VM20 Technology and Innovation Management (20 ECTS)
This is a new department / research area and further courses are offered in Summerterm.Mastering technological change is a prerequisite for firms, be it start-ups or established organizations, to differentiate vis-a-vis competitors, to penetrate new markets, and to achieve higher margins. The main goal of this course is to equip you with tools and frameworks that will enable you to understand patterns of technological change to ultimately develop strategies that maximize the chances to benefit from it.In this regard, this module provides some key concepts that analysts and managers can directly apply to solve real-world challenges that arise from continuous technological changes inside and outside firms. These concepts are discussed using examples from firms from various industries. The practical concepts and frameworks covered in the module are discussed in the light of underlying scientific studies. In this regard, the module will prepare you to follow the scientific conversation and to conduct your research projects.
- 040335 KU ( MIXED ) Embracing Technological Change (MA)
- 040356 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Contemporary Topics in Innovation (MA)
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 14:54