Directorate of Studies 15 - East Asian Studies
Bachelor Japanology (643 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
BM1 Introduction to Japanology (4 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Module exam Introduction to Japanese Studies
- 150079 UE ( OV ) STEOP: Introduction to Japanese Studies - Preparatory Course for the StEOP-examination
BM2 Japanese Grammar and Translation 1 (11 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modul Exam Introduction to Japanese
- 150078 VO [ de ja ] ( MIXED OV ) Revision Course Introduction to Japanese Language - Preparatory Course for the StEOP-exam
Study Period
BM3 Practical Japanese 1 (12 ECTS)
BM4 Basics of Regional Studies & History of Japan (6 ECTS)
- 150105 VO History of Japan
BM5 Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing (4 ECTS)
- 150111 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150231 UE Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150018 UE ( MIXED ) Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
- 150010 UE ( MIXED ) Scientific Writing in Japanese Studies
BM6 Japanese Grammar and Translation 2 (11 ECTS)
- 150041 SUE [ de ja ] ( OV ) Japanese grammar and translation 2
- 150102 VO Japanese Sociolinguistics: Topics and Trends
BM7 Practical Japanese 2 (12 ECTS)
- 150024 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150239 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150068 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150242 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 2
- 150054 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 2
BM8 Japanese Grammar and Translation 3 (6 ECTS)
BM9 Practical Japanese 3 (6 ECTS)
BM10 Basic Knowledge of Japanese Culture & Society (6 ECTS)
- 150053 VO Japanese Society
BM11 Basic Knowledge of Japanese Politics & Economy (3 ECTS)
- 150033 VO Politics and Economy of Japan
BM12 Intercultural Learning (4 ECTS)
- 150012 UE Intercultural Proficiency
BM13 Advanced Training in Research and Paper Writing (12 ECTS)
- 150059 PS Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing II
- 150028 PS Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing II
- 150245 PS Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing II
- 150160 PS Basic Training in Research and Paper Writing II
BM14 Japanese Grammar and Translation 4 (6 ECTS)
- 150042 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 4
BM15 Practical Japanese 4 (6 ECTS)
- 150240 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 4
- 150237 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 4
- 150064 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 4
- 150116 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 4
BM16 Basic Knowledge, Extension (3 ECTS)
- 150031 SUE [ ja ] Use of Japanese in every day life
- 150100 UE Japanese Calligraphy
- 150124 VU Exploring contemporary Japanese literature surrounding the Akutagawa prize - Authors, Texts and Themes
- 150015 UE Literary Constructions of Japanese-Brazilian Identity
- 150139 UE [ de en ] u:japan lecturecise: an exercise for the lecture series on contemporary research in Japanese studies - a guided exercise for the lecture series on contemporary research in Japanese studies
- 150108 UE koten-kaisaku-shinsaku: Rakugo then and now
- 150125 UE Aso 2.0: Digital Data Management and Visual Data Archive Storage
BM17 Practical Training/ Internship (10 ECTS)
BM18 Practical Japanese and Japanese Grammar and Translation 5 (12 ECTS)
- 150035 SUE [ ja ] Reading of newspapers
- 150205 SUE [ ja ] Reading of newspapers
BM19 Independent Work in Japanology - Advanced Studies (8 ECTS)
BM20 Independent Work in Japanology - Bachelor's Paper (8 ECTS)
- 150037 SE Seminar II
- 150019 SE Seminar II
- 150039 SE Seminar II
Further Elective Lectures (e.g. for the Alternative Extension)
- 150124 VU Exploring contemporary Japanese literature surrounding the Akutagawa prize - Authors, Texts and Themes
- 150125 UE Aso 2.0: Digital Data Management and Visual Data Archive Storage
