§ 57.6. Elective Courses
§ 57.6. Elective Courses
- 180070 SE The question on god
- 180262 SE Walking through the city - Philosophical inquiries from peripatos to drifting
- 180329 VO The Conception of God
- 180332 VO-L Logics and metaphysics
- 180344 VO Elfriede Jelinek - An introduction
- 180345 SE Elfriede Jelinek - Central Topics of her Work
- 180348 VO Philosophy and Economies
- 180349 SE Philosophy and Economics
- 180353 SE Mind and brain - Ontology in the field of intellectual development
- 180362 PS Size does matter - Close reading
- 180368 SE The Seals of Sophia
- 180383 VO Introduction to Chinese Thought
- 180384 VO Metaphysics of Art - The eclipse of the Ontological Argument for God's Existence and modern conjuncture of esthetic function (Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Mukarovsky, Malewitsch)
- 180393 VO The History of Social Criticism - A historical-philosophical Description of Critical Theories in the 19th and 20th Century
- 180400 VO-L Human nature and freedom of will - The interpretation of human being in eastern & western philosophy
- 180402 VO Philosophy in Latin America - Identity, comparasion and interaction
- 180419 SE The concept of philosophy in Islam - The authority of Aristoteles on the opinion of Ibn Rushd(Averroes 12. cen.): Are Philosophy and Theologie contradictory?
- 180421 SE Philosophies of Love
- 180423 SE Theories of Discourse
- 180426 SE [ en ] Analytic Social Ontology
- 180427 SE Transfer(ence)
- 180429 SE The critique of the Ars vivendi - Problems of Aesthetic Views on Life
- 180440 VO-L Metaphysics and Ontology - Aristotels - Heidegger
- 180451 VO The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism - Philosophical Anthropology
- 180452 VO Natural Philosophy and Natural Science - For Comparative Reflection and Interdisciplinary Education
- 180453 SE Seminar for Comparative Philosophy
- 180455 SE Time: a philosophical problem
- 180456 SE [ en ] Devastating Tropes and Deceiving Senses - Scepticism in the Early Modern Period (SE)
- 180459 VO Code: Communication and Control
- 180463 SE Historism and Critique of Historical Reason - Towards Philosophy of Social,Cultural & Human Sciences
- 180473 SE Philosophy and laughter
- 180478 SE Introduction to historical Epistemology
- 180482 VO The esoteric of philosophy of Heidegger
- 180484 SE Conceptions of evil in Augustinus, Kant and Hannah Arendt
- 180485 VO [ en ] Chinese Philosophy: Classical Confucianism Daoism, and Chinese Mahayana Buddhism
- 180487 SE [ en ] Chinese spirituality and psychotherapy
- 180488 SE Thinking in Open Systems: Cognition, Emotion and Transdisciplinarien Approaches
- 180464 SE Biopolitics
- 180465 SE Better humans? Cyborgvisions, technoscientifical and ethical reflections
- 180513 VO [ de es ] Octavio Paz: Looking for the instant
- 180514 SE [ de es ] Hermeneutical interpretations: O. Paz, F. Schleiermacher, W. v. Humboldt
- 180515 SE [ de es ] Philosophy of history
- 180516 VO-L Philosophy of democracy
- 180517 SE Nieztsche and Indian Thought - The Influence of Paul Deussen on Nietzsches`s Philosophy
- 180518 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Technology
- 200150 VO Elective Course: Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology II
- 200151 VO Elective Course: Research Projects in Economic Psychology II
- 200152 VO Elective Course: Educational Psychology II
- 190222 VO Fundation of Schooling - School, education and society
- 190331 VO On Poverty and Education
- 190463 VO Society and social change - Youth, Education and Society - Towards a Change of the (educational) Perception of young People
- 190486 VO Special Needs an Inclusive Education
- 190489 VO Education and the historic dimension
- 190654 VO Introduction into Adlerian Psychology II
- 190743 VO Education and Policy - Vocational training beween economics and subject-orientation
- 190763 VO Introduction to theoretical pedagogics - Introduction to theoretical pedagogics
- 190799 VO Classroom - An Introduction
- 190874 VO Education and anthropology - Deutungsmuster Jugend und Kultur
- 190887 VO Menschenbilder und -konstruktionen
- 190889 VO Modelle und Methoden international vergleichender Schul- und Bildungsforschung - School systems in international comparison - An introduction to Comparative Education with special attention to the upper secondary stage of education
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34