I. Courses for Compulsory Exams according to the Curricula of the Diploma Programme 343 and Teaching Discipline English 344
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Language Competence
- 120007 VO [ en ] Language Analysis 101
- 120091 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120092 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120093 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120094 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120095 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120096 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120097 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120165 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120019 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120021 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120042 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120047 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120048 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120049 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120056 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120062 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120069 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120073 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120074 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120131 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120161 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120025 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120044 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120053 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120070 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120076 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120163 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120001 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120008 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120036 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120037 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120071 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120075 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120079 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120046 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120054 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120078 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120084 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120086 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120041 UE [ en ] PPOCS: American English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
- 120122 UE [ en ] PPOCS: American English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
- 120063 UE [ en ] PPOCS: British English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
- 120068 UE [ en ] PPOCS: British English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
- 120083 UE [ en ] PPOCS: British English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
- 120110 UE [ en ] PPOCS: British English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
- 120124 UE [ en ] PPOCS: British English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
1.2. Linguistics
- 120129 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Language I
- 120125 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Language II
- 120006 PS [ en ] Introduction to the history of English
- 120022 PS [ en ] Introduction to the history of English
- 120039 PS [ en ] Introduction to the history of English
- 120057 PS [ en ] Introduction to the history of English
- 120066 PS [ en ] Introduction to the history of English
- 120003 PS [ en ] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - Phonetics and phonology
- 120010 PS [ en ] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - Phonetics and phonology
- 120040 PS [ en ] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - Sociolinguistics
- 120082 PS [ en ] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - Second language acquisition
- 120126 PS [ en ] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - Sociolinguistics
- 120135 PS [ en ] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - The mental lexicon
1.3. Literary Studies
- 120005 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120121 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120055 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English I - From the Renaissance to the Restoration: A brief survey
- 120034 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English II - British Literature 1700-2000
- 120127 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English II - North American Literature and Culture from 1607-1890
- 120009 PS [ en ] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Early Modern Literature from the First Half of the 17th Century
- 120033 PS [ en ] Literature: Introductory Seminar - "Sweet Bird of Youth". Literary Representations of Juvenilia
- 120059 PS [ en ] Literature: Introductory Seminar - No laughing matter: Humour and the New English Literatures
- 120060 PS [ en ] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Interpreting Literary Texts for Scholarly Purposes and Classroom Teaching
- 120065 PS [ en ] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Tales of Academic III-Manners
- 120081 PS [ en ] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Mapping Lives and Regions: Landscapes and Mindscapes
1.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Courses
- 120106 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 401
- 120136 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 401
- 120100 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120101 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120102 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120103 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120104 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120105 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120107 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120108 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120130 VO [ en ] CRS British Civilisation - Dis-Uniting the United Kingdom: Difference, Diversity and Division in modern Britain
- 120117 VO [ en ] CRS Canadian Civilization - Canadian Cultural Studies
- 120026 AR [ en ] Eidolon - Chasing the Ideal: Gendered Configurations in Literature, Myth, and Theory (19th - 21st c) - Interdisciplinary Course
- 120032 AR [ en ] Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisciplinary Course 501