- 150139 UE [ de en ] u:japan lecturecise: an exercise for the lecture series on contemporary research in Japanese studies - a guided exercise for the lecture series on contemporary research in Japanese studies
- 150031 SUE [ ja ] Use of Japanese in every day life
- 150108 UE koten-kaisaku-shinsaku: Rakugo then and now
- 150015 UE Literary Constructions of Japanese-Brazilian Identity
- 150100 UE Japanese Calligraphy
- 150098 UE Methods in East Asian History
- 340256 UE [ ja ] Basic Competence Translation A Japanese
- 340135 UE [ ja ] Translation in the Humanities: Japanese
- 340125 UE [ ja ] Business Translation: Japanese
- 010080 SE Religion in Focus - Soka Gakkai
- 010103 VU [ en ] Introducing Shinto
Master Japanology (843 [3] - Version 2018)
Advanced Japanese (15 ECTS)
M1 Advanced Japanese (15 ECTS)
- 150007 UE Academic Discourses in Cultural Science Research on Japan - Japanese Research in Literature and Film
- 150046 UE [ de ja ] Specialisation Japanese Theory
- 150071 UE [ ja ] Specialisation Japanese Praxis
- 150108 UE koten-kaisaku-shinsaku: Rakugo then and now
- 340125 UE [ ja ] Business Translation: Japanese
- 340135 UE [ ja ] Translation in the Humanities: Japanese
- 340256 UE [ ja ] Basic Competence Translation A Japanese
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Social Science Research on Japan (30 ECTS)
M2a Theories and Methods in Social Science Research on Japan (15 ECTS)
M3a Social Science in Japanology (15 ECTS)
- 150025 SE Social Sciences Seminar: (Un)Democratic Thinking among Japanese Conservatives - Japan's One-Party-Dominance from the Perspective of the History of Ideas and Discourse Theory
Alternative group of compulsory modules: Cultural Studies Research on Japan (30 ECTS)
M2b Theories and Methods in Cultural Studies Research on Japan (15 ECTS)
- 150007 UE Academic Discourses in Cultural Science Research on Japan - Japanese Research in Literature and Film
- 150009 SE Research Methods in Cultural Studies: Film Analysis
M3b Cultural Studies in Japanology (15 ECTS)
Group of elective modules (2 elective modules for a total of 30 ECTS)
M4 Further Acquisition of Language Proficiency (15 ECTS)
- 150007 UE Academic Discourses in Cultural Science Research on Japan - Japanese Research in Literature and Film
- 150108 UE koten-kaisaku-shinsaku: Rakugo then and now
- 340125 UE [ ja ] Business Translation: Japanese
- 340135 UE [ ja ] Translation in the Humanities: Japanese
- 340256 UE [ ja ] Basic Competence Translation A Japanese
M5 Advanced Research Skills (15 ECTS)
- 150007 UE Academic Discourses in Cultural Science Research on Japan - Japanese Research in Literature and Film
- 150009 SE Research Methods in Cultural Studies: Film Analysis
- 150015 UE Literary Constructions of Japanese-Brazilian Identity
- 150025 SE Social Sciences Seminar: (Un)Democratic Thinking among Japanese Conservatives - Japan's One-Party-Dominance from the Perspective of the History of Ideas and Discourse Theory
- 150098 UE Methods in East Asian History
- 150108 UE koten-kaisaku-shinsaku: Rakugo then and now
- 150125 UE Aso 2.0: Digital Data Management and Visual Data Archive Storage
M6 Japanology in an International Context (15 ECTS)
- 150224 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 150135 VU [ en ] Strategic Gaming: The South China Sea Dispute
- 150138 SE [ en ] Political Systems in East Asia
- 150136 UE [ en ] Exercise Course on Political Systems in East Asia
- 150141 VU [ en ] Comparative East Asian Religions
- 150180 VU [ en ] Human Rights in Asia
- 150140 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Regionalism, Institutions and Transnational Crimes in East Asia
- 150142 VU [ en ] Regional Security Organizations in East Asia, 1895-2022
M7 Study and Research in Japan (15 ECTS)
M8 Applied Japanology (15 ECTS)
Master module (45 ECTS)
M9 Colloquium for Master's Students (10 ECTS)
- 150153 SE Colloquium for Master's Students
- 150192 SE Research Design
