Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules (62 ECTS)
Ethnomusicology (62 ECTS)
Specialisation Modules: Ethnomusicology (32 ECTS)
E.1 Ethnomusicology 1 (16 ECTS)
- 160017 VO "Wonderous Stories" or the Construction of History in Ethnomusicology
- 160018 SE The Distinction. Postcolonial Studies and Decoloniality in Ethnomusicology
- 160072 VO (Folk) Music and Nationalism in Europe
- 160076 VO Music and Religion in South Asia
E.2 Ethnomusicology 2 (16 ECTS)
- 160017 VO "Wonderous Stories" or the Construction of History in Ethnomusicology
- 160018 SE The Distinction. Postcolonial Studies and Decoloniality in Ethnomusicology
- 160021 EX Excursion to Cabo Verde
- 160072 VO (Folk) Music and Nationalism in Europe
- 160076 VO Music and Religion in South Asia
Elective Modules: Ethnomusicology (30 ECTS from 2 different Elective Modules)
E.ETH Ethnomusicology (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160017 VO "Wonderous Stories" or the Construction of History in Ethnomusicology
- 160018 SE The Distinction. Postcolonial Studies and Decoloniality in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE Introduction to Cabo Verdean Music
- 160064 UE [ en ] Sound Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160072 VO (Folk) Music and Nationalism in Europe
- 160076 VO Music and Religion in South Asia
E.HIA Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (15 ECTS)
- 160011 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160016 SE Soundscapes at the Court of Emperor Maximilian I
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
E.HIN Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160010 UE Introduction to the Study of Italian Opera in the 19th Century - Sources, Approaches, Research Perspectives
- 160011 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160023 SE The Reception of Hölderlin in 19th and 20th Century Music
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160061 VO The History of Piano Music
- 160067 SE Musical Prodigies - (not only) a Historical Phenomenon
- 160068 SE Film Music Featuring Music by Johann Sebastian Bach
- 160071 UE Armenian Music. Musical Identities Between Nations, Empires, and the Diaspora
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
- 160084 UE Shaping Opinions, Establishing Canons, Advancing Agendas: German-Language Music Criticism (19th C.)
E.INT Interdisciplinary Musicology (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160025 VO Introduction to Music Sociology
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160064 UE [ en ] Sound Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160068 SE Film Music Featuring Music by Johann Sebastian Bach
- 160071 UE Armenian Music. Musical Identities Between Nations, Empires, and the Diaspora
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
- 160083 UE Research Workshop in Music Psychology: Planning Experiments from A-Z
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
E.POP Popular Music (15 ECTS)
- 160006 VO [ en ] Hip Hop: Politics, Culture, Aesthetics
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160020 SE Introduction to Cabo Verdean Music
- 160026 SE Popular Classic Music
E.SYS Systematic Musicology (15 ECTS)
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160014 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160078 SE You Can Count on That: Music and Mathematics
- 160083 UE Research Workshop in Music Psychology: Planning Experiments from A-Z
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
Historical Musicology (62 ECTS)
Specialisation Modules: Historical Musicology (32 ECTS)
H.1 Historical Musicology 1 (16 ECTS)
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160061 VO The History of Piano Music
H.2 Historical Musicology 2 (16 ECTS)
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160011 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160061 VO The History of Piano Music
Elective Modules: Historical Musicology (30 ECTS from 2 different Elective Modules)
H.ETH Ethnomusicology (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160017 VO "Wonderous Stories" or the Construction of History in Ethnomusicology
- 160018 SE The Distinction. Postcolonial Studies and Decoloniality in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE Introduction to Cabo Verdean Music
- 160021 EX Excursion to Cabo Verde
- 160064 UE [ en ] Sound Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160072 VO (Folk) Music and Nationalism in Europe
- 160076 VO Music and Religion in South Asia
H.HIA Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (15 ECTS)
- 160016 SE Soundscapes at the Court of Emperor Maximilian I
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
H.HIN Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160010 UE Introduction to the Study of Italian Opera in the 19th Century - Sources, Approaches, Research Perspectives
- 160023 SE The Reception of Hölderlin in 19th and 20th Century Music
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160061 VO The History of Piano Music
- 160067 SE Musical Prodigies - (not only) a Historical Phenomenon
- 160068 SE Film Music Featuring Music by Johann Sebastian Bach
- 160071 UE Armenian Music. Musical Identities Between Nations, Empires, and the Diaspora
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
- 160084 UE Shaping Opinions, Establishing Canons, Advancing Agendas: German-Language Music Criticism (19th C.)
