Scandinavian Studies beachten Sie den studienrechtlichen Teil der Satzung und die An- und Abmeldefristen: wer angemeldet ist, aber in der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fehlt, wird abgemeldet. Ein späterer Abbruch einer prüfungsimmanenten Veranstaltung nach Ende der Abmeldefrist hat bei entsprechend fehlender Leistung eine (negative) Note zur Folge.
Bachelor Scandinavian Studies (668 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductory and Orientation Period (20 ECTS)
SKB110 Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modulprüfung - SKB110 Scandinavian Studies - Basic Level
- 133111 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scientific Working
- 133112 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Regional, Cultural and Social Studies of Scandinavia
SKB120 Scandinavian Linguistics - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modulprüfung - SKB120 Scandinavian Linguistics - Introduction
- 133121 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics
SKB130 Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies - Introduction (7 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Modulprüfung - SKB130 Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies - Introduction
- 133131 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies
Compulsory modules (38 ECTS)
SKB210 History of Scandinavian Languages (7 ECTS)
SKB220 Scandinavian Linguistics - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
- 133221 PS Proseminar: The art of constructing - Constructed languages inScandinavia
- 133222 VO Language Planning in Scandinavia
SKB230 History of Scandinavian Literature (7 ECTS)
SKB240 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Advanced Level (8 ECTS)
- 133242 VO Scandinavian Children's and Youth Literature. Past and Present
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Literary borders of the Baltic Sea Region
SKB250 Old Norse Studies (8 ECTS)
- 133251 VU Introduction to Old Norse studies
- 133252 VO On the road in Viking and mediaeval times - voyage(r)s from and to Scandinavia
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Danish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(D) Danish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133271 UE [ da ] Danish 2
SKB280(D) Danish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133281 UE [ da ] Danish 4
- 133282 UE [ da ] Area Studies: Denmark
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Icelandic (30 ECTS)
SKB260(I) Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(I) Icelandic - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133273 UE [ de is ] Icelandic 2
SKB280(I) Icelandic - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133283 UE [ is ] Icelandic 4
- 133284 UE [ is ] Area Studies: Iceland
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Norwegian (30 ECTS)
SKB260(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(N) Norwegian - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133275 UE [ no ] Norwegian 2
SKB280(N) Norwegian - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133285 UE [ no ] Norwegian 4
- 133286 UE [ no ] Area Studies: Norway
Alternative group of compulsory modules - Swedish (30 ECTS)
SKB260(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB270(S) Swedish - Intermediate Level (12 ECTS)
- 133277 UE [ sv ] Swedish 2
SKB280(S) Swedish - Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 133287 UE [ sv ] Swedish 4
- 133288 UE [ sv ] Area Studies: Sweden
Group of elective modules (18 ECTS)
SKB310 Icelandic - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB320(D) Danish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB320(N) Norwegian - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB320(S) Swedish - Basic Level (12 ECTS)
SKB330 Lithuanian (12 ECTS)
- 133331 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 1
SKB340 Baltic Sea Region Studies (12 ECTS)
- 133341 VO Introduction to Baltic Sea Region Studies
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Literary borders of the Baltic Sea Region
SKB350 Cultural Studies - Extension (6 ECTS)
- 133351 UE Exercises in Cultural Studies: Scandinavian Artists Discover Europe
- 133382 UE SkaM - Scandinavian Media Lab
SKB360 Topics of Research (6 ECTS)
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
SKB370 Peripheral Language (6 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
- 132440 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language I
- 133331 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 1
Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
SKBB Bachelor’s Theses (14 ECTS)
- 133402 SE Bachelor Seminar: Narrative Short Forms in Scandinavian Literature
- 133403 SE Bachelor Seminar: Methods and problems concerning the interpretation of runic inscriptions
Additional Courses
- 133007 KU SKentoring
- 133280 UE [ sv ] Swedish: Higher advanced level
- 133335 UE [ lt ] Lithuanian 5
- 133990 UE [ da ] Danish: Conversation
Master Scandinavian Studies (868 [2] - Version 2016)
Compulsory modules (48 ECTS)
SKM110 Language and Society in Scandinavia (16 ECTS)
- 133612 KU Language Planning: Grammar
- 133613 SE Master Seminar: Language Death in Scandinavia
SKM120 Scandinavian Literature in a Cultural Context (16 ECTS)
- 133621 VU ( MIXED ) From "Bonden Paavo" to "Den amerikanska flickan" - A historical overview of Finland's Swedish literature from the Åbo Romantic period to the present day
- 133623 SE ( MIXED ) Master Seminar: "The Anthropocenic Turn"? Northern European literature in the wake of climate change
SKM130 Modern Approaches to Old Norse Studies (16 ECTS)
Alternative compulsory modules - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
SKM210 Scandinavian Linguistics - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133612 KU Language Planning: Grammar
- 133714 KU Colloquium in Linguistics
SKM220 Scandinavian Literature Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133621 VU ( MIXED ) From "Bonden Paavo" to "Den amerikanska flickan" - A historical overview of Finland's Swedish literature from the Åbo Romantic period to the present day
- 133722 KU ( MIXED ) Conversatorium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Two classics in today's light: Strindberg and Ibsen
- 133724 KU Colloquium in Literature
- 133725 KU Colloquium in Literature
SKM230 Old Norse Studies - Topics of Research (18 ECTS)
- 133252 VO On the road in Viking and mediaeval times - voyage(r)s from and to Scandinavia
- 133732 KU A selection of historical linguistics - þat sem yðr líkar bezt at hafa V
- 133734 KU Workshop discussions on Old Norse matters - Altskandinavistische Werkstattgespräche
Alternative compulsory modules - Practical Training (10 ECTS)
SKM310 Internship (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
SKM320 Student Project (in the Context of Scandinavian Studies) (10 ECTS)
Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
- 133007 KU SKentoring
- 133361 UE Linguistic Curiosities
SKM410 Topics of Research (in the Context of Scandinavian and Related Studies) (14 ECTS)
Extracurricular Courses
- 133280 UE [ sv ] Swedish: Higher advanced level
- 133335 UE [ lt ] Lithuanian 5
- 133990 UE [ da ] Danish: Conversation
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Languages (630)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE110 Scandinavian Languages (15 ECTS)
- 133121 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics
- 133222 VO Language Planning in Scandinavia
Extension Curriculum Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (631)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE120 Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (15 ECTS)
- 133131 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Scandinavian Literature and Cultural Studies
- 133242 VO Scandinavian Children's and Youth Literature. Past and Present
- 133252 VO On the road in Viking and mediaeval times - voyage(r)s from and to Scandinavia
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region I: History and Society (632)
Compulsory module (15 ECTS)
SKE210 Baltic Sea Region Studies 1 (15 ECTS)
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
- 133112 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Regional, Cultural and Social Studies of Scandinavia
- 133341 VO Introduction to Baltic Sea Region Studies
Extension Curriculum Baltic Sea Region II: Language Acquisition (633)
Compulsory module (16 ECTS)
SKE220 Baltic Sea Region Studies 2 (16 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
- 132440 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language I
- 133331 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 1
- 133342 PS Proseminar: Literary borders of the Baltic Sea Region
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43