- 120158 AR [ en ] Fan-base(d) documentation of popular TV series - Interdisciplinary Course
- 120160 AR [ en ] Travel Writing and the Experience of Cultural Difference - Interdisciplinary Course 501
1.5. Teaching Methodology
- 120140 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching I
- 120141 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching I
- 120142 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching I
- 120139 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching II
- 120143 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching II
- 120144 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching II
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Language Competence
- 120035 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120051 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120052 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120064 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120072 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120128 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120017 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120061 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120090 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120138 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course: World of Work I (ESP)
- 120050 UE [ en ] Topic related course: World of Work II (ESP)
- 120002 UE [ en ] Advanced Oral Presentation Skills - Topic Related Language Competence Course 125
- 120137 UE [ en ] Advanced Oral Presentation Skills - Topic Related Language Competence Course
- 120087 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course: Shakespeare in German Translation
2.2. Linguistics
- 120028 VO [ en ] Core Lecture Linguistics
- 120067 SE [ en ] Shibboleth! The dark side of language - Linguistics Seminar
- 120111 SE [ en ] The pragmatics of spatio-temporal relations in language - Linguistics Seminar
- 120133 SE [ en ] The pragmatics of spatio-temporal relations in language - Linguistics Seminar
- 120080 SE [ en ] English words: their origin, life and death - Linguistics Seminar
- 120120 SE [ en ] English in Europe - Linguistics Seminar
- 120119 SE [ en ] Linguistic perspectives on CLIL (content and language integrated learning) - Linguistics Seminar
- 120023 AR [ en ] World Englishes: history, politics, pedagogy - Linguistics course 223/224
- 120157 AR [ en ] Pragmatics and language teaching - Linguistics course
- 120011 AR [ en ] Comparative syntax English-German and TAM-grammar of English in comparison with other languages
- 120112 AR [ en ] Sound change and how it has been approached - Linguistics course
- 120134 AR [ en ] Introduction to Corpus Linguistics - Linguistics course 225
- 120166 AR [ en ] Language and Identity - Linguistics course
- 120089 AR [ en ] From Proto-Germanic to English: myths and enigmas - Special Linguistics Course
- 120015 AR [ en ] Exploring and Experiencing Intercultural Communication - SpEakwise - an E-learning project in cooperation with Trinity College Dublin
2.3. Literary Studies
- 120016 VO [ en ] New World Encounters: Empire, Travel, and Alterity in North America 1500-1800 - Literature Course 321
- 120038 VO [ en ] The Subaltern Matrix: Class, Gender, Nation - Literature Course
- 120114 VO [ en ] Modern British Drama - Literature Course
- 120012 SE [ en ] Collective Memories and Cultural Encounters in the Canadian West - Literary Seminar
- 120014 SE [ en ] Through a twisted mirror: 'Telling it as it isn't' - Literary Seminar
- 120020 SE [ en ] Twentieth Century Varieties of the English Bildungs-/Entwicklungsroman - Literary Seminar
- 120116 SE [ en ] "Desperate Housewives": Desire and Domesticity in Nineteenth-Century American Literature - Literary Seminar
- 120118 SE [ en ] Sex, Love, Betrayal: The Construction of Passion in English Love Poetry - Literary Seminar
- 120167 SE [ en ] Irish History and Myth in Irish Literature (and Film) from Yeats to the Present - Literary Seminar
- 120024 AR [ en ] Modern One-Act Plays - Literature Course
- 120031 AR [ en ] Game Cultures: Computer Games as New Media - Literature Course
- 120088 AR [ en ] Look Back In Anger- Rioting Against Alienation in the Late 50s, 70s, 90s - Literature Course
- 120027 AR [ en ] Witchcraft and Witchcraft Plays in Early Modern England and Scotland - Literature Course 325
- 120043 AR [ en ] The Canadian Prairie Novel - Literature Course
- 120058 AR [ en ] Science and Politics in Romantic Literature - Literature Course
- 120132 AR [ en ] Introducing James Joyce - Literature Course
2.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Courses
- 120123 AR [ en ] Language and Power - Advanced Cultural Studies
- 120168 AR [ en ] E pluribus plura. Canada - "The other America"
- 120077 SE [ en ] Approaches to Cultural Analysis: Cultural Materialism and New Historicism - Cultural Studies Seminar
- 120099 AR [ en ] Australian Literature and Culture - Advanced Cultural Studies
- 120109 AR [ en ] Postcolonial Theory and Practice - Advanced Interdisciplinary Course
- 120113 AR [ en ] Literature and Music - Advanced Interdisciplinary Course
2.5. Teaching Methodology
- 120098 UE [ en ] Teaching Practice Workshop
- 120146 UE [ en ] Teaching Practice Workshop
- 120147 UE [ en ] Teaching Practice Workshop
- 120162 UE [ en ] Teaching Practice Workshop
- 120085 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course Didactics of English: Testing
- 120150 UE [ en ] Visual Culture and Visual Literacy - Topic Related Course Didactics of English
- 120151 UE [ en ] Hooked by the book!? - Literature and ELT - Topic Related Course Didactics of English
- 120152 UE [ en ] Speaking activities that work - Topic Related Course Didactics of English
- 120153 UE [ en ] English Speaking Countries in the Context of ELT - Topic Related Course Didactics of English
- 120154 UE [ en ] Express yourself - productive skills in language teaching - Topic Related Course Didactics of English
- 120155 UE [ en ] ESP Methodology - Topic Related Course Didactics of English
- 120156 UE [ en ] Topic Related Course Didactics of English: Testing
- 120148 AR [ en ] Principles of ELT Methodology
- 120149 AR [ en ] Principles of ELT Methodology
2.6. Seminars for Diploma/Doctoral Candidates
- 120004 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Linguistics
- 120013 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Linguistics
- 120164 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Linguistics
- 120045 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Literature
- 120029 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Literature / Cultural Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34