Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control (15 ECTS)
- 230132 VO M5 Lecture Series: Interdisciplinary urban research
- 240067 VO VM6 / VM2 - Energy system transformation, green sacrifice zones and conflicts
- 240125 SE [ en ] VM3 / VM6 - Borders and development: concepts, practices, struggles
- 290016 EX Human geography excursion: Vienna and the Danube - Physical and human geography aspects of a relationship
- 290017 VU [ en ] Urban Sustainability Transformations
- 290019 SE [ en ] Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approaches to Global Change and Sustainability
- 290045 SE Residential Markets South East Europe
- 290046 UE Exercise on AI Methods in Urban Research
- 290047 VU Practical Aspects of Regional Policy in Austria
- 290057 EX Human geography excursion: Living in Vienna - Handling multiple crises
- 290071 SE [ en ] Geography of Innovation and Sustainability Transformations
- 290076 SE [ en ] Globalisation and Sustainable Development
- 290077 SE [ en ] Strategic Development und Governance
- 290089 EX Challenges and trends in peripheral rural areas: East Tyrol - Osttirol
- 290094 PS [ en ] Location Privacy
- 290096 EX Field Trip - Local tourism and regional development: recognizing, making visible and developing potential: Pulkautal in the Weinviertel
- 290105 UE [ en ] Understanding Global Change and Sustainability
- 290107 SE Right to housing for all? - Current housing market processes in Vienna for geography and economics lessons
- 290109 VU [ en ] Contemporary Challenges in Urban Development
- 290112 EX Field Trip - Wiener Stadtwerke: Mobility, energy & climate protection?
- 290114 SE Urban Climate Change Adaptation - Accompanying seminar for the Berlin-Vienna excursion, compulsory for excursion participants
- 290117 VO Theory of Spatial Planning
- 290119 SE Local Recreation, Tourism and Open Space Planning
- 290433 PS Test procedures in spatial planning
Last modified: Th 13.03.2025 09:54