Directorate of Studies 29 - Geography
Die Studienprogrammleitung 29 betreut das sechssemestrige Bachelorstudium Geographie, die auf diesem Grundstudium aufbauenden viersemestrigen Masterstudien (1) Geography: Global Change and Sustainability, (2) Raumforschung und Raumordnung und (3) Kartographie und Geoinformation sowie das achtsemestrige Bachelor-Lehramt und das viersemestrige Master-Lehramt "Geographie und wirtschaftliche Bildung" (UF GW).Für Studierende anderer Studienrichtungen werden die vier Erweiterungscurricula "Gesellschaft und Raum" (Humangeographie), "Umweltsysteme im Wandel" (Physische Geographie) "Klimawandel: wissenschaftliche Grundlagen" sowie "Naturgefahren, Verwundbarkeit und Katastrophen" angeboten.Aktuelle Informationen, Studienpläne sowie Formulare zu allen Studienrichtungen sind auf der Homepage des SSCs für Geographie unter zu finden.Die Platzvergabe in den anmeldungspflichtigen prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen an der SPL29 Geographie erfolgt gemäß Studienpfad (diese sind am Ende des jeweiligen Curriculums zu finden) und Präferenzsystem. Wie Sie bei der Anmeldung zu prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen am besten vorgehen, finden Sie unter registrieren Sie sich auch bei nicht-prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (Vorlesungen ohne Beschränkung der Zahl an TeilnehmerInnen) via u:space, da mit dieser Registrierung in der Regel ein Zugriff auf die zugehörigen Lehrplattformen (Moodle) verknüpft ist.
Bachelor Geography (655 [3] - Version 2016)
Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)
BA GG 1.1 STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Physical Geography (6 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE StEOP: Modulprüfung Grundlagen und Konzepte der Physischen Geographie (BA 2016)
- 290070 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Fundamentals in Physical Geography
BA GG 1.2 STEOP: Principles and Concepts of Human Geography and Spatial Planning (6 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE StEOP: Module Exam Human Geography
- 290073 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography I
- 290074 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography II
BA GG 1.3 STEOP: Introduction to Cartography and Geoinformatics (4 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE StEOP: Module Exam Cartography and Geoinformation
- 290075 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cartography and Geoinformatics I
- 290076 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cartography and Geoinformatics II
Core Phase (104 ECTS)
Physical Geography (28 ECTS)
BA GG 2.1 Physical Geography I: Climate, Hydrology and Vegetation (8 ECTS)
BA GG 2.2 Physical Geography II: Earth, Soil and Relief (13 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung The Earth System (BA_ERD_1)
- 280001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: The Earth System
- 290164 VO Basics of Geomorphology
- 290180 VO Basics in Soil Geography and Geoecology
BA GG 2.3 Physical Geography III: Methods and Practice (7 ECTS)
- 290044 PR Field Class in Physical Geography
Human Geography (33 ECTS)
BA GG 3.1 Human Geography I: Demography, Economy and Society (14 ECTS)
- 290012 PS Economic Geography
- 290115 UE Population Geography
- 290123 UE Population Geography
BA GG 3.2 Human Geography II: Rural Areas and Regional Development (11 ECTS)
- 290071 VO Peripherous and Remote Rural Areas
BA GG 3.3 Human Geography III: Urban Geography and Spatial Planning (8 ECTS)
- 290056 VO Urban Geography and Regional Planning
- 290059 UE Practical Exercices in Urban Geography and Planning
Cartography and Geoinformatics (22 ECTS)
BA GG 4.1 Cartography and Geoinformatics I (10 ECTS)
- 290083 UE Introduction to Cartography
- 290084 PS Introduction to Geoinformatics
BA GG 4.2 Cartography and Geoinformatics II (12 ECTS)
- 290004 VU Thematic Mapping
- 290355 VO Spatial Reference Systems
Methods (21 ECTS)
BA GG 5.1 Methods in Geography I (11 ECTS)
- 290081 VO Doing Research in Geography
- 290091 VU Introduction to Statistics
- 290221 PS Methods of GIS-based Data Acquisition
BA GG 5.2 Methods in Geography II (10 ECTS)
- 290040 VU Empirical Social Research
- 290137 VU [ en ] Statistical Data Analysis with Focus on Spatial Statistics
Specialisation (30 ECTS)
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Physical Geography (30 ECTS)
BA GG 6.1 Specialisation Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290018 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Selected Topics in Climatology and Hydrology - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
- 290050 VO Field and Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography
- 290068 LP Geoecological Lab Course
- 290085 EX The Danube floods: the example of Vienna's system to reduce disaster risk
- 290086 EX [ en ] Physiogeographical Field Trip: Gravitational Mass Movements in Lower Austria
- 290096 EX Field Trip: Applied Climatology
