1.01. Catholic Theology
1. Christian Philosophy
- 010029 VO Intercultural Philosophy - Introduction into Latin American philosophy
- 010135 VO Metaphysics - (§ 3/2/2 and § 4/1/2)
- 010271 KO Conversatorium Metaphysics
- 010277 PV Research Seminar
- 010290 VO History of Philosophy 3: Modern Philosophy
- 010349 SE Intercultural philosophy in India and Latin America: - Raimon Panikkar and Enrique Dussel
- 010350 SE Seminar: main positions of philosophical criticism of religion
- 010351 VO Contemporary philosophy
- 010353 VO Philosophy of Language, Epistemology and Hermeneutics I/1: Epistemology
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
2. Social Ethics
- 010001 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010002 VO Christian Social Ethics II
- 010003 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010281 PS Basic Concepts of Ethics and Anthropology
- 010324 SE Spirituality and Ethics in the Ecumenical Process - The European Ecumenical Assemblies of Basel, Graz and Sibiu
3. Religious Science
- 010233 SE Seminar: New Religions and Secularization
- 010252 PV Privatissimum
- 010305 SE Ideas of Reincarnation: Past and Present
- 010312 VO Afroamerican Religions. An Introduction
- 010316 SE Sacrifice and offering within Religions. Theories of a basic ritual practice
- 010321 EX Study Trip: Religions in Northern India
- 010357 SE Main topics of the Buddhist-Christian Dialogue
- 010364 SE Religions and the end of the world - Religions and the end of the world
- 010368 SE [ en ] Visual Representation of the Radical Islamic Movements
- 010371 VO Interreligious Dialogue - The Official Documents of the Catholic Church
- 010372 VO Being church in mission. An Introduction to the Theology of Mission
4. Old Testament Bible Studies
- 010100 VO Hebrew II
- 010110 SE Psalms
- 010214 PV Research Seminar - for advanced and postgraduate students
- 010270 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010310 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament 2 - The Historical Books
- 010311 VO Biblical Theology of the Old Testament
- 010348 SE Discourse about Matrimony and Gender-relations in the Old Testament
5. New Testament Bible Studies
- 010009 PV Research Seminar - for advanced and postgraduate students
- 010055 VO Introduction to the New Testament II - The Catholic Epistels
- 010070 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament III - The Gospel of John
- 010072 VO+UE New Testament Greek II
- 010078 SE Introduction to the Basics of Women Studies and Gender Studies
- 010153 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010154 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament II - Paul - Book of Revelation
- 010202 VO Exegesis of the New Testament - The passion narrative in the Gospel of John
- 010297 VO Biblical Theology of the New Testament - Selected Parables of Jesus
6. Ecclesiastical History
- 010016 PV Privatissimum - for Graduates and Post-graduate Students
- 010074 PV Privatissimum - for Graduates and Post-graduate Students
- 010177 VO Introduction in Christian Iconography: The Image of Christ II - (Images of Transfiguration, Passion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost and Doomsday)
- 010211 SE Pope Gregory the Great : His life, his works, and his legacy.
- 010212 PV Privatissimum
- 010223 VO Church History Compact II - A Survey of the History of the second Christian Millenium
- 010329 SE+EX Slovakia - Church-Neighbour Slovakia: Traces of its great ecclesiastical past and pastoral present (guided excursion)
- 010352 VO Church History. - Part II. - The Church in the Early and High Middle Ages
7. Patrology and Eastern Church Studies
- 010085 VO Study of the Eastern Churches II - Universal Orthodoxy and Diversity of Local Churches
- 010088 PV Privatissimum - Privatissimum
- 010324 SE Spirituality and Ethics in the Ecumenical Process - The European Ecumenical Assemblies of Basel, Graz and Sibiu
- 010325 EX Excursion to Romania
- 090034 VO Christological controversies in the Byzantine Empire from the 3d to the 6th century
8. Fundamental Theology
- 010011 SE Theology of History
- 010059 PV Exclusive tutorial I - for graduands
- 010083 PV Exclusive tutorial II - for postgraduates
- 010131 VO Introduction to Christianity (lecture)
- 010247 VO Fundamental theology II: God s Revelation and its Tradition (lecture)
- 010280 SE The question of god in the challenge of fundamentalism and secularism - "Letztbegründungen in der Gottesfrage"
- 010358 SE Hegel's Phänomenology of the Spirit: Faith, Enlightenment and Morality
9. Dogmatic Theology
- 010063 VO Dogmatics IV: Anthropology
- 010165 SE [ en ] Sanctity and Stigmata in Christian Art and Writing (thirteenth to sixteenth century)
- 010168 PV Privatissimum
- 010171 VO Dogmatics IV: Alpha and Omega - Man between Creation and Accomplishment
- 010181 SE Stories of love - God-talk and Eros
- 010241 VO Dogmatics V: Eschatology
- 010262 SE Modern concepts of Trinitarian theology
10. Spiritual Theology
- 010125 PS Introduction Course: Academic Skills
- 010207 PV Academic Sessions for Dissertation Students
- 010315 SE Spirituality as Objection - (Prophecy and Liberation)
- 010323 VO Ways to Unification With God - (Mystics)
