2.1. Theorie
T1 Soziologische Theorien: Grundzüge
- 230405 VO Sociological Theories II: Modern Sociological Theories 2
- 230406 VO Sociological Theories: Sociological Classicals
- 230407 VO Diagnoses of Society
- 230408 UE Sociological Theories: To read Classicals
T2 Spezielle soziologische Theorien und Gesellschaftsdiagnosen
- 230500 SE Feminist Discourses on the Process of Modernization
- 230501 SE SE on Systems Theory: Function Systems in Modern Society
- 230502 SE The Rational Choice Approach
- 230505 SE Theories of Social Interaction: Exchange and Reciprocity
- 230506 SE Friendship as a Way of Living - A Sociology of an Affective Union between Singularity and Universality
- 230507 SE Seminar in Feminist Theory: Violence and Gender
- 230415 VO+SE Contemporary Sociological Theories: Comparison and Application of Theories
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34