Extension Curriculum Japanese Culture (151)
M1 Japanese Culture (15 ECTS)
- 150033 VO Politics and Economy of Japan
- 150053 VO Japanese Society
- 150105 VO History of Japan
Extension Curriculum Japanese Language, Culture and Society (152)
M2 Japanese Language, Culture and Society (15 ECTS)
- 150014 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 3
- 150013 VO [ de ja ] Introduction to Japanese Language 4
Extension Curriculum Japanese Business Communication 1 (154)
M1 Japanese Business Communication 1 (16 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Japanese Business Communication 2 (155)
M1 Japanese Writing and Japanese Grammar 2 (9/10 ECTS)
- 150126 UE [ en ja ] ( MIXED ) Japanese Writing Systems
- 150127 UE [ en ja ] ( MIXED ) Japanese Grammar II
M2 Japanese Business Communication (6 ECTS)
- 150129 UE [ en ja ] Business Japanese
Bachelor Koreanology (671 [2] - Version 2011)
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
BM01 Introduction to Koreanology (7 ECTS)
BM02 Introduction to Korean Language (8 ECTS)
- EXAM COMM StEOP: M02 Introduction to the Korean Language Module exam
- 150065 UE [ de ko ] ( OV ) Revision Course Introduction to Korean Language
Compulsory Group Language Competence (66 ECTS)
BM1 Korean Language Competence 1 (7 ECTS)
BM2 Korean Language Competence 2 (15 ECTS)
- 150016 UE [ de ko ] ( OV ) Korean Grammar and Translation 2
- 150060 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 2
- 150017 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 2
- 150097 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 2
- 150055 UE [ en ko ] Korean Grammar and Translation 2
- 150020 UE [ en ko ] Practical Korean 2
- 150021 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 2
- 150128 UE [ en ko ] Hanja 2
- 150146 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 2
BM3 Korean Language Competence 3 (10 ECTS)
BM4 Korean Language Competence 4 (10 ECTS)
- 150029 UE [ de ko ] Korean Grammar and Translation 4
- 150030 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 4
- 150119 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 4
- 150058 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 4
- 150034 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 4
- 150147 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 4
BM5 Korean Language Competence 5 (12 ECTS)
BM6 Korean Language Competence 6 (12 ECTS)
- 150038 UE [ de ko ] Korean Grammar and Translation 6
- 150040 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 6
- 150101 UE [ de ko ] Practical Korean 6
- 150043 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 6
- 150148 UE [ de ko ] Hanja 6
Basics of Koreanology (7 ECTS)
BM7 Basics of Koreanology (7 ECTS)
- 150023 VO ( OV ) General Course II: Politics, Economy, and Society of North and South Korea
- 150026 UE Exercise Course II
- 150072 UE Exercise Course II
- 150075 UE Exercise Course II
- 150027 UE Introduction to Scientific Writing in Korean Studies
- 150115 UE Introduction to Scientific Writing in Korean Studies
- 150118 UE Introduction to Scientific Writing in Korean Studies
- 150076 UE Introduction to Scientific Writing in Korean Studies
Introduction to History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea as well as Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (10 ECTS)
BM8 History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea (5 ECTS)
BM9 Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (5 ECTS)
- 150036 PS [ de en ] Basic training in research and paper writing II
- 150120 PS Basic training in research and paper writing II
- 150057 PS Basic training in research and paper writing II
In-Depth Studies (22 ECTS)
BM10 Advanced Courses in History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea (10 ECTS)
BM 11 Advanced Courses in Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (11 ECTS)
- 150048 SE [ de en ] Seminar II - Practical Digital Humanities Methodologies in Korean Studies
- 150047 UE Exercises to Seminar II
