Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
Level 2 of the Degree Programme (2002 Curriculum)
2.1. Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
- 290410 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group A
- 290409 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group B
- 290408 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group C
- 290407 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group D
- 290231 UE Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E - Tutorial on landscape ecology, group E
- 290145 SE Course of Physical Geo: Fundamentals Geomorphology - Course of Physical Geography: Fundamentals of Geomorphology
- 290427 SE SE: Landscape ecology and natural protection EU - Seminar Landscape ecology: Landscape ecology and natural protection in Europe
- 290173 PS Recent Research in Physical Geography - Recent Research in Physical Geography
- 290425 PS Soils of the world - Soils of the world
- 290212 VO Applied Geomorphology - Applied Geomorphology
- 290315 UE Field Class in Physical Geography - Field Class in Physical Geography (Geomorphology)
- 290091 PS Intr. seminar course: special issues climatology - Introductary seminar course about special issues in climatology
- 290133 UE Field methods in physical geography - Field methods in physical geography
2.2. Human Geography (including Economic Geography)
- 290246 VU Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography - Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
- 290197 VO Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie - Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Humangeographie
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals of regional development - Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit: Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290208 VO Basic topics in leisure and tourism geogr. - Basic topics in leisure and tourism geography
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy - Housing and Housing Policy
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem
- 290266 SE Seminar: The Ageing of the World Population - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: The Ageing of the World Population: A New Demographic Challenge, it¿s Determinants and Consequences.
- 290106 SE PSE: Rural Development in Promise/Implementation - Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): Rural Development in Promise and Implementation
- 290320 SE Seminar: Europe in the New World Economy - Seminar (Economic Geography): Europe in the New World Economy
- 290270 SE SE Sustainable development of society and economy - SE Sustainable development of society and economy
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290341 PS Globalization and World Society - Globalization and World Society. Processes, Developments and Constraints
2.3. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
- 290251 VO Concepts and principals of spatial planning - Concepts and principals of spatial planning
- 290059 SE Projektseminar: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte - Projektseminar aus Angewandter Geographie, Raumforschung und Raumordnung: Örtliche Entwicklungskonzepte
- 290382 VU Management of Landuse - Management of Landuse
- 290435 PS Practice of regional development - Practice of regional development: implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (in connection with 2 one-day excursions)
- 290434 UE Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice - Who's mobility? Methods of travel and mobility survey in practice
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290433 PS Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment - Evaluation methods, environmental risk assessment
2.4. Austria, the European Union and Selected World Regions - Regional Structures and Problems of Regional Development
- 290324 RV "Cross-linked Europe" Part II - "Cross-linked Europe" - European Networks between Center and Periphery, Part II
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290215 VU Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria - Spatial Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA - Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290331 VO Economic/social change in MENA-Region - Economic and social change in the MENA-Region (Middle East and Northern Africa): a geographical analysis
- 290322 VO Südasien II - Südasien - Aktuelle Probleme und Entwicklungstendenzen II
- 290383 SE [ en ] SE Hum./Reg.: The North American City - Seminar aus Humangeographie/Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290107 SE SE: Reg./political geogr. of East-Central Europe - Seminary in human geography /regional geography: Regional and political geography of East-Central Europe
- 290379 SE SE Humangeo: How to define development? - Seminar in Human Geography/Regional Geography: How to define development? Geographical and interdisciplinary approaches to a complex problem
2.5. Advanced Study of Economics
- 290328 VO International Economics.Theory/Institutions/Policy - International Economics. Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290319 SE SE Wirtschaftskunde: "eBusiness" - Seminar aus Wirtschaftskunde (Betriebswirtschaftslehre): "eBusiness"
- 290446 PS Applied Didactics in Economics within "GW" - Course in Didactics of "Geography and Economics": Applied Didactics of Economics within the Subject "Geography and Economics" in Secondary Education
- 290046 EX Excursion in Economics and Business Administration - Excursion in Economics and Business Administration
2.6. Advanced Didactics and Teaching Methodology in "Geography and Economics"
- 290016 SE Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography - Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography
- 290301 SE Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography - Attendant Seminar for Schoolgeography
- 290312 PS PS in Geography Didactics: Textbooks - Proseminar in Geography Didactics: Reflexive Teaching Focused on Textbooks for the Subjects "Geography" and "Geography and Economics"
- 290307 PS PS in Geography Didactics - Proseminar in Geography Didactics: Analyses of Textbooks and Syllabi for the Subject "Geography and Economics" Used in Secondary Higher Education - Selected Topics
- 290313 PR Fd.PR: Schülerorientierung - Fachdidaktisches Praktikum: Schülerorientierung als Fachpraktikum Geographie bzw. Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde
- 290226 PR Course practical didact.: univ. & school projects - Course in practical didactics: a joint university and school project in schoolgeography
- 290447 PS "Blended Learning"/"E-Learning" in "Geo.Economics" - "Blended Learning" and "E-Learning" in "Geography and Economics"
- 290327 SE SE Geo. Didactis: Heterogeneous Groups of Pupils - Seminar in Geography Didactics: How to Teach Heterogeneous Groups of Pupils Based on Intrinsic Differentation of Teaching in "Geography and Economics"
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34