BA GG 6.2 Bachelor’s Thesis Physical Geography (15 ECTS)
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Human Geography (30 ECTS)
BA GG 7.1 Specialisation Human Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290005 VO Introduction to Political Geography
- 290015 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: District Development in Vienna - Participation, Design and Governance
- 290069 SE Bachelor's Seminar in Spatial Planning and Regional Policy - Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Measures
- 290109 UE ( MIXED ) Advanced Methods in Human Geography: Conducting and Analyzing Qualitative Interviews
- 290150 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: Rural Areas in Transformation
- 290402 SE [ de en ] Bachelorseminar Human Geography - Geographical perspectives on population, environment and urbanity in the global South
- 290403 SE Bachelorseminar in Human Geography: Strategies and Measures for Climate Change Adaptation - Ausgewählte Themen der geographischen Geschlechterforschung
- 290406 SE Bachelorseminar in Human Geography: Cooperative Urban and Regional Development: Rural Regions
BA GG 7.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Human Geography (15 ECTS)
- 290107 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
- 290315 SE ( REMOTE ) Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Geography
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (30 ECTS)
BA GG 8.1 Specialisation Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (15 ECTS)
- 290015 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: District Development in Vienna - Participation, Design and Governance
- 290069 SE Bachelor's Seminar in Spatial Planning and Regional Policy - Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Measures
- 290087 VU Urban and Regional Analysis
- 290111 VO Spatial Planning and Regional Policy
- 290150 PR Practical Course in Human Geography: Rural Areas in Transformation
- 290403 SE Bachelorseminar in Human Geography: Strategies and Measures for Climate Change Adaptation - Ausgewählte Themen der geographischen Geschlechterforschung
BA GG 8.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (15 ECTS)
- 290107 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules: Specialisation Cartography and Geoinformatics (30 ECTS)
BA GG 9.1 Specialisation: Cartography and Geoinformatics (15 ECTS)
- 290065 PS Introduction to Software Development
- 290236 PS Databases
- 290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Geo-Multimedia - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
BA GG 9.2 Bachelor’s Thesis: Cartography and Geoinformatics (15 ECTS)
- 290272 SE ( REMOTE ) Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Cartography and Geoinformatics
Extension Phase (30 ECTS)
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economic Education (193 049, 198 410)
Introductory and Orientation Period (5 ECTS)
UF GW 01 STEOP-Module Teacher Training Programme Geography and Economics (5 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE STEOP Module examination BA Teacher Education Programme Geography and Economics
- 290073 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography I
- 290079 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introductory Course: Basics in Economics
Subject Didactics (14 ECTS)
UF GW 02 Introduction to Didactics (3 ECTS)
UF GW 03 Basics and Concepts of Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 290020 VO Introductory Course in Didactics: Didactic Concepts & Contents of the Subject Geography & Economics
- 290030 PS Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics II: Teaching Methods and the Use of Media
UF GW 04 Topics of Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 290007 PS ( KPH Krems ) Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics - Gender Roles in the Context of Teaching Geography and Socioeconomics
- 290008 PS Proseminar on Subject-Specific Didactics - Education for a Better World in Geography and Economics Lessons? A Critical Reflection of Pedagogical and Didactical Approaches in the Context of Global Citizenship Education
- 290009 PS Policital Education in GW
- 290010 UE Exercises in Didactics of Geography and Economics: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW
- 290202 PR ( KPH Krems PH-WIEN ) Practicum in Subject-Specific Didactics: University-Educational Cooperation Projects in GW
Basics of Economics (18 ECTS)
UF GW 05 Introduction to Economics and Business Administration (6 ECTS)
- EXAM ON-SITE Exam Principles of Economics
- 040006 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Principles of Economics
- 230506 KU Introduction to economics
UF GW 06 Economic Policy and Finance (5 ECTS)
UF GW 07 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economic Education (4 ECTS)
- 040134 UK History of Economic Policy - from mercantilism to presence
- 290016 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Money and personal Finances