- 150045 SE [ de en ] Seminar II - Cultures and Identities of the Korean Diaspora
- 150103 UE Exercises to Seminar II
- 150121 SE Seminar II - New Dimensions in South Korean Society, Politics, and Economy
- 150130 UE Exercises to Seminar II
Further Lectures (e.g. for the Alternative Extension)
- 150098 UE Methods in East Asian History
- 150100 UE Japanese Calligraphy
- 150135 VU [ en ] Strategic Gaming: The South China Sea Dispute
- 150141 VU [ en ] Comparative East Asian Religions
- 150142 VU [ en ] Regional Security Organizations in East Asia, 1895-2022
- 010103 VU [ en ] Introducing Shinto
- 010080 SE Religion in Focus - Soka Gakkai
Master Koreanology (871)
MM1 Premodern Korean (12 ECTS)
- 150051 UE [ de ko ] Premodern Korean II - Entstehung und Entwicklung der koreanischen Sprache
MM2 Scientific Work (15 ECTS)
- 150098 UE Methods in East Asian History
- 150224 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 150135 VU [ en ] Strategic Gaming: The South China Sea Dispute
- 150141 VU [ en ] Comparative East Asian Religions
- 150142 VU [ en ] Regional Security Organizations in East Asia, 1895-2022
- 150138 SE [ en ] Political Systems in East Asia
- 150136 UE [ en ] Exercise Course on Political Systems in East Asia
- 150140 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Regionalism, Institutions and Transnational Crimes in East Asia
- 150180 VU [ en ] Human Rights in Asia
MM3 History, Source Studies, Regional Studies and Culture of Korea (16 ECTS)
MM4 Politics, Economy and Society of Korea (16 ECTS)
- 150107 SE [ de en ] Seminar/Mastercourse II - Practical Digital Humanities Methodologies in Korean Studies
- 150049 UE [ de en ] Exercises to Seminar II / Mastercourse
MM5 Methods and Theories in Koreanology (13 ECTS)
- 150050 UE Methods in Korean Studies II
MM6 Master Thesis Colloquium (8 ECTS)
- 150052 UE [ de en ] Master Thesis Colloquium II
Bachelor Chinese Studies ( 611 [5] - Version 2022)
Introductory and Orientation Period (StEOP) (17 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M02 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Chinese Cultural History (compulsory module)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM M03 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Chinese Political History (compulsory module)
M01 Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (9 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE COMM M01 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- 150106 KSTEOP [ de zh ] ( OV ) Repetitorium to Modern Chinese 1a
M02 Introduction to Chinese Cultural History 2 (4 ECTS)
M03 Introduction to Chinese Political History 2 (4 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE COMM M03 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Chinese Political History (compulsory module)
M04 Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M04 Module Exam: Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150106 KSTEOP [ de zh ] ( OV ) Repetitorium to Modern Chinese 1a
M1 Elementary Chinese (14 ECTS)
M1-1 Elementary Chinese 1 (8 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M1-1 Module Exam: Elementary Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- 150085 KU [ de zh en zh ] Modern Chinese 1b (M1-1)
M1-2 Elementary Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M1-2 Module Exam: Elementary Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150089 KU [ de zh zh ] Speaking Practice 1b (M1-2)
M2 Pre-Intermediate Chinese (30 ECTS)
M2-1 Pre-Intermediate Chinese 1 (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M2-1 Module Exam: Pre-Intermediate Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- 150074 KU Modern Chinese 2b (M2-1)
- 150086 KU [ de zh ] Modern Chinese 2a (M2-2)
M2-2 Pre-Intermediate Chinese 2 (20 ECTS)
- EXAM M2-2 Module Exam: Pre-Intermediate Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150090 KU [ zh ] Speaking Practice 2b (M2-2)
- 150091 KU [ zh ] Writing Practice 2b (M2-2)