H.INT Interdisciplinary Musicology (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160025 VO Introduction to Music Sociology
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160064 UE [ en ] Sound Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160068 SE Film Music Featuring Music by Johann Sebastian Bach
- 160071 UE Armenian Music. Musical Identities Between Nations, Empires, and the Diaspora
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
- 160083 UE Research Workshop in Music Psychology: Planning Experiments from A-Z
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
H.POP Popular Music (15 ECTS)
- 160006 VO [ en ] Hip Hop: Politics, Culture, Aesthetics
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160020 SE Introduction to Cabo Verdean Music
- 160026 SE Popular Classic Music
H.SYS Systematic Musicology (15 ECTS)
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160014 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160078 SE You Can Count on That: Music and Mathematics
- 160083 UE Research Workshop in Music Psychology: Planning Experiments from A-Z
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
Systematic Musicology (62 ECTS)
Specialisation Modules: Systematic Musicology (32 ECTS)
S.1 Systematic Musicology 1 (16 ECTS)
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
S.2 Systematic Musicology 2 (16 ECTS)
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160014 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
Elective Modules: Systematic Musicology (30 ECTS from 2 different Elective Modules)
S.ETH Ethnomusicology (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160017 VO "Wonderous Stories" or the Construction of History in Ethnomusicology
- 160018 SE The Distinction. Postcolonial Studies and Decoloniality in Ethnomusicology
- 160020 SE Introduction to Cabo Verdean Music
- 160021 EX Excursion to Cabo Verde
- 160064 UE [ en ] Sound Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160072 VO (Folk) Music and Nationalism in Europe
- 160076 VO Music and Religion in South Asia
S.HIA Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (15 ECTS)
- 160011 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160016 SE Soundscapes at the Court of Emperor Maximilian I
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
S.HIN Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160010 UE Introduction to the Study of Italian Opera in the 19th Century - Sources, Approaches, Research Perspectives
- 160011 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160023 SE The Reception of Hölderlin in 19th and 20th Century Music
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160061 VO The History of Piano Music
- 160067 SE Musical Prodigies - (not only) a Historical Phenomenon
- 160068 SE Film Music Featuring Music by Johann Sebastian Bach
- 160071 UE Armenian Music. Musical Identities Between Nations, Empires, and the Diaspora
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
- 160084 UE Shaping Opinions, Establishing Canons, Advancing Agendas: German-Language Music Criticism (19th C.)
S.INT Interdisciplinary Musicology (15 ECTS)
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160008 VO Strauss Topographies: Sound | Space | Vienna
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160025 VO Introduction to Music Sociology
- 160050 VO Soundtrack for Humour in a Conflict
- 160064 UE [ en ] Sound Studies in Ethnomusicology
- 160068 SE Film Music Featuring Music by Johann Sebastian Bach
- 160071 UE Armenian Music. Musical Identities Between Nations, Empires, and the Diaspora
- 160080 UE Digital Edition of Music and Texts - Current Musicology
- 160083 UE Research Workshop in Music Psychology: Planning Experiments from A-Z
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
S.POP Popular Music (15 ECTS)
- 160006 VO [ en ] Hip Hop: Politics, Culture, Aesthetics
- 160007 UE [ en ] Music under Neoliberalism
- 160009 SE Music Biopics
- 160020 SE Introduction to Cabo Verdean Music
- 160026 SE Popular Classic Music
S.SYS Systematic Musicology (15 ECTS)
- 160013 SE Your Brain on Music - Brain Activity During Music Listening
- 160078 SE You Can Count on That: Music and Mathematics
- 160083 UE Research Workshop in Music Psychology: Planning Experiments from A-Z
- 160085 VO Positive Effects of Musical Activities (Focus on Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders)
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:44