- 290110 SE Seminar in Economics (Business Administration): Current Debates in Applied Economics - Aktuelle Debatten in angewandter Ökonomie
- 290124 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Current Topics in Economic Policy
UF GW 08 Economics in Teaching Practice (3 ECTS)
Theory and Methods of Geography (14 ECTS)
UF GW 09 Basic Concepts of Geography (3 ECTS)
- 290074 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography II
UF GW 10 Methods of scientific Research (6 ECTS)
UF GW 11 Carthography and Geo-Information (5 ECTS)
- 290052 PS Geomedia in Education
- 290075 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cartography and Geoinformatics I
Basics of Physical Geography (10 ECTS)
UF GW 12 Geomorphology and Geoecology (6 ECTS)
- 290041 VO Introduction to Physical Geography
- 290164 VO Basics of Geomorphology
UF GW 13 Use of Resources and Human-Environment-Relations (4 ECTS)
Basics of Human Geography (14 ECTS)
UF GW 14 Population, urban and rural Space (8 ECTS)
- 290056 VO Urban Geography and Regional Planning
- 290071 VO Peripherous and Remote Rural Areas
- 290118 UE Practical Course Human Geography
UF GW 15 Economics, Politics and Space (6 ECTS)
- 290005 VO Introduction to Political Geography
Further Compulsory Modules (10 ECTS)
UF GW 16 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies in Human Geography (4 ECTS)
- 290069 SE Bachelor's Seminar in Spatial Planning and Regional Policy - Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Measures
- 290402 SE [ de en ] Bachelorseminar Human Geography - Geographical perspectives on population, environment and urbanity in the global South
- 290403 SE Bachelorseminar in Human Geography: Strategies and Measures for Climate Change Adaptation - Ausgewählte Themen der geographischen Geschlechterforschung
- 290406 SE Bachelorseminar in Human Geography: Cooperative Urban and Regional Development: Rural Regions
UF GW 17 Regional Planning and Development (3 ECTS)
- 290111 VO Spatial Planning and Regional Policy
UF GW 18 Excursions (3 ECTS)
- 290024 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - Cartographic High Mountain Excursion
- 290057 EX Living in Vienna
- 290066 EX Field Trip - Global Cause, Urban Effect - The Impact and Traces of Major Geopolitical Events in Urban Areas
- 290085 EX The Danube floods: the example of Vienna's system to reduce disaster risk
- 290096 EX Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290097 EX Phyisogeographical Field Trip: Loess and Cristalline Landscapes of North-West Lower Austria
- 290098 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290099 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna
- 290100 EX Introductory Field Trip (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna
- 290116 EX Field Trip: Wiener Stadtwerke: Mobility, Energy & Climate Protection?
- 290122 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Mountain Torrents in Vienna
- 290126 EX Field Trip: Wiener Stadtwerke: Mobility, Energy & Climate Protection?
Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)
- 030349 VO Climate law in intra- and interdisciplinary dialog
- 210132 VO Universal Basic Income a building block for societal transformation and policy making
- 290053 VO Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Catastrophes: Scientific Basics
UF GW 19 Elective Area (0-10 ECTS)
- 290050 VO Field and Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography
- 290051 VO Climate Change: Bio-Physical and Social Fundamentals
- 290087 VU Urban and Regional Analysis
- 290088 PS Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 490234 PS ( KPH Krems ) Interkulturelles und Interreligiöses Lernen als Aufgabe aller Fächer
Subject-based Practicum Geography and Economics (7 ECTS)
UF GW 20 Subject-based Practicum Geography and Economics (7 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Module Bachelor´s Thesis (5 ECTS)
UF GW 21a Bachelor´s Thesis Geography (5 ECTS)
- 290049 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography (Focus on Didactics) - (unter Berücksichtigung fachdidaktischer Aspekte)
- 290107 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Development
- 290272 SE ( REMOTE ) Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Cartography and Geoinformatics
- 290279 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Physical Geography and Geoecology
- 290296 SE Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
- 290315 SE ( REMOTE ) Preparatory Seminar for Bachelor Paper in Human Geography and Regional Geography
UF GW 21b Bachelor´s Thesis Economics (5 ECTS)
Master Geography: Global Change and Sustainability (855 [2] - Version 2021)
Compulsory modules (20 ECTS)
Fundamentals of Global Change and Sustainability from a Geographic Perspective (5 ECTS)
Pathways to Sustainability: Knowledge, Action and Policy Landscapes (5 ECTS)
- 290045 VO [ en ] Pathways to Sustainability: Knowledge, Action and Policy Landscapes
Tackling Global Change and Sustainability as a Geographer (10 ECTS)
