2.3. Freie Wahl
- 270262 VO Food Technology - Perserving of foods by irradiation (Food technology and analytical methods)
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
- 300545 SE Efficient Learning - Revision course to Animal Anatomy and Biology (300098)
- 300666 VO Ecology, biotechnology and food production - Methods and applications of biotechnology, genetic engineering and nanotechnology in food production systems. Risk assessment, regulations and ecologically relevant consequences.
- 320083 VO Fundamentals of fragrance chemistry - (Vorlesung für Dissertanten, Diplomanden und Hörer der Studienrichtungen Chemie sowie Teil II der Vorlesung "Zusatz- und Fremdstoffe in Lebensmitteln" für Hörer der Studienrichtung Ernährungswissenschaften)
- 330005 VO First Aid - First Aid
- 330015 SE [ en ] Aspects of Nutrition Economics in Developing Count - Aspects of Nutrition Economics in Developing Countries
- 330020 SE Granduand and doctorand course - Granduand and doctorand course (Radiobiology)
- 330022 UE Practise in food preparation
- 330024 SE Seminar Habitat forming/Human ecology - Habitat forming under human-ecological aspects
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition - Global Nutrition
- 330038 VO Introduction to biological cultivation - Introduction to biological cultivation
- 330052 UE Microbiological practice in food production - Microbiological practice in food production
- 330061 SE [ en ] Human nutrition - Human nutrition
- 330067 SE Course for graduants and Ph.D. students - Course for graduants and Ph.D. students
- 330087 VO Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research
- 330088 UE Exercises in Radiobiology - Exercises in Radiobiology
- 330096 VO [ en ] Principles of Public Health and Public Health Policy
- 330102 SE Medienkunde und Unterrichtstechnik
- 330105 UE Chemisches Proseminar (Ernährungsw.) - Chemisches Proseminar (Ernährungsw.)
- 330106 UE Übungen zur Planung epidemiologischer Studien
- 330101 SE Ernährungs- und Gesundheitspolitik
Last modified: Fr 22.06.2018 00:32