2. Pflichtmodulgruppen (PMG)
PMG 1: Gegenstandstheorie der Bildungswissenschaft
BM1 Lehren und Lernen
- 190799 VO Classroom - An Introduction
BM2 Konstitutionsprobleme der Bildungswissenschaft
- 190873 VO Foundations of education as an academic discipline - Disciplinary Identity
BM3 Bildung und Anthropologie
- 190874 VO Education and anthropology - Deutungsmuster Jugend und Kultur
- 190875 PS Education and anthropology - Anthropological Dimensions of educational science - with special reference to historical approaches
- 190876 PS Education and anthropology
PMG 2: Bildung, Gesellschaft und Individuum
BM4 Bildung und Geschichtlichkeit
- 190489 VO Education and the historic dimension
BM5 Bildung und Politik
- 190069 PS Education and Policy - To the policy of education and science
- 190708 PS Education and Policy - Education and Human Rights
- 190743 VO Education and Policy - Vocational training beween economics and subject-orientation
- 190879 PS Education and Policy - Pedagogy/education science und education politics
BM6 Individuum und Entwicklung
- 190247 PS Individual and development - Developmental theories of early childhood
- 190880 VO Individual and development - and Socialisation
PMG 3: Methodologie und Methoden der Bildungswissenschaft
BM10 Empirische Forschungsmethoden in der Bildungswissenschaft II
BM7 Wissenschaftstheorie in der Bildungswissenschaft
BM8 Philosophische Methoden in der Bildungswissenschaft
- 190881 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 1 - Hermeneutics and critical Methods
- 190882 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 1 - Argumentation, Hermeneutics and Critique as methods of scientific working
- 190883 VO+UE Philosophy of Science in Education - Part 2 - Hermeneutics and critical Methods
BM9 Empirische Forschungsmethoden in der Bildungswissenschaft I
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34