - Diversity and function of uncultured microbes in medical and environmental samples
- 301841 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301842 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology
- 301843 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301844 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301845 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301846 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
ABCM (1) Molecular Microbiology (30 ECTS)
MMEI II-1.1 Proseminar Molecular Microbiology (5 ECTS)
MMEI II-1.2 Advanced Molecular Microbiology (10 ECTS)
- 300038 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 301598 SE [ en ] Research Data Management in Life Sciences
MMEI II-1.3 Scientific Practice in Molecular Microbiology (15 ECTS)
ABCM (2) Microbial Ecology (30 ECTS)
MMEI II-2.1 Proseminar Microbial Ecology (5 ECTS)
MMEI II-2.2 Advanced Microbial Ecology (10 ECTS)
- 270127 VU [ en ] The Chemistry of Microbial Interactions
- 300026 SE [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 300038 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 300080 VO [ en ] Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2)
- 300366 SE [ en ] Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
- 300449 SE [ en ] Literature seminar on biodiversity and ecosystems
- 301114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
- 301598 SE [ en ] Research Data Management in Life Sciences
MMEI II-2.3 Scientific Practice in Microbial Ecology (15 ECTS)
ABCM (3) Immunobiology (30 ECTS)
MMEI II-3.1 Proseminar Immunobiology (5 ECTS)
MMEI II-3.2 Advanced Immunobiology (10 ECTS)
- 300038 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 301103 SE [ en ] Advances Seminar Epigenetics
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
MMEI II-3.3 Scientific Practice in Immunobiology (15 ECTS)
Interdisciplinary Subjects (15 ECTS)
MMEI III Selected Interdisciplinary Subjects (15 ECTS)
- 300026 SE [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 300038 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 300080 VO [ en ] Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2)
- 300085 SE [ en ] Interactions and Evolution of Organisms - Evolutionary Systemsbiology 2
- 300094 UE [ en ] Proteomics in Systems Biology
- 300141 VU [ en ] Multivariate statistical methods in ecology - data analysis and modelling
- 300175 VO [ en ] Microbial Oceanography
- 300194 VO [ en ] Information-processing in neuronal networks
- 300201 UE [ en ] Microbial Oceanography Course
- 300246 VU [ en ] Analysis of biological data with Python for non-bioinformaticians
- 300332 UE [ en ] Practial Course in Modelling and Systems Biology
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301091 UE [ en ] OMICS in the research on model organisms and ecosystems
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301214 UE [ en ] Toolkit for in silico sequence analysis - forma UE IIIB
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 301236 UE [ en ] Exercises in Computational Structural Biology - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301248 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology II
- 301250 SE [ en ] Seminar - Genetics
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301282 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301380 SE [ de en ] Reading and Discussing Publications in Biochemistry
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301461 VO Biomolecular NMR-Spectroskopy
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - Structurbiology
- 301578 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 301585 VO [ de en ] Molecular Medicine 1 - Monogenetic Diseases
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301591 VO [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Exercises for Foundations of Bioinformatics
- 301652 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells
- 301705 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
- 301736 SE [ en ] Seminar in Developmental Biology
- 301770 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Immunobiology and Signal transduction
- 301771 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Molecular Microbiology
- 301772 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Biochemistry
- 301773 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Molecular Zellbiology
- 301774 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Structurbiology
- 301775 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Bioinformatics
- 301776 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Chromosomenbiology and cytogenetic
- 301777 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Genetics and Developmental biology
- 301854 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
- 301902 VO [ en ] Model systems and concepts in stem cell biology and regeneration
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronal Network Dynamics and Behavior - for PhD and Master
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
Additional Scientifc Skills for Biologists (15 ECTS)
- 233062 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
- 300085 SE [ en ] Interactions and Evolution of Organisms - Evolutionary Systemsbiology 2
M-WZB Additional Scientific Skills for Biologists in the Master program (15 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 233061 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 300165 UE [ de en ] Algae - their world explored
- 300218 UE [ de en ] Scanning electron microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologists
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 300443 SE+UE [ en ] Scientific Writing: Abstracts and Articles
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - Structurbiology
- 301600 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Exercises for Foundations of Bioinformatics
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature
- 301770 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Immunobiology and Signal transduction
- 301771 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Molecular Microbiology
