Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Conference Interpreting (KD) (70 ECTS)
TR-KD-03 Consecutive Interpreting (10 ECTS)
- 340211 UE Note-taking technique
- 340098 UE Note-taking technique
- 340043 UE [ hbs ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340063 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting I: English
- 340285 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting I: English
- 340360 UE [ fr ] Consecutive Interpreting I: French
- 340111 UE [ it ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Italian
- 340006 UE [ pl ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Polish
- 340052 UE [ pt ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Portuguese
- 340224 UE [ ro ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Romanian
- 340118 UE [ ru ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Russian
- 340301 UE [ es ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Spanish
- 340101 UE [ cs ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Czech
- 340156 UE [ hu ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Hungarian
TR-KD-04 Simultaneous Interpreting (10 ECTS)
- 340343 UE Speech Training: Voice Training and Rhetoric
- 340133 UE Speech Training: Voice Training and Rhetoric
- 340204 UE [ hbs ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340173 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: English
- 340059 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: English
- 340215 UE [ fr ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: French
- 340327 UE [ it ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Italian
- 340022 UE [ pl ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Polish
- 340181 UE [ pt ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Portuguese
- 340278 UE [ ro ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Romanian
- 340335 UE [ ru ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Russian
- 340229 UE [ es ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Spanish
- 340134 UE [ cs ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Czech
- 340316 UE [ hu ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Hungarian
TR-KD-05 Conference Interpreting l (10 ECTS)
- 340151 VO+UE Terminology Work
- 340263 VO+UE [ de en ] Terminology Work
- 340203 UE [ hbs ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340180 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting II: English
- 340376 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting II: English
- 340276 UE [ fr ] Consecutive Interpreting II: French
- 340219 UE [ it ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Italian
- 340090 UE [ pl ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Polish
- 340222 UE [ ro ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Romanian
- 340258 UE [ ru ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Russian
- 340067 UE [ es ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Spanish
- 340311 UE [ cs pt ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Portuguese / Czech
- 340177 UE [ hbs ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340300 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: English
- 340363 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: English
- 340068 UE [ fr ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: French
- 340191 UE [ it ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Italian
- 340072 UE [ pl ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Polish
- 340083 UE [ ru ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Russian
- 340024 UE [ es ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Spanish
- 340313 UE [ cs pt ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Portuguese / Czech
- 340253 UE [ hu ro ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Romanian / Hungarian
TR-KD-06 Conference Interpreting ll (10 ECTS)
- 340149 UE [ en hbs ] Conference Interpreting I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian / English
- 340325 UE [ en pt ] Conference Interpreting I: English / Portuguese
- 340409 UE [ en ro ] Conference Interpreting I: English / Romanian
- 340088 UE [ fr ru ] Conference Interpreting I: French / Russian
- 340091 UE [ hu it ] Conference Interpreting I: Italian / Hungarian
- 340303 UE [ es pl ] Conference Interpreting I: Polish / Spanish
- 340411 UE [ es hbs ] Conference Interpreting II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian / Spanish
- 340201 UE [ en it ] Conference Interpreting II: English / Italian
- 340361 UE [ cs en ] Conference Interpreting II: English / Czech
- 340424 UE [ fr ru ] Conference Interpreting II: French / Russian
TR-KD-07 Work Practice: Conference Interpreting (10 ECTS)
- 340109 VO Conference Terminology and International Organizations
- 340283 UE Conference Simulation
TR-KD-08a Individual Depth Studies (20 ECTS)
- 030248 KU International Law and International Organisations
- 030378 KU Justice and Rule of Law - Fundamental questions of the legal system by current problems
- 030823 KU [ en ] Language Beyond Law - The Vehicle Taking Centre Stage: On Laying down, Understanding, Conveying the Law
- 059912 VU [ en ] Digital Innovation Lab
- 060021 VO Storytelling
- 100006 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 150224 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 340009 UE [ it ] Legal Translation: Italian
- 340021 UE [ pl ] Translation in the Humanities: Polish
- 340030 UE Literary Translation and Media Translation IIa - Synchronization
- 340045 UE [ en ] Legal Translation: English
- 340047 UE [ zh ] Business Translation: Chinese
- 340056 UE [ en ] Translation in Engineering and Natural Sciences: English
- 340057 UE [ pt ] Business Translation: Portuguese
- 340061 UE [ en ] Translation in the Humanities: English
- 340069 UE [ cs en ] Dialogue Interpreting I: English / Czech
- 340076 VO Technology-based Media Translation, Localization, Technical Communication
- 340078 UE [ fr ] Business Translation: French
- 340082 UE Literary Translation and Media Translation IIb - Subtitling
- 340084 UE Role-play and Professional Ethics
- 340092 UE [ pt ] Translation in the Humanities: Portuguese
- 340093 UE [ it ] Business Translation: Italian
- 340095 UE StEOP Mentoring
- 340096 UE [ ja ] Legal Translation: Japanese
- 340097 UE [ es ] Business Translation: Spanish
- 340102 UE Literary Translation and Media Translation Ib
- 340112 UE [ hbs ] Translation in the Humanities: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340115 UE Translation Technologies, Terminology and Language Resource Management
- 340125 UE [ ja ] Business Translation: Japanese
- 340128 UE [ hu ] Business Translation: Hungarian
- 340135 UE [ ja ] Translation in the Humanities: Japanese
- 340137 UE Literary Writing and Editing
- 340146 VO Methods, Processes & Technologies of Language Industry
- 340154 UE [ zh ] Legal Translation: Chinese
- 340159 UE [ hbs it ] Dialogue Interpreting I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian / Italian
