B. Masterstudium Soziologie
1. Pflichtmodule
AR Master-Arbeit-Seminar
- 230576 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230577 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230578 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230579 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230580 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230589 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230591 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230615 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230616 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230617 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230618 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230619 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230620 SE Diploma Thesis Seminar
- 230630 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230571 SE New trends in science and technology studies - reading seminar for doctoral and diploma students of science and technology
- 230572 SE [ de en ] Seminar for diploma, master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
F Forschungsspezialisierung
Forschungsspezialisierung: Gesundheit und Organisation
- 230483 SE SE on Organisations Theory: A Comparison of Paradigms
- 230488 VO Health and the Organisation of Education in Schools
- 230489 SE Heart and Brain. Gender Aspects in Defining "Death" and "Life" - Seminar in Feminist Theory and Women's Studies
- 230565 SE [ en ] From stethoscope to cybermedicine - Dealing with medicine and (new) technologies on the basis of concepts from science adn technology studies
Forschungsspezialisierung: Kultur und Gesellschaft
- 230482 SE The New Spirit of Capitalism
- 230487 SE Subjective Experiences of Migration Processes and their Social Scientific Analysis
- 230573 SE [ en ] Universities as enterprises - knowledge as commodity. Analysis of a transformation
- 010360 VO [ en ] Contemporary Approaches to Religion in Sociology and Cultural Analysis - Secularisation Theory Re-Examined
- 010361 SE [ en ] Orthodox Christianity in Post-Soviet Europe: Sociological Perspectives
Forschungsspezialisierung: Sozialgerontologie, Generationen und Familie
- 230486 SE Families in Transition: Divorce/ Separation and its Consequences
- 230574 VO+SE Social Gerontology, Life Course, Intergenerational Relations
Forschungsspezialisierung: Sozialstruktur und soziale Integration
- 230011 VO+SE Sociological Technology Studies: Theories, Methods, Applications
- 230426 VO+SE Quality of Life
- 230429 VO+SE Measuring the Social Integration of Migrants
- 110352 VO [ de it ] Cycle of Lectures - -
- 230569 SE [ en ] Academic migration, connection & exclusion in the science system
M Angwandte Methoden und Forschungsstrategien
- 230442 VO+UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230456 VO+UE Mixed Methods
- 230461 VO Mixed Methods
- 230463 VO+UE Advanced Methods: Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data - Logistic Regression, Logit and Loglinear Models and other Methods
- 230469 UE Basic Techniques of Population Inference with Incomplete Data - Sampling, Weighting, Imputation
- 230471 VO+SE Lazarsfelds Methodology - Paul Lazarsfelds Methodology in Research Projects
- 230485 SE Visual Methods
T Soziologische Theorien: Vergleich, Anwendung und Entwicklung
- 230001 VO+SE Sociological Theories 2
- 230002 VO+SE Religion within the Worldview of Modern Times
- 230482 SE The New Spirit of Capitalism
- 230483 SE SE on Organisations Theory: A Comparison of Paradigms
- 230484 SE Theory, Place, Gender: Feminist Key Texts from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
- 230568 SE Science in literature - Discussion of boundarywork and imaginations at the intersection of science and literature
- 230423 VO+SE Contemporary Sociological Theories of Culture
- 230424 VO+SE Social Sciences - Sociology and Anti- Sociology in their Dynamic Interaction - A Critical Discussion from the Perspective of Pragmatic Sociology on the Basis of Case Studies
2. Wahlmodule
EF Erweiterung einer gewählten Forschungsspezialisierung
EM Erweiterung Methoden
ET Erweiterung Theorien
PM Projektmanagement
- 230470 UE Project Planning and Research Management
- 230490 SE Projectmanagement
SM Sozialwissenschaftliches Modul nach freier Wahl
WK Wissenskommunikation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34