5. Study Module "Gender Studies"
0. Introductory Modules
- 240103 VO+UE Body Metaphors - Lecture Series
- 240104 UE Introduction into Methods and Theory - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 240106 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Introduction into the methods and theory of gender studies in the social sciences and humanities
1. Basic Modules
Module A: Feminist Theories and Gender Theories
- 070324 KU Gender and "race" in the History of the Amercian South
- 100098 PS Gender and genre
- 102050 SE Gender-literature-theory
- 120017 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): "The Shadow of the Other Subject" - Cultural-historical Meanings of Intertextual Reconfigurations of Scriptural Female Figures in Literature
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): Signifier-Signified-Referent - Post/structural approaches in gender, cult. and postcolonial studies
- 130468 SE Interdisciplinary Seminar on Gender Studies
- 240104 UE Introduction into Methods and Theory - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- 240106 VO Introduction: methods/ theory of gender studies - Introduction into the methods and theory of gender studies in the social sciences and humanities
- 240110 SE Body-Sex-Gender: - A Survey of Embodiment Concepts in Historical and Cultural Changes
- 180413 SE [ en ] Feminist Standpoint Theories
- 180467 SE The multi-cultural question: Politics of Identity, Difference and Recognition
- 230484 SE Theory, Place, Gender: Feminist Key Texts from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 230500 SE Feminist Discourses on the Process of Modernization
- 230507 SE Seminar in Feminist Theory: Violence and Gender
Module B: Science Language Criticism and Methodology
- 180413 SE [ en ] Feminist Standpoint Theories
- 180467 SE The multi-cultural question: Politics of Identity, Difference and Recognition
- 220443 VO VO-FEM - Lecture on Feminist Communication Research
- 230417 VO+SE Gender Gaps in Science and Research
- 230484 SE Theory, Place, Gender: Feminist Key Texts from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 340049 VO Introduction to Translation Studies: Aspects of feminist Translation
Module C: Gender Relationships: Social Realities
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes
- 030428 SE SE "Equal opportunities, social mobility, gender" - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions - multicultural dimensions
- 040620 SE Feminist Economics
- 240103 VO+UE Body Metaphors - Lecture Series
- 190956 VO Intrudation into educational Gender-Studies
- 210242 PS D1, G8: Feminist Theories of the Seventies and early Eighties
- 210279 PS e1: Reading Course Gender and Society - Relating Gender, Class, and Ethnicity - The Categorial Connection of Class, Ethnicity and Gender
- 220254 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 220643 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 220644 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 230489 SE Heart and Brain. Gender Aspects in Defining "Death" and "Life" - Seminar in Feminist Theory and Women's Studies
- 230500 SE Feminist Discourses on the Process of Modernization
- 230507 SE Seminar in Feminist Theory: Violence and Gender
- 230521 VO+SE Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender
- 230547 VO Gender Studies
- 240005 VO Introductory Course: Anthropology of Gender
- 350132 SE MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
2. Topic-Related Modules
Module A: Representation, Language Symbolism and Gender Construction
- 070153 KU Experience - Remembrance - Narration. Gender Perspective in Auto-Biographies
- 080087 PS Proseminar 3/4: Virgin, Wife, Widow and Misfit - The architectural surroundings of women in the medieval City of Vienna
- 100029 PS Die Darstellungstradition schwarzer Frauen auf der Bühne des 18. Jhdts.
- 100058 PS Acting female - acting male. Voicing parts in contemporary german literature
- 100098 PS Gender and genre
- 100179 SE Sprachwiss.: Gendersymmetrie im Deutschen
- 102050 SE Gender-literature-theory
- 110237 PS [ de fr ] Literary Proseminar II French - -
- 120017 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): "The Shadow of the Other Subject" - Cultural-historical Meanings of Intertextual Reconfigurations of Scriptural Female Figures in Literature
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): Signifier-Signified-Referent - Post/structural approaches in gender, cult. and postcolonial studies
- 130502 UE [ hu ] Gender in Hungarian Literature
- 240103 VO+UE Body Metaphors - Lecture Series
- 240107 SE Feminist Ethics - Seminar
- 240115 SE Systeme.Gender.Criticism - Conceptions of Reality, Mediality and Politics
- 150028 PS Basic training in research an paper writing II
- 160190 UV Contemporary Women Composers
- 160287 UE Gender, Society and Literature
- 220443 VO VO-FEM - Lecture on Feminist Communication Research
- 340049 VO Introduction to Translation Studies: Aspects of feminist Translation
Module B: Historic and Cultural Manifestation of Gender and its Inconstancies
- 010348 SE Discourse about Matrimony and Gender-relations in the Old Testament
- 070153 KU Experience - Remembrance - Narration. Gender Perspective in Auto-Biographies
- 070165 SE "First Wave Feminisms"
- 070300 VO Introduction to Women's and Gender History
- 070324 KU Gender and "race" in the History of the Amercian South
- 070617 FS Research Seminar: Army Postal Service (First and Second World War) - within the Research Platform Rethinking "Women's and Gender History in the New European Context"
- 080087 PS Proseminar 3/4: Virgin, Wife, Widow and Misfit - The architectural surroundings of women in the medieval City of Vienna
- 100029 PS Die Darstellungstradition schwarzer Frauen auf der Bühne des 18. Jhdts.
