1.2. PM2 European and International Basics (25 ECTS)
1.2.1. Romanistic Fundamentals of European Private Laws and Case Resolution Techniques Courses
- 030007 KU Intensive preparation for the FÜM1 (Romanistic Fundamentals) - for students with previous knowledge only!
- 030131 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030168 KU Legal Life in Roman Egypt: Papyri and Roman Law
- 030331 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030392 KU Roman Society - Law of Persons / Family
- 030656 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030672 KU Workshop in Legal writing
- 030736 PKU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030793 PKU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations and Principles
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law Exercises
- 030041 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030080 UE Civilian Foundations of European Private Laws - Exercise: Law of Property (not StEOP)
- 030183 UE Civilian Foundations of European Private Laws - Exercise: Property and Obligations - Block im September 2024
- 030728 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030738 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030747 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030759 UE Civilian Foundations of European Private Laws - Exercise: Law of Obligations
- 030762 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030772 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030806 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations Seminars / Moot Courts
- 030549 SE Telum iacere, equum ad utendum dare: School cases in Classical Roman Law - Their contextualization in ancient legal history
- 030745 SE Roman Law and ABGB - also for diploma and doctoral students Privatissima
1.2.2. Recent History of Law and Constitution Lecture Courses
- 030120 VO Lecture on legal and constitutional history - History of Private Law
- 030188 VO Postwar Justice and Nazi Crimes. Austria in International Comparison
- 030376 VO Legal and constitutional history of modern times - Constitutional history Exercises
- 030046 UE Practical exercise on history of private law
- 030070 UE Exercises on Legal and Constitutional History (focal points)
- 030193 UE Practical exercises on legal and constitutional history (selected key aspects)
- 030211 UE Practical exercises on constitutional history
- 030318 UE Practical exercises on legal and constitutional history - core themes
- 030344 UE Compulsory practical exercise on private law history
- 030701 UE Exercise on private law history
- 030804 UE Practical exercises on constitutional history Seminars / Moot Courts
- 030079 SE Seminar in Legal History: Making the Austrian Federal Constitution 1920
- 030393 SE Seminar of Legal History - Africa in the history of international law
- 030528 SE Seminar: The changes in 1933/34: from the First Republic to the "authoritarian corporative state" - for diploma students
- 030566 MC [ en ] Ius Commune Moot Court
- 030684 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030707 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - Generalthema: Rechtsfragen im Spiegel von Medien (Presse und Film)
- 030727 SE "We are family" - Families, Partnerships and Alternative Forms of Cohabitation - from a legal-historical and feminist-queer perspective - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030745 SE Roman Law and ABGB - also for diploma and doctoral students Courses
- 030114 KU The German Civil Code. A historical introduction into German private law
- 030130 KU From poor relief to social welfare
- 030141 KU History of international law
- 030272 KU [ en ] Introduction to Austrian Constitutional History and Constitutional Theory since 1867
- 030441 KU Colonialism and Law
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Postcolonial perspectives
- 030767 KU Legal media competence (Legal Sources and Searching, including historical sources) Revision Courses
- 030282 RE Revision course in legal and constitutional history (main topics) - Block-LV zum Juni-MP-Termin
1.2.3. Introduction to International Principles of Law European Law - Basics Lecture Courses
- 030039 VO Introduction to EU Law - European Constitutional Law - Fundamentals of European Law - European Constitutional Law: Foundations and Institutions in Preparation for the FÜM I exam Exercises
- 030150 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030325 PUE [ en ] Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams
- 030336 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030475 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030508 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams "FÜM 1"
- 030680 PUE [ en ] Excercise in Fundamentals of European Law for Beginners - Preparation for the written exams International Law - Basics Lecture Courses
- 030477 VO Foundations of International Law - Introduction into International Basics of Law Exercises
- 030532 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of International Law for Beginners - Special preparation for the written exam "FÜM I" with a focus on case discussions
- 030633 PUE Exercise in Fundamentals of International Law for Beginners - Preparatory course to the lecture on the introduction into International Basics of Law
- 030712 PUE [ en ] Exercise in International Law for Beginners
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39