- 340161 UE [ hbs ] Legal Translation: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340165 UE [ es ] Legal Translation: Spanish
- 340168 UE Business Translation: Czech
- 340185 UE [ ru ] Translation in the Humanities: Russian
- 340188 UE [ ru ] Legal Translation: Russian
- 340206 UE [ pl ] Business Translation: Polish
- 340207 VO+UE Project, Quality and Process Management
- 340208 UE [ ro ] Translation in the Humanities: Romanian
- 340216 UE [ hu it ] Dialogue Interpreting II: Italian / Hungarian
- 340225 UE [ es pl ] Dialogue Interpreting II: Polish / Spanish
- 340226 UE [ it ro ] Dialogue Interpreting I: Italian / Romanian
- 340228 UE [ en hbs ] Dialogue Interpreting II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian / English
- 340230 UE [ fr ru ] Dialogue Interpreting II: French / Russian
- 340233 UE [ ru ] Business Translation: Russian
- 340238 UE [ en ] Business Translation: English
- 340242 UE Literary Translation and Media Translation IIb - Subtitling
- 340252 UE [ en pt ] Dialogue Interpreting II: English / Portuguese
- 340260 UE [ fr ru ] Dialogue Interpreting I: French / Russian
- 340261 UE [ fr ] Translation in the Humanities: French
- 340269 UE [ it ] Translation in the Humanities: Italian
- 340271 UE Literary Translation and Media Translation IIa
- 340272 UE Writing, translating and post-editing for the EU
- 340273 UE Introduction to programming for translators
- 340277 UE Video interpreting in government settings
- 340291 VO+UE Localization and Technical Communication
- 340308 UE [ hu ] Translation in the Humanities: Hungarian
- 340321 UE Basics of written interpreting
- 340324 UE [ ro ] Legal Translation: Romanian
- 340331 UE [ hbs ] Business Translation: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340333 UE [ es ] Translation in the Humanities: Spanish
- 340348 UE [ es pl ] Dialogue Interpreting I: Polish / Spanish
- 340366 VO+UE [ en ] Technology-based Media Translation
- 340379 UE Literary Translation and Media Translation Ia
- 340406 UE [ zh ] Translation in the Humanities: Chinese
TR-KD-08b Additional Module Fourth Language (20 ECTS)
- 340006 UE [ pl ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Polish
- 340015 UE [ hu ] Basic Competence Translation A Hungarian
- 340018 UE [ pt ] Basic Competence Translation A Portuguese
- 340022 UE [ pl ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Polish
- 340024 UE [ es ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Spanish
- 340043 UE [ hbs ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340048 UE [ ro ] Basic Competence Translation A Romanian
- 340052 UE [ pt ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Portuguese
- 340059 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: English
- 340063 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting I: English
- 340067 UE [ es ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Spanish
- 340068 UE [ fr ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: French
- 340072 UE [ pl ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Polish
- 340083 UE [ ru ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Russian
- 340088 UE [ fr ru ] Conference Interpreting I: French / Russian
- 340090 UE [ pl ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Polish
- 340091 UE [ hu it ] Conference Interpreting I: Italian / Hungarian
- 340101 UE [ cs ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Czech
- 340111 UE [ it ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Italian
- 340118 UE [ ru ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Russian
- 340126 UE [ hbs ] Basic Competence Translation A Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340132 UE [ it ] Basic Competence Translation A Italian
- 340134 UE [ cs ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Czech
- 340149 UE [ en hbs ] Conference Interpreting I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian / English
- 340156 UE [ hu ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Hungarian
- 340173 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: English
- 340177 UE [ hbs ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340180 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting II: English
- 340181 UE [ pt ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Portuguese
- 340191 UE [ it ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Italian
- 340201 UE [ en it ] Conference Interpreting II: English / Italian
- 340203 UE [ hbs ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340204 UE [ hbs ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- 340214 UE [ fr ] Basic Competence Translation A French
- 340215 UE [ fr ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: French
- 340219 UE [ it ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Italian
- 340222 UE [ ro ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Romanian
- 340224 UE [ ro ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Romanian
- 340229 UE [ es ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Spanish
- 340253 UE [ hu ro ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Romanian / Hungarian
- 340256 UE [ ja ] Basic Competence Translation A Japanese
- 340257 UE [ en ] Basic Competence Translation A English
- 340258 UE [ ru ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Russian
- 340274 UE [ pl ] Basic Competence Translation A Polish
- 340276 UE [ fr ] Consecutive Interpreting II: French
- 340278 UE [ ro ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Romanian
- 340280 UE [ ru ] Basic Competence Translation A Russian
- 340285 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting I: English
- 340300 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: English
- 340301 UE [ es ] Consecutive Interpreting I: Spanish
- 340302 UE [ es ] Basic Competence Translation A Spanish
- 340303 UE [ es pl ] Conference Interpreting I: Polish / Spanish
- 340310 UE [ cs ] Basic Competence Translation A Czech
- 340311 UE [ cs pt ] Consecutive Interpreting II: Portuguese / Czech
- 340313 UE [ cs pt ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: Portuguese / Czech
- 340316 UE [ hu ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Hungarian
- 340325 UE [ en pt ] Conference Interpreting I: English / Portuguese
- 340327 UE [ it ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Italian
- 340335 UE [ ru ] Simultaneous Interpreting I: Russian
- 340360 UE [ fr ] Consecutive Interpreting I: French
- 340361 UE [ cs en ] Conference Interpreting II: English / Czech
- 340363 UE [ en ] Simultaneous Interpreting II: English
- 340376 UE [ en ] Consecutive Interpreting II: English
- 340409 UE [ en ro ] Conference Interpreting I: English / Romanian
- 340411 UE [ es hbs ] Conference Interpreting II: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian / Spanish
- 340424 UE [ fr ru ] Conference Interpreting II: French / Russian
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39