- 150143 KU [ de zh ] Reading 2b (M2-2)
M3 Intermediate Chinese (31 ECTS)
M3-1 Intermediate Chinese 1 (16 ECTS)
- 150134 KU [ zh ] Writing and Reading B (M3-1)
- 150155 KU [ zh ] Listening and Speaking B (M3-1)
M3-2 Intermediate Chinese 2 (15 ECTS)
- 150083 KU Specialist Language (M3) - Business Chinese
- 150096 KU [ en zh ] Newspaper Reading and Media Language (M3-2) - Taiwan
- 150183 KU Classical Chinese (M3-2)
M4 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)
- 150063 VO Politics and Law in China
- 150109 VO Economic Development of China (M4)
M5 Basics of Academic Research and Writing (10 ECTS)
- 150081 UE Foundations of Academic Research and Writing in Chinese Studies
- 150095 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Working with Academic Literature (Social Sciences) - Exploring Research on China’s One-Child Policy
- 150216 UE Working with Academic Literature (Cultural Studies) - Mädchen im taiwanischen Kinderbuch
M6 Applied Methods of Chinese Studies (8 ECTS)
- 150088 UE Social Science Research Methods in Chinese Studies
- 150092 UE [ en ] Cultural Studies Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Tracing the colonisers: Postcolonial built environments in visuals and narratives in the Sinophone world
- 150132 UE Cultural Studies Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Judges, Detectives and Criminals - Sociological Film Analysis
M7 Research Topics in Chinese Studies (12 ECTS)
- 150073 SE [ de en ] Hong Kong 101 - the (post)colonial City, its cultures and the making-of
- 150077 SE Social Sciences Seminar
M8 Bachelor (11 ECTS)
- 150163 SE Bachelor's Colloquium (M8)
M8 Bachelor (11 ECTS)
- 010080 SE Religion in Focus - Soka Gakkai
- 010103 VU [ en ] Introducing Shinto
- 010114 VU [ en ] Epic, Heroes and Myths of Mongolia: From the Mongol Empire to the Present
- 030269 KU [ en ] Introduction to Chinese Legal History
- 140226 SE Mesopotamian Literature (Reading of Literary Texts) - Philological Seminar on Akkadian Studies (Literature)
- 150096 KU [ en zh ] Newspaper Reading and Media Language (M3-2) - Taiwan
- 150098 UE Methods in East Asian History
- 150110 UE [ zh ] Chinese Reading and Writing
- 150133 UE Altervative Extensions: New Chinese Literature - Alternative Extensions: Modern Chinese Literature
- 160176 VO [ en ] Theory of Grammar and Structure of a Non-Indo-European Language: Tangut
Bachelor Sinology (611 [3] - Version 2016) - discontinued
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
M 01 Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (9 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M01 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Modern Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- 150106 KSTEOP [ de zh ] ( OV ) Repetitorium to Modern Chinese 1a
M 02 Introduction to Modern Chinese 2 (6 ECTS)
- 150106 KSTEOP [ de zh ] ( OV ) Repetitorium to Modern Chinese 1a
M 03 Introduction to Chinese History, Literature and Politics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE M03 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Chinese Political History (compulsory module)
- EXAM ON-SITE M02 StEOP Module Exam: Introduction to Chinese Cultural History (compulsory module)
Compulsory Modules (130 ECTS)
M 1 Language Acquisition Basic (15 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE M1-2 Module Exam: Elementary Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- EXAM ON-SITE M1-1 Module Exam: Elementary Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- 150085 KU [ de zh en zh ] Modern Chinese 1b (M1-1)
- 150089 KU [ de zh zh ] Speaking Practice 1b (M1-2)
M 2 Advanced Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)
- EXAM M2-1 Module Exam: Pre-Intermediate Chinese 1 (compulsory module)
- EXAM M2-2 Module Exam: Pre-Intermediate Chinese 2 (compulsory module)
- 150074 KU Modern Chinese 2b (M2-1)
- 150086 KU [ de zh ] Modern Chinese 2a (M2-2)
- 150090 KU [ zh ] Speaking Practice 2b (M2-2)