- 301772 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Biochemistry
- 301773 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Molecular Zellbiology
- 301774 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Structurbiology
- 301775 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Bioinformatics
- 301776 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Chromosomenbiology and cytogenetic
- 301777 SE [ en ] Research Report & Journal Club IV - Genetics and Developmental biology
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301871 PR [ de en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology II
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
Master Molecular Precision Medicine (329 [1] - Version 2021)
MPM1: Chromosome, Gene and Defective DNA Repair Disorders (15 ECTS)
MPM2: Diseases of Proteasis (8 ECTS)
- 301811 VO [ en ] MPM 2 - Lecture Course: Fundamentals of protein synthesis, folding, quality control - and degradation in the context of signature diseases of proteostasis
- 301812 SE [ en ] MPM 2 - Seminar Series. Journal Club and Case Studies: Protein folding diseases
MPM3: Diseases of Enzymatic Insufficiency (8 ECTS)
- 301813 VO [ en ] MPM 3 - Lecture course: Fundamentals of enzymology, diseases and their clinical manifestation - manifestation, and technologies to correct enzymatic insufficiency
- 301814 SE [ en ] MPM 3 - Seminar series: Journal Club and Case Studies: diseases of enzymatic - insufficiency
MPM4: Diseases of Pathological Signal Transduction (8 ECTS)
MPM5: Diseases of the Immune System (8 ECTS)
MPM6: Biomedical Informatics and Genomic Medicine (20 ECTS)
- 301815 VO [ en ] MPM 6 - Lecture Course: Current topics in biomedical informatics and genomic medicine
- 301816 SE [ en ] MPM 6 - Seminar Series: Case Studies in biomedical informatics and genomic medicine
- 301817 UE [ en ] MPM 6 - Practical Course: Pharmacoinformatics and structure-based drug design
MPM7: From Bench to Bedside (12 ECTS)
- 301818 VO [ en ] MPM 7 - Lecture course: Clinical trial design
- 301819 SE [ en ] MPM 7 - Seminar, Journal club and Case Studies: Clinical trial design
MPM8: Free Elective Courses (5 ECTS)
MPM9: Ethics, Legislation and Health Economics (6 ECTS)
Master Molecular Biology (865)
MMB I. Fundamental Concepts of Molecular Biology (10 ECTS)
MMB II. Quantitative Biology (13 ECTS)
- 301236 UE [ en ] Exercises in Computational Structural Biology - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301558 UE Exercises for Biomolecular Simulation
- 301600 UE Bioinformatics-Practicum II
MMB II. Principles in Quantitative Biology
MMB II. VO, VU, UE, SE on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics or Systems Biology 3 ECTS
- 301214 UE [ en ] Toolkit for in silico sequence analysis - forma UE IIIB
- 301577 VO Biomolecular Simulation Techniques
- 301578 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 301598 SE [ en ] Research Data Management in Life Sciences
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Exercises for Foundations of Bioinformatics
MMB III. Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1. Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (20 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: VO Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301186 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics II
- 301461 VO Biomolecular NMR-Spectroskopy
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - Structurbiology
MMB III-1a: UE Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301854 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology B - Advanced Practical Course
MMB III-1a: Further Lectures on Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing workshop
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computational Structural Biology
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301380 SE [ de en ] Reading and Discussing Publications in Biochemistry
- 301705 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
MMB III-1b: PR - Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (10 ECTS)
MMB III-2. Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (30 ECTS)
MMB III-2a: Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (20 ECTS)
MMB III-2a: PS Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
MMB III-2a: UE Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
- 301102 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Genetics and Pathology - Epigenetics
- 301843 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301873 UE [ en ] Exercises in Advanced Cell Biology
MMB III-2a: Further Lectures on Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing workshop
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301591 VO [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells
- 301705 SE Research-proposal Submission and Assessment
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
MMB III-2b: PR - Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (10 ECTS)
- 301874 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Cellular Architecture and Maintenance"
MMB III-3. Chromosome and RNA Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-3a: Chromosome and RNA Biology (20 ECTS)
MMB III-3a: VO Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301652 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in Chromosome and RNA Biology
MMB III-3a: UE Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301102 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Genetics and Pathology - Epigenetics
- 301180 UE [ en ] Advanced genetics: C.elegans
- 301656 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Eukaryotic Model Systems in Chromosome Biology
- 301843 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
MMB III-3a: Further Lectures on Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing workshop
- 301103 SE [ en ] Advances Seminar Epigenetics
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301353 SE [ en ] New developments in chromosome biology II
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301844 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 560003 SE [ en ] VBC RNA Club: Research Report in RNA Biology
