6. Philosophy of Science, Cognitive Science and Social Studies of Science
1. Philosophy of Science and Cognitive Science
1.1. Introductory Courses
- 180465 SE Better humans? Cyborgvisions, technoscientifical and ethical reflections
- 180467 SE The multi-cultural question: Politics of Identity, Difference and Recognition
- 180494 VO [ de en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
1.2. Advanced Courses
- 040201 DK [ en ] PhD-M: Philosophy of Science - Foundations and Practicing Collaborative Knowledge Construction in Science and Technology
- 180463 SE Historism and Critique of Historical Reason - Towards Philosophy of Social,Cultural & Human Sciences
- 180464 SE Biopolitics
- 180466 SE Philosophy of Science and Culture II: Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 180468 SE [ en ] Interdisciplinary Knowledge Lab: Observing, Reflecting and Creating Radically New Knowledge - [Project Seminar in Philosophy of Science 2]
- 180470 UE [ en ] Exercise Course for Interdisciplinary Knowledge Lab - Project Seminar in Philosophy of Science 2
- 180471 SE [ en ] Master Thesis Seminar in Cognitive Science & Philosophy of Science
- 180488 SE Thinking in Open Systems: Cognition, Emotion and Transdisciplinarien Approaches
1.3. MEi:CogSci -- Middle European Interdisciplinary Joint Masters Program in Cognitive Science
2. Social Studies of Science
2.1. Introduction to Social Studies of Science
- 230530 VO Introduction in philosophy of science
- 230560 SE [ en ] When research becomes the researched - Introduction in science and technology studies
- 230562 SE [ en ] Technoscientific Utopias and Dystopias in Feminist Science Fiction
- 230568 SE Science in literature - Discussion of boundarywork and imaginations at the intersection of science and literature
- 230569 SE [ en ] Academic migration, connection & exclusion in the science system
- 230570 VO How social is scientific knowledge? Introduction to social studies of science II
- 230573 SE [ en ] Universities as enterprises - knowledge as commodity. Analysis of a transformation
2.2. Advanced Social Studies of Science
- 230565 SE [ en ] From stethoscope to cybermedicine - Dealing with medicine and (new) technologies on the basis of concepts from science adn technology studies
- 230566 SE The politics of facts - On the dealing with facts and values in science and society
- 230571 SE New trends in science and technology studies - reading seminar for doctoral and diploma students of science and technology
- 230572 SE [ de en ] Seminar for diploma, master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
3. Courses for Doctoral Candidates
- 230571 SE New trends in science and technology studies - reading seminar for doctoral and diploma students of science and technology
- 230572 SE [ de en ] Seminar for diploma, master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34