- 150091 KU [ zh ] Writing Practice 2b (M2-2)
- 150143 KU [ de zh ] Reading 2b (M2-2)
M 3 Language Acquisition Intermediate (30 ECTS)
- 150083 KU Specialist Language (M3) - Business Chinese
- 150096 KU [ en zh ] Newspaper Reading and Media Language (M3-2) - Taiwan
- 150134 KU [ zh ] Writing and Reading B (M3-1)
- 150155 KU [ zh ] Listening and Speaking B (M3-1)
- 150183 KU Classical Chinese (M3-2)
M4 Basic Knowledge (11 ECTS)
- 150063 VO Politics and Law in China
- 150109 VO Economic Development of China (M4)
M 5 Research Methods and Academic Writing (9 ECTS)
- 150081 UE Foundations of Academic Research and Writing in Chinese Studies
- 150095 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Working with Academic Literature (Social Sciences) - Exploring Research on China’s One-Child Policy
- 150216 UE Working with Academic Literature (Cultural Studies) - Mädchen im taiwanischen Kinderbuch
M 6 Extended Knowledge (12 ECTS)
- 150088 UE Social Science Research Methods in Chinese Studies
- 150092 UE [ en ] Cultural Studies Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Tracing the colonisers: Postcolonial built environments in visuals and narratives in the Sinophone world
- 150132 UE Cultural Studies Research Methods in Chinese Studies - Judges, Detectives and Criminals - Sociological Film Analysis
M 7 Applied Research Methods and Academic Writing (12 ECTS)
- 150073 SE [ de en ] Hong Kong 101 - the (post)colonial City, its cultures and the making-of
- 150077 SE Social Sciences Seminar
M 8 Bachelor Module (11 ECTS)
- 150163 SE Bachelor's Colloquium (M8)
Elective Module Sinology International (15 ECTS)
EM Elective Subject Sinology Abroad (15 ECTS)
Further Elective Courses (e.g. for Alternative Extensions)
- 010114 VU [ en ] Epic, Heroes and Myths of Mongolia: From the Mongol Empire to the Present
- 030269 KU [ en ] Introduction to Chinese Legal History
- 140226 SE Mesopotamian Literature (Reading of Literary Texts) - Philological Seminar on Akkadian Studies (Literature)
- 143211 VO [ en ] The African Diaspora in China: Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics and Beyond
- 150053 VO Japanese Society
- 150096 KU [ en zh ] Newspaper Reading and Media Language (M3-2) - Taiwan
- 150098 UE Methods in East Asian History
- 150100 UE Japanese Calligraphy
- 150110 UE [ zh ] Chinese Reading and Writing
- 150133 UE Altervative Extensions: New Chinese Literature - Alternative Extensions: Modern Chinese Literature
- 150135 VU [ en ] Strategic Gaming: The South China Sea Dispute
- 150140 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Regionalism, Institutions and Transnational Crimes in East Asia
Master Sinology (811)
Scientific Track
M1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (20 ECTS)
- 150093 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
- 150113 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
M2 Basic Module Topics in China Studies (18 ECTS)
- 150008 PS [ en ] The status of girls in Taiwanese society in past and present
- 150070 SE Chinese Cinema: Reflections on Politics and Society
M3 Advanced Module - Topics in China Studies (35 ECTS)
- 150070 SE Chinese Cinema: Reflections on Politics and Society
- 150084 SE Beijing Spring - the Chinese Democracy Movement 1978-1981 (M3)
M4 Methods of China Studies (22 ECTS)
- 150061 SE [ de en zh ] MA Colloquium
- 150069 SE [ de en zh ] PhD Colloquium
Teaching Track
MU1 Module Advanced Language Acquisition (26 ECTS)
- 150093 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
- 150113 UE [ de zh ] Translation Practice
MU2 Module Linguistics (12 ECTS)
- 150011 UE [ de zh ] Sprachwissenschaft des Chinesischen
MU3 Module Topics in China Studies (10 ECTS)
MU4 Module Teaching Methodology (29 ECTS)
- 150173 UE [ de zh ] Teaching Experience
- 150195 SE [ de zh ] Teaching Methodology Chinese
- 160116 VO Introduction to Language Teaching/ Language Learning
MU5 Module Introduction to Schoolpedagogy and Theory of School (5 ECTS)
- 490001 VO ( REMOTE OV STEOP ) Professionalism and School