MMB III-3b: PR - Chromosome and RNA Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301875 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Chromosome and RNA Biology"
- 301878 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Molecular Neuroscience" - Master Molecular Biology
MMB III-4. Stem Cells and Developmental Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-4a: Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (20 ECTS)
MMB III-4a: VO Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
MMB III-4a: UE Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
- 300145 UE [ de en ] Developmental biology of marine invertebrates in Villefranche-sur-Mer
- 301115 UE [ en ] Practical course in developmental biology and molecular neurobiology
- 301843 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301876 UE [ en ] Exercises in Stem Cell Biology
MMB III-4a: Further Lectures on Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing workshop
- 301103 SE [ en ] Advances Seminar Epigenetics
- 301120 VO Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301250 SE [ en ] Seminar - Genetics
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301278 SE [ en ] Journal Club IV - Stem Cell Biology: Evolutionary, developmental and pathological dimensions
- 301558 UE Exercises for Biomolecular Simulation
- 301708 SE [ de en ] Biology of cardiac stem cells: Planning of Projects and Experiments plus current literature
- 301736 SE [ en ] Seminar in Developmental Biology
- 301844 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301902 VO [ en ] Model systems and concepts in stem cell biology and regeneration
MMB III-4b: PR - Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301877 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Stem Cell and Developmental Biology"
MMB III-5. Molecular Neuroscience (30 ECTS) - from WS23 no longer eligible
MMB III-5a: Molecular Neuroscience (20 ECTS)
MMB III-5a: VO Molecular Neuroscience
MMB III-5a: UE Molecular Neuroscience
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
MMB III-5a: VU on Molecular Neuroscience
- 301406 VU [ en ] VU Advanced Neuroscience
MMB III-5a: Further Lectures on Molecular Neuroscience
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
MMB III-5b: PR - Molecular Neuroscience (10 ECTS)
MMB IV. Additional Scientific Skills for Molecular Biologists (17 ECTS)
- 270199 VO Bioinformatics II - Computational Mass Spectrometry
- 270200 PR ( MIXED ) Multiomics Data Science
- 270201 PR [ de en ] Targeted Lipidomics
- 300038 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 300085 SE [ en ] Interactions and Evolution of Organisms - Evolutionary Systemsbiology 2
- 300194 VO [ en ] Information-processing in neuronal networks
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
- 301282 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - Structurbiology
- 301558 UE Exercises for Biomolecular Simulation
- 301577 VO Biomolecular Simulation Techniques
- 301578 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301902 VO [ en ] Model systems and concepts in stem cell biology and regeneration
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronal Network Dynamics and Behavior - for PhD and Master
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
- 530031 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Lipidomics - new and advanced methods
MMB V. Scientific Practice (20 ECTS)
- 301870 PR [ en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology I
- 301871 PR [ de en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology II
Master Neuroscience (232)
MNEU I. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (15 ECTS)
MNEU II. Basic Neuroscience (8 ECTS)
MNEU III. Advanced Neuroscience I (15 ECTS)
- 301406 VU [ en ] VU Advanced Neuroscience
MNEU III: Experimental Neuroscience Part 1 (VU/10 ECTS)
- 301409 VU [ en ] Experimental Neuroscience Part 1
MNEU III: Experimental Neuroscience Part 2 (VU/5 ECTS)
- 301410 VU [ en ] Experimental Neuroscience Part 2
MNEU IV. Advanced Neuroscience II (17 ECTS)
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301406 VU [ en ] VU Advanced Neuroscience
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301410 VU [ en ] Experimental Neuroscience Part 2
- 301879 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Molecular Neuroscience" - Master Neuroscience
MNEU V. Complementary Scientific Skills for Neuroscientists (10 ECTS)
- 270199 VO Bioinformatics II - Computational Mass Spectrometry
- 270200 PR ( MIXED ) Multiomics Data Science
- 270201 PR [ de en ] Targeted Lipidomics
- 300194 VO [ en ] Information-processing in neuronal networks
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 301033 UE Scientific Communication in the Laboratory - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech I - Business in Biotech I
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysical chemistry of macromolecules - Structurbiology
- 301578 VO Special Topics in Bioinformatics
- 301598 SE [ en ] Research Data Management in Life Sciences
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Exercises for Foundations of Bioinformatics
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport and Sorting in Mammalian Cells
- 301853 UE [ de en ] Practical Course in Structural Biology A - Basics
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronal Network Dynamics and Behavior - for PhD and Master
- 301908 VO [ en ] Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
- 530031 SE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Lipidomics - new and advanced methods
MNEU VI. Scientific Practice (20 ECTS)
- 301880 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Molecular Neuroscience"
- 301881 PR [ en ] Scientific Practice in Neuroscience II
MNEU VII. Research Proposal (5 ECTS)
MNEU VII: Seminar: Research Proposal (2 ECTS)
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
MNEU VII: Seminar: Research Proposal (3 ECTS)
- 301282 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
MNEU VII: Seminar: Research Proposal (5 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39