- 120017 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): "The Shadow of the Other Subject" - Cultural-historical Meanings of Intertextual Reconfigurations of Scriptural Female Figures in Literature
- 120120 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar: The War of the Sexes. - Restoration Drama and its Portrayal of Gender Stereotypes
- 140507 SE Body and Image: Gender in Ancient Near Eastern Art
- 150005 PS Basic training in research an paper writing II
- 150015 PS PS LK 410 Gender and Postporn in Taiwanese Movies
- 150207 PS [ en ] PS GG 410 Gender and Postporn in Taiwanese Movies
- 160190 UV Contemporary Women Composers
- 160287 UE Gender, Society and Literature
- 170029 VO+UE Genderfuck deluxe! Performative strategies between theatre and politics
- 240056 VO Popular Hindi Cinema from an Anthropological Perspective: Media, Gender, and Globalization.
- 240061 VO Female Pioneers in Cultural- and Social Anthropology
Module C: Politics, State and Gender System
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes
- 030317 KU Gender studies in criminology
- 030375 SE "Seminar"/"Wahlfachkurs" Gender-Studies1 - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights from Plato until today
- 030428 SE SE "Equal opportunities, social mobility, gender" - Seminar "Equal opportunities, social mobility and gender"
- 030510 SE Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power: multicultural dimensions - multicultural dimensions
- 040620 SE Feminist Economics
- 070165 SE "First Wave Feminisms"
- 070300 VO Introduction to Women's and Gender History
- 090109 SE Seminar in Roman History: From Republic to Principate - Women and politics - in the age of the "Roman Revolution"
- 140101 SE Economics and Gender
- 140501 SE Sex in Development: Theories, Politics, Sexualities
- 240109 VO Gender Budgeting - Strategies and Methods
- 240112 KO Arbeitsfelder der Gender Studies in Wissenschaft und Forschung
- 170029 VO+UE Genderfuck deluxe! Performative strategies between theatre and politics
- 190272 SE Women and Disability - esp. in Developing Countries
- 190956 VO Intrudation into educational Gender-Studies
- 210205 PS D1, G8, G10: Gender and Class - Categories of Critical Political and Social Science
- 210242 PS D1, G8: Feminist Theories of the Seventies and early Eighties
- 210279 PS e1: Reading Course Gender and Society - Relating Gender, Class, and Ethnicity - The Categorial Connection of Class, Ethnicity and Gender
- 220443 VO VO-FEM - Lecture on Feminist Communication Research
- 220444 UE AT-FEM - Work Techniques Feminist Communication Research
- 230500 SE Feminist Discourses on the Process of Modernization
- 230507 SE Seminar in Feminist Theory: Violence and Gender
- 230521 VO+SE Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender
- 230547 VO Gender Studies
- 230562 SE [ en ] Technoscientific Utopias and Dystopias in Feminist Science Fiction
- 240042 VS Anthropology of Flight - Theoretical, Practical and Genderspecific Aspects
- 240056 VO Popular Hindi Cinema from an Anthropological Perspective: Media, Gender, and Globalization.
Module D: Interculturality, Religion and Gender
- 010078 SE Introduction to the Basics of Women Studies and Gender Studies
- 010348 SE Discourse about Matrimony and Gender-relations in the Old Testament
- 010356 SE Gender and Religious Pedagogy
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): Signifier-Signified-Referent - Post/structural approaches in gender, cult. and postcolonial studies
- 140507 SE Body and Image: Gender in Ancient Near Eastern Art
- 140552 UE+EX New Feminist Concepts in Islam - Literature and Practice
- 210279 PS e1: Reading Course Gender and Society - Relating Gender, Class, and Ethnicity - The Categorial Connection of Class, Ethnicity and Gender
- 230484 SE Theory, Place, Gender: Feminist Key Texts from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 240005 VO Introductory Course: Anthropology of Gender
- 240042 VS Anthropology of Flight - Theoretical, Practical and Genderspecific Aspects
- 240061 VO Female Pioneers in Cultural- and Social Anthropology
- 240063 VO Femininity, Monstrosity and Human Race - Anthropology and the Construction of Gender and Race
Module E: Ethics and Gender
- 010078 SE Introduction to the Basics of Women Studies and Gender Studies
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights from Plato until today
- 230489 SE Heart and Brain. Gender Aspects in Defining "Death" and "Life" - Seminar in Feminist Theory and Women's Studies
- 230507 SE Seminar in Feminist Theory: Violence and Gender
- 240040 SE Geschlecht - Körper - Krankheit und Kultur - Aktuelle Fragestellungen im Kontext mit Migrantinnen in Österreich und reproduktiver Frauengesundheit
Module F: Women's and Gender Research in Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine
- 240110 SE Body-Sex-Gender: - A Survey of Embodiment Concepts in Historical and Cultural Changes
- 250433 SE Seminar: Subject-related communicaion in mathematics classrooms (a gender-inclusive perspective)
- 260183 VO Physics education and "gender" - results of physics education research, intervention strategies
- 290434 UE Gender - Power - City. Introduction to Gender Planning
- 300385 VO Woman in science
- 300567 SE Man and Woman from an Evolutionary viewpoint
- 300576 SE Gender in Science
- 350132 SE MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
- 350606 VU BE3II - Deepening course aspects of Gender
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34