MU6 Module Pedagogy (6 ECTS)
- 490043 VO Principles of Individual and Developmental Psychology of Education and Learning
- 490050 PS ( MIXED ) Teaching and Learning - Das Unterrichtsprinzip Politische Bildung in den Schulen
- 490085 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Communication
- 490100 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Communication - Systemtheoretisch-konstruktivistische Perspektiven
- 490130 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Communication
- 490131 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Communication - Grundlegende Aspekte der Kommunikation/Interaktion und Gruppendynamik
- 490136 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Teaching and Learning - Schule 4.0. Didaktisches Design des technologieunterstützten Unterrichts
- 490137 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Teaching and Learning
- 490149 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Communication
- 490205 PS green pedagogy and education
- 490209 PS Teaching and Learning - Lehren und Lernen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chancen und Probleme fächerübergreifenden Unterrichts
MU7 Module Master (7 ECTS)
- 150061 SE [ de en zh ] MA Colloquium
- 150069 SE [ de en zh ] PhD Colloquium
Extension Curriculum Understanding China (156 [2] - Version 2022)
M1 Basic Knowledge (12 ECTS)
- 150063 VO Politics and Law in China
- 150109 VO Economic Development of China (M4)
M2 Advanced Knowledge (4 ECTS)
- 150077 SE Social Sciences Seminar
- 150088 UE Social Science Research Methods in Chinese Studies
East Asian Economy and Society
Master East Asian Economy and Society (864)
M1 Contemporary East Asian Language (30 ECTS)
- 150110 UE [ zh ] Chinese Reading and Writing
- 150087 KU [ zh ] Business Chinese - für WiWi und ECOS Studierende
- 150126 UE [ en ja ] ( MIXED ) Japanese Writing Systems
- 150127 UE [ en ja ] ( MIXED ) Japanese Grammar II
- 150129 UE [ en ja ] Business Japanese
- 150055 UE [ en ko ] Korean Grammar and Translation 2
- 150020 UE [ en ko ] Practical Korean 2
- 150128 UE [ en ko ] Hanja 2
- 040172 KU [ zh ] Modern Chinese 1b - für WiWi Studierende
- 040173 KU [ zh ] Speaking Lab 1b - für WiWi Studierende
M2 East Asian Economy (15 ECTS)
M3 East Asian Politics (15 ECTS)
- 150136 UE [ en ] Exercise Course on Political Systems in East Asia
- 150138 SE [ en ] Political Systems in East Asia
M4 East Asian Society (20 ECTS)
M4 East Asian Society (16 ECTS)
- 150135 VU [ en ] Strategic Gaming: The South China Sea Dispute
- 150140 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Regionalism, Institutions and Transnational Crimes in East Asia
- 150141 VU [ en ] Comparative East Asian Religions
- 150142 VU [ en ] Regional Security Organizations in East Asia, 1895-2022
- 150180 VU [ en ] Human Rights in Asia
- 150224 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
M4 East Asian Society - Elective Courses (4 ECTS)
- 010080 SE Religion in Focus - Soka Gakkai
- 010103 VU [ en ] Introducing Shinto
- 010114 VU [ en ] Epic, Heroes and Myths of Mongolia: From the Mongol Empire to the Present
- 150063 VO Politics and Law in China
- 150098 UE Methods in East Asian History
- 150109 VO Economic Development of China (M4)
- 150141 VU [ en ] Comparative East Asian Religions
M5 Research Seminar and Monitoring Class for the Master's Thesis (10 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Intercultural Skills East Asia (153)
M1 Interculturality in East Asia (8 ECTS)
- 150135 VU [ en ] Strategic Gaming: The South China Sea Dispute
- 150224 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
M2 East Asian Cultures and Societies (7 ECTS)
- 150023 VO ( OV ) General Course II: Politics, Economy, and Society of North and South Korea
- 150033 VO Politics and Economy of Japan
- 150053 VO Japanese Society
- 150063 VO Politics and Law in China
- 150105 VO History of Japan
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39