2.2. Methoden: Einführung in die quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (d)
- 210257 VO BA 4.2 Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 210258 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden in der Analyse sozialer Ungleichheit
- 210259 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden, Parteien und Parteiensysteme
- 210260 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods and Implementation Research
- 210261 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods and Political Behaviour
- 210262 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methods in Party Research
- 210263 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden und politische Partizipation Be Part of it. Der Einsatz quantitativer Methoden zur Erforschung politischer Partizipation
- 210264 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Forschungsmethoden und mediale Wahlkampagnen
- 210265 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Armut und soziale Exklusion
- 210266 UE d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Methoden und vertikale soziale Ungleichheit, Bildung, Einkommen und Beruf
- 210267 UE [ en ] d2: Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research - Quantitative Political Inquiry: Concepts and measurement Tool for Data Description and Research Design - Strategies in Party Research
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34