11. Moral Theology
- 010027 VO Applied Moral Theology - Ethics of Human Relations
- 010034 VO Developing Moral Competence
- 010038 PV Privatissimum
- 010060 PV Privatissimum
- 010237 SE Liberty and coercion
- 010338 EX Study trip to the Philippines: Theology in a Context of Poverty and Oppression - Encounter with the "theology of struggle" and the "church of the poor" on the Philippines
- 010342 SE Seminar: Theological Ethics from the Perspective of the Poor - Reflexion on the experiences with the "theology of struggle" and the "church of the poor" on the Philippines
- 010346 VO Applied Moral Theology for Teachers II - Ethics concerning Human Life
- 010347 VO Fundamental Moral Theology II - Personal Foundations of Morality
- 020131 KU Health and justice - Intercultural comparison between Austria and Philippines
- 020132 KU Clinical Rounds - in health professions from ethical and legal view
- 020133 KU Medical law in pracitce - with exkursions
12. Church Law
- 010132 VO Basic Terms of Canon Law
- 010295 SE Dogma - Preaching - Catechetical Instruction. The Forms of Proclamation in the Canonical Framework
- 010327 VO The Constitution of the Church 1: Basic Questions
- 010328 VO The Constitution of the Church 2: Structures and Institutions of the church
- 010335 PV Recent Developments of Canon Law Concerning Fundamental Questions
13. Liturgical Science
- 010020 VO Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology II: Sacramental Celebrations II: The Eucharist
- 010021 VO Introduction to Liturgical Studies II/2: The Development of the Liturgical Year
- 010023 VO Basics of Liturgical Studies II/1: The Liturgy of the Hours
- 010086 PV Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen - Exclusive Tutorial for Graduate and Post-graduate Students
- 010245 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010320 SE Liturgy in the Former Member States of the Warsaw Pact - Then and Nowadays
- 010325 EX Excursion to Romania
14. Practical Theology
14.1. Pastoral Theology and Kerygmatics
- 010025 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students and candidates for habilitation
- 010041 PV Exclusive tutorial - for students who are about to take their diploma
- 010042 PV Exclusive tutorial - for scholarship holders of the Pastoral Forum
- 010045 UE Personal growth and self-experience II - for theologians
- 010082 KO Conversatorium on the main lecture - (Pastoral theology III)
- 010144 SE Methods of Qualitative Research - in a theological context
- 010155 VO+UE Introduction to theology II
- 010232 VO To live, love, work and die: Challenges of a "biographic-orientated pastoral-care"
- 010307 SE The Call for New Rites - in People's Everday Lives as a Hope for a Missionary Church
- 010329 SE+EX Slovakia - Church-Neighbour Slovakia: Traces of its great ecclesiastical past and pastoral present (guided excursion)
- 010360 VO [ en ] Contemporary Approaches to Religion in Sociology and Cultural Analysis - Secularisation Theory Re-Examined
- 010361 SE [ en ] Orthodox Christianity in Post-Soviet Europe: Sociological Perspectives
- 010362 SE Youth- estranged from or unaffected by the Gospel
- 010367 SE Religion and Churches in Eastern and Central Europe
- 010369 SE [ en ] Cross-cultural communication - How to create effective communication with different cultural groups
14.2. Religious Pedagogy and Catechetics
- 010041 PV Exclusive tutorial - for students who are about to take their diploma
- 010073 SE Methods and media in RE - General subject didactics
- 010096 UE Writing Lab
- 010133 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students
- 010172 SE Specific subject didactics III - Jesus as Portrayed in Films
- 010173 SE Seminar on Religious Pedagogy - The contribution of religious education towards a European Identity
- 010174 VO+UE Introduction to Theology III - Religious Pedagogy
- 010176 VO Religious Pedagogy and Catechetics I
- 010178 SE Specific subject didactics I: Bible didactics - From the edge to the center. Supporting figures in biblical narrations
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
- 010213 PR Religious education in compulsory schools - Counselling to the Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010226 SE Subject-didactical seminar - Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training
- 010301 SE Methods and media in RE - General subject didactics
- 010303 SE Specific subject didactics II - Specific subjects didactics II
- 010304 SE Specific subject didactics IV - School As a Place of Memory: How to deal with the memory of teachers and pupils being driven out of Viennese secondary schools in 1938
- 010340 PR Religious education in compulsory schools - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010354 VO Catechesis. Encouraging faith in the christian community - (Religious Pedagogy and Catechetics II)
- 010356 SE Gender and Religious Pedagogy
- 010363 VO Religious education between the poles of religious communities, pedagogics and society
- 190397 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Theory and Practice of Schoold Development and Religion
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34