- 290046 SE [ en ] Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approaches to Global Change and Sustainability
- 290047 UE [ en ] Understanding Global Change and Sustainability
Alternative compulsory modules: Preparatory Module (5 ECTS)
Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research A (5 ECTS)
- 290072 VU [ en ] Basics in Migration and Population Dynamics
Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research B (5 ECTS)
- 290078 VU [ en ] Basics in Socio-Economic Transformations
Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research C (5 ECTS)
- 290054 VU [ en ] Basics in Earth Surface Dynamics and Management
Mastering the Basics for the Specialisation in Global Change and Sustainability Research D (5 ECTS)
- 290038 VU [ en ] Basics in Geoecology
Alternative compulsory modules: Specialisation (30 ECTS)
Specialisation A: Migration and Population Dynamics (30 ECTS)
- 290026 UE [ en ] Key Methods in Analysing Migration and Population Dynamics - in the Context of Global Change and Development II
- 290027 SE [ en ] Migration and Population Dynamics in the Context of Global Change and Development - Research Design, Implemention and Analysis II
- 290077 SE [ en ] Migration and Population Dynamics in the Context of Global Change and Development II
Specialisation B: Socio-Economic Transformations (30 ECTS)
- 290082 SE [ en ] Regional Innovation Policy and Governance
- 290090 SE [ en ] (Green) Socio-Economic Transformation in Space: Innovative Approaches for Circular Economy
Specialisation C: Earth Surface Dynamics and Management (30 ECTS)
- 290028 SE [ en ] Natural Hazards and Risks Management and Governance
- 290029 VU [ en ] Earth Surface Dynamics: Landforms, Processes and Materials
- 290031 VU [ en ] Physical Geography: Human Impact on Geomorphological Systems
- 290133 SE [ en ] Introduction to Natural Hazards and Geostatistical Modelling
Specialisation D: Geoecology: Applied Soil Science, Wetlands, Landscape Analysis and Evaluation (30 ECTS)
- 290036 VU [ en ] Landscape Evaluation
- 290037 VU [ en ] Soil Analysis
- 290133 SE [ en ] Introduction to Natural Hazards and Geostatistical Modelling
Compulsory modules (35 ECTS)
Open Mind I (5 ECTS)
- 290048 SE [ en ] Open Minds for Global Change and Sustainability I
Open Mind II (5 ECTS)
- 290055 SE [ en ] Open Minds for Global Change and Sustainability II
Mobility (25 ECTS)
- 290003 VU [ en ] Introduction to Spatial Data Science
- 290102 SE Sustainability Challenge
Supplementary exams (0-24 ECTS)
- EXAM REMOTE StEOP: Modulprüfung Grundlagen und Konzepte der Physischen Geographie (BA 2016)
- 290070 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Fundamentals in Physical Geography
- 290073 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography I
- 290074 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography II
- 290164 VO Basics of Geomorphology
Master Teacher Training Programme: Geography and Economic Education (196 049, 199 510)
MA UF GW 01 Subject Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 290011 VO Paradigms in GW Didactics
- 290013 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Socio-Economic Financial Education
- 290014 PS PS Proseminar on Subject Specific Didactics: Migration & Diversity in Teaching Geography in Austria
- 290034 PS Engaging Students with Theatre-based Methods: Techniques for Developing Dynamic Teaching
- 290149 PS Language Sensitive Teaching in GW
MA UF GW 02 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Geography (8 ECTS)
- 290018 SE Bachelorseminar in Physical Geography: Selected Topics in Climatology and Hydrology - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
- 290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Geo-Multimedia - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende im Masterstudium)
- 290103 SE [ en ] Seminar in Human Geography: Urban Complexity and Systems Thinking
- 290104 SE Seminar in Physical Geography - Natural Hazards, Risk and Disaster Management
- 290077 SE [ en ] Migration and Population Dynamics in the Context of Global Change and Development II
- 290082 SE [ en ] Regional Innovation Policy and Governance
- 290102 SE Sustainability Challenge
- 290095 VU [ en ] Geographical Descriptive Analytics
- 290183 VO ,Burning Rim Around Europe' - Geopolitical Crises, Conflicts and Phenomena from the Arctic Across South/Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean
- 290067 VU [ en ] European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290006 VO Theory of Spatial Planning
- 290108 VO Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 290088 PS Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 290058 VU Urban Labs - Approaches, Methods, Skills
- 290119 EX Renewable energy: planning, talking about it and participating - a tour around Vienna
- 290086 EX [ en ] Physiogeographical Field Trip: Gravitational Mass Movements in Lower Austria
MA UF GW 03 Subject-Specific In-Depth Studies Economics (8 ECTS)
- 290120 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Effects of Climate Change and Climate Policy on Industries
- 290113 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Challenges due to Climate Change - a Comparison of Different Countries
- 290170 SE Master's Seminar in Economic Education - International Economics and Development
- 290021 SE Seminar in Economics (Macroeconomics) - Mastering geopolitics and sustainable development - New paths for tourism and foreign trade
- 040049 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Social Sciences and the Philosophy of the Vienna Circle: Selected Readings
- 040278 UK [ en ] Development Economics in Reality (BA)
- 040175 KU Solidary Economic (MA) - Cooperative economy and Cooperatives
- 290017 VU Special Topics in Economics - Macroeconomics: Open Goods and Financial Markets from an Economics Perspective
- 290140 UE ( MIXED ) Business Games and Gamification in Economics
MA UF GW 04 Didactic Supervision of Teaching Practice (4 ECTS)
MA UF GW 05 Master Thesis Support (2 ECTS)
- 290032 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Colloquium in Subject-specific Didactics in Geography and Economic Education
- 290039 SE [ de en ] Basics for Realizing the Master Thesis in the Field of Human Geography and Spatial Research - (gilt als Konversatorium zur Masterarbeit)
- 290117 SE ( REMOTE ) Conversatory for the Writing of a Master's Thesis in the Field of Cartography and Geoinformation
- 450404 KO [ de en ] PhD and MSc Seminar: Physical Geography, Geoecology, Geoinformation and Digital Geography
Master Cartography and Geoinformation (856)
Elective Modules (60 ECTS)
MK1.1 Geodata Acquisition and Processing (15 ECTS)
- 290089 PS [ en ] Programming in Geoinformatics
- 290127 VO Terrestrial Data Aquisition
- 290128 VO Photogrammetry
MK1.2 Analysis and Modelling in Geographic Information Processing (15 ECTS)
- 290002 PS [ en ] Spatial Data Science
- 290169 PS [ en ] Process Automatisation in Geoinformatics
MK1.3 Cartographic design and drafting theory (15 ECTS)
- 290062 VU Map Production and Publication Techniques
- 290225 VU Map Related Representations
MK1.4 Geo-Multimedia (15 ECTS)
- 290063 PS Multimediatechnology and Geocommunication
- 290064 PS [ en ] Webmapping
MK1.5 and MK1.6 - Additional Elective Modules
Special Issues in Cartography and Geoinformation (8 ECTS)
- 290002 PS [ en ] Spatial Data Science
- 290060 VU [ en ] Geo-Data and VGI
- 290061 PS [ en ] Principles and Methods of Application Development - Geographic Information Retrieval
- 290095 VU [ en ] Geographical Descriptive Analytics
- 290169 PS [ en ] Process Automatisation in Geoinformatics
Field Trips (8 ECTS)
- 290022 EX Cartographic Field Trip: From Development to High-end Solutions - GIS in Practical Use
- 290023 EX Cartographic Field Trip - Job Profiles and Career Opportunities in Geoinformatics
- 290024 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - Cartographic High Mountain Excursion
- 290025 EX Cartographic Field Trip: Cartography and GIS in Aeronautics
Seminars (14 ECTS)
- 290106 PRS Project Seminar Geoinformation
- 290130 SE [ en ] Seminar on Cartography: Sense of Place
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
- 290117 SE ( REMOTE ) Conversatory for the Writing of a Master's Thesis in the Field of Cartography and Geoinformation
Master Spatial Research and Spatial Planning (857)
Advanced Methods of Regional Research (6 ECTS)
- 290026 UE [ en ] Key Methods in Analysing Migration and Population Dynamics - in the Context of Global Change and Development II
- 290093 VU Theoretical Knowledge Bases and Methods for Transdisciplinary Urban Research
- 290095 VU [ en ] Geographical Descriptive Analytics
Concepts, Tools and Legal Basics of Regional Planning (10 ECTS)
- 290046 SE [ en ] Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approaches to Global Change and Sustainability
- 290067 VU [ en ] European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290101 VU Planning Law, Land Law and Building Law
Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control (15 ECTS)
- 290006 VO Theory of Spatial Planning
- 290042 PS Critical Perspectives on Urban Development with and for the Global Urban Majority
- 290043 VO [ en ] Fundamentals of Global Change and Sustainability from a Geographic Perspective
- 290045 VO [ en ] Pathways to Sustainability: Knowledge, Action and Policy Landscapes
- 290047 UE [ en ] Understanding Global Change and Sustainability
- 290057 EX Living in Vienna
- 290058 VU Urban Labs - Approaches, Methods, Skills
- 290078 VU [ en ] Basics in Socio-Economic Transformations
- 290082 SE [ en ] Regional Innovation Policy and Governance
- 290088 PS Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 290094 VU Regional Development as a Managerial Task - Framework Conditions, Processes and Methods to Support Regional Transformation
- 290103 SE [ en ] Seminar in Human Geography: Urban Complexity and Systems Thinking
- 290108 VO Urban Development in South-Eastern Europe
- 290116 EX Field Trip: Wiener Stadtwerke: Mobility, Energy & Climate Protection?
- 290119 EX Renewable energy: planning, talking about it and participating - a tour around Vienna
- 290126 EX Field Trip: Wiener Stadtwerke: Mobility, Energy & Climate Protection?
Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning I (8 ECTS)
- 290019 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
- 290090 SE [ en ] (Green) Socio-Economic Transformation in Space: Innovative Approaches for Circular Economy
- 290112 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
Theoretical and Applied Regional Research and Regional Planning II (16 ECTS)
- 290019 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
- 290090 SE [ en ] (Green) Socio-Economic Transformation in Space: Innovative Approaches for Circular Economy
- 290112 PSE Seminar in Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning
Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
- 290027 SE [ en ] Migration and Population Dynamics in the Context of Global Change and Development - Research Design, Implemention and Analysis II
- 290077 SE [ en ] Migration and Population Dynamics in the Context of Global Change and Development II
- 290082 SE [ en ] Regional Innovation Policy and Governance
- 290102 SE Sustainability Challenge
Field Trip (5 ECTS)
Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
- 290039 SE [ de en ] Basics for Realizing the Master Thesis in the Field of Human Geography and Spatial Research - (gilt als Konversatorium zur Masterarbeit)
Master Urban Studies (Joint Curriculum) (664 [2] - Version 2019)
Module 06. Urban Transformations (7 ECTS)
Module 07. Urban Planning and Development (7 ECTS)
Module 08. Urban Analysis III (6 ECTS)
Module 14. Practice Elective Courses (25 ECTS)
Module 15. Practice Internship (15 ECTS)
Module 16. Research Elective Courses (25 ECTS)
Module 17. Research Internship (15 ECTS)
Module 18. Master's Thesis and Master's Examination (30 ECTS)
Field Trips
Extension Curriculum Geography: Environmental Systems in Transition (290)
BA GG 11.2 Change in Environmental Systems (Physical Geography) (15 ECTS)
- 290070 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Fundamentals in Physical Geography
- 290164 VO Basics of Geomorphology
- 290180 VO Basics in Soil Geography and Geoecology
Extension Curriculum Geography: Society and Space (291)
BA GG 11.1 Society and Space (Human Geography) (15 ECTS)
- 290056 VO Urban Geography and Regional Planning
- 290071 VO Peripherous and Remote Rural Areas
- 290073 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography I
- 290074 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Human Geography II
Extension Curriculum Geography: Climate Change (293)
M1 Climate Change: Fundamentals and Strategies (5 ECTS)
M2 Climate Change: Current Interdisciplinary Perspectives (5 ECTS)
M3 Climate Change: Specialisation (5 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: module examination Overview of Meteorology and Climatology
- 234002 VO [ en ] Population, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- 280300 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Overview of Meteorology and Climatology
- 290035 VO Human Use of Natural Resources and Human-Environment Interactions
Extension Curriculum Geography: Natural Hazards, Vulnerabilities and Disasters (292)
NatKat 1 Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Fundamentals and Strategies (5 ECTS)
NatKat 2 Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Current Interdisciplinary Perspectives (5 ECTS)
NatKat 3 Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Specialisation (5 ECTS)
- 290035 VO Human Use of Natural Resources and Human-Environment Interactions
- 290104 SE Seminar in Physical Geography - Natural Hazards, Risk and Disaster Management
- 290164 VO Basics of Geomorphology
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43