Module A: Representation, Language Symbolism and Gender Construction
- 070153 KU Experience - Remembrance - Narration. Gender Perspective in Auto-Biographies
- 080087 PS Proseminar 3/4: Virgin, Wife, Widow and Misfit - The architectural surroundings of women in the medieval City of Vienna
- 100029 PS Die Darstellungstradition schwarzer Frauen auf der Bühne des 18. Jhdts.
- 100058 PS Acting female - acting male. Voicing parts in contemporary german literature
- 100098 PS Gender and genre
- 100179 SE Sprachwiss.: Gendersymmetrie im Deutschen
- 102050 SE Gender-literature-theory
- 110237 PS [ de fr ] Literary Proseminar II French - -
- 120017 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): "The Shadow of the Other Subject" - Cultural-historical Meanings of Intertextual Reconfigurations of Scriptural Female Figures in Literature
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): Signifier-Signified-Referent - Post/structural approaches in gender, cult. and postcolonial studies
- 130502 UE [ hu ] Gender in Hungarian Literature
- 240103 VO+UE Body Metaphors - Lecture Series
- 240107 SE Feminist Ethics - Seminar
- 240115 SE Systeme.Gender.Criticism - Conceptions of Reality, Mediality and Politics
- 150028 PS Basic training in research an paper writing II
- 160190 UV Contemporary Women Composers
- 160287 UE Gender, Society and Literature
- 220443 VO VO-FEM - Lecture on Feminist Communication Research
- 340049 VO Introduction to Translation Studies: Aspects of feminist Translation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34