B. Magisterstudium
- 150012 UE UE Chinesisch - Übersetzungspraktikum - Übersetzungspraktikum (ab 5.Sem)
- 150017 PS PS II LK 410 Theatre in China since the Eighties
- 150033 UE [ en ] PS II GG 410; China's urbanization
- 150044 SE X 490 Diplomandenseminar
- 150165 UE X 490 The writing of master thesis
- 150167 SE [ en ] GG 430 Religion in China
- 150168 PS PS II PR 410 Hongkong in 1997
- 150169 SE SE PR 420 Law and language in China
- 150174 SE SE GG 420 Food and Hunger in Impirial China
- 150176 SE [ en ] SE PR 430 Economic thought and policies under Deng,Jiang and Hu
- 150192 SE [ en ] X 490 International Colloquium for Doctoral Students: Literature and History in Contemporary China
- 150266 SE SE LK 420 Buddhist Art and Archaeology of China
- 150267 SE The Chinese movie in the Sixties
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34