1. Transdisciplinary Development Research (T I - T IV)
T I Socio-Cultural Development
- 030590 KU Legal issues of European Overseas expansion
- 140005 AR International Migration - political regulation of migration
- 140099 VO+UE Racism
- 140193 VO+UE Discourse analysis - politness in public discourse - Applied linguistics: Discourse analysis - politness in public discourse
- 140332 PS Qualitative methods in African and Development Studies
- 140451 SE Postcolonial Theory
- 140512 SE Islamism
- 140563 SE [ en ] Post-development theory and practice
- 140569 SE "Colonial" and "postcolonial" legal pluralism
- 140570 VO+UE Environment and Development - sustainable development
- 140241 VO+UE Language and education policy within the development process
T II Historical-Geographical Analysis/Socio-Economic Dimensions of International Development in Spatial and Temporal Perspectives:
- 140071 VO Survey of African History 4 - States and societies in postcolonial Africa
- 070629 VO Colonisation/Decolonisation and the Austrian Republic
- 140098 VO+UE Structural and historical Aspects of Racism
- 140302 SE Seminar in African History: "Power, economy, development - colonial control of African societies"
- 140315 VO+UE Colonialism and Religion (Southern Africa, Nigeria, Congo)
- 140328 AR Africa: Life History and History
- 140537 PS Political Islam in Palestine
- 140564 SE EU-Migration Policy
- 140566 AR Low intensity conflicts - Latin America
- 150027 SE Current Affairs in East Asia
T III Development Policy
- 040128 SE Development Policy - International Monetary Fund
- 040753 VO International Institutions and North-South Resource Flows
- 140477 AR Democracy in Africa. Utopia or reality?
- 140502 VO+UE Entwicklungsfinanzierung: der Monterrey-Konsensus
- 140514 SE Impacts of global production and trade networks on development
- 140533 PS Crises, war and democratization in the Middle East
- 140534 SE Uneven Development
- 140565 AR Global Political Economy
- 140573 VO+UE [ en ] Development Economics
- 150128 VO+UE Economic Development in East Asia: Japan and South Korea
- 140517 SE Social and political transformation processes the Middle East
T IV Culture and Development/Gender Studies
- 030108 SE [ en ] Indigenous Peoples`Rights in national and international contexts - (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 070623 VO Sexuality in the 20th Century - (gem. mit dem Seminar Nr. 070652 als Projektkurs 1 für das Lehramtsstudium anrechenbar)
- 140024 UE [ en ] Transcultural theatre work - with participants from various countries of origin (focus on Africa)
- 140025 UE [ en ] Transcultural theatre work - with participants from various countries of origin (focus on gender issues)
- 140101 SE Economics and Gender
- 140290 VO+UE African Diaspora in Creole-Speaking Areas: Language and Culture Contacts in Past and Present
- 140465 AR Development potential of Art - Zum entwicklungspolitischen Potential von Kunst.
- 140501 SE Sex in Development: Theories, Politics, Sexualities
- 140567 VO+UE Globales Lernen
- 150086 VO+UE Society, culture and politics in Korean jokes
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34