PM4b Electives - Special Topics: Contemporary History and Media (21 ECTS)
Achtung: Für eine erfolgreiche Absolvierung des Moduls müssen 8 ECTS aus Zeitgeschichte und 13 ECTS aus den anderen Bereichen absolviert worden sein und darüber hinaus muss sich unter den 21 ECTS mindestens ein SE Seminar zu 8 ECTS befinden (siehe Curriculum).Ebenso wichtig: Eine Leistung iZm einer VO, VU, KU, UE, WS, PS oder Ähnliches zählt nicht als eine Leistung aus einem SE Seminar.
- 010016 SE Between cross, crescent and pasta sieve - Basic questions and current problems of Austrian and European religious law. Religious law - (also) for non-lawyers
- 010066 VO Ethics II - Political Ethics and Social Ethics - Einführung in die politische Ethik
- 010067 FS Living responsibly in the time of Auschwitz: Understanding Dietrich Bonhoffer's ethics today
- 010119 SE "Now is the Time of Monsters". (Theories of) Democracy in Crisis
- 060001 VO What is jewish cinema? An introduction into jewish visual culture
- 060004 SE Racial Antisemitism: Origins, Evolution, and Contemporary Relevance
- 060005 SE In the Garden of Stories: Adam, Eve, and the Cultural Legacy of Creation
- 060010 VO Jewish History from the Modern to the Contemporary Period
- 060022 SE The uncanny in Jewish film: horror and religious symbolism
- 060026 SE ( REMOTE ) Combatting Antisemitism
- 060050 VO ( REMOTE ) Pogrom - An (Un)intellectual History of the Persecution of Judaism
- 070044 SE [ en ] Seminar Historical sources and critique - Sources and Archives of Women's and Gender History
- 070046 UE Monitoring Class for Practical Training
- 070083 EX Field Trip - Melk-Mauthausen/Gusen-Linz-Hartheim-Steyr - Memorials and exhibitions on National Socialism
- 070201 VO Introduction to Audiovisual Sources for Historians
- 070237 SE Seminar on History (Master) - How we got here - doing history on social media
- 070277 SE Seminar on History (Master) - The Middle Ages on the Screen. Medievalism in Audiovisual Media - Mittelalterrezeption in audiovisuellen Medien
- 070301 VO Political polarization in times of multiple crises: societal and pedagogical challenges - Sir-Peter-Ustinov Visting Professorship - Lecture
- 070303 SE Lived complexities in times of political polarization - Sir-Peter-Ustinov Visting Professorship - Seminar
- 070319 SE [ en ] Seminar on History - Publics under Threat
- 080030 VU M320 Cultural Practices and Semiosis in Everyday Life: Stargazing - Exploring the Anthropology of Outer Space
- 080092 SE M210 Space-Time-Configurations: Beyond "third place": - history, present and future of multifunctional spaces
- 080123 VU M120 Media, Discourse and Representation: Unexpectedly Meaningful! - Chance, Serendipity and Contingency in Everyday Urban Life
- 080132 VU M520 Departmental Colloquium: Life in authoritarian times: - Cultural studies analysis and cultural interventions
- 170310 VO Lecture: The History of Film - VR as a history of moving pictures
- 170311 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Climate Images
- 170320 VO Lecture: The History of Theatre, Film and Media - Queer-feminist film and media historiographies. Austria in an international context (part 1): The long 1990s
- 170321 VO ( REMOTE ) Lecture on the History of Theatre, Film and Media - Climate crisis. Perspectives of media studies and cultural studies.
- 170600 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Aesthetics of the In-Between: Sofia Coppola's Cinema
- 170601 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Festwochen-Campus
- 170602 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Reset & Refresh: Digital Media Theory of/for Renewal
- 170603 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - Staging Affects
- 170610 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Breathing, Atmosphere, Air
- 170611 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - African American Filmhistory/-ies
- 170612 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Stigmata in the Arts: Aesthetic Anatomy
- 170613 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - Theories of Imagination
- 170701 VO Benjamin, Kluge, Godard & Co - Lecture with interactive elements
- 170993 VO Image and Word Combinations in History and Theory - Forms of experience of photographic media using the example of film and cinema
- 170994 VO Development of Media and Forms of Communication
- 180171 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas (Part II) - Economic Theories and Methodological Positions, the 20th Century
- 210094 VO M1b: Basics of Political Science
- 210103 VO M5: European Union and Europeanisation
- 210108 VO M7: Weltweite Krisenerfahrungen: Extremwetter, Gesundheit und Politik
- 210112 VO [ en ] M8: Feminist theorizations of Social Reproduction
- 210115 VO ( REMOTE ) M10: Iconoclasm and the destruction of monuments
- 220017 VO VERTHE: VO JOURWA Journalism in Times of Media Change
- 220028 VO [ de en ] VERTHE: VO VERGLPO Political Communication and Media Governance in Comparative Perspective
- 220034 VO THEO: VO POLKO - Political Communication
- 220035 VO THEO: VO PSYCH - Media Psychology
- 220060 VO VERME: VO REP Repetition Course Theory and Methods
- 220063 VO VERTHE: VO STRAKO Strategic Communication - Current Approaches in Advertising, PR and Market Comm.
- 220079 VO VERBE: VO GEND Media and Gender
Last modified: Fr 14.03.2025 10:50