3.3 Aktuelle Themen der KSA
3.3.1 Globalisierung - Postkolonialismus - Transnationalismus
- 240041 VS VS Law - Peace - Conflict - recent case studies from South Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
- 240042 VS Anthropology of Flight - Theoretical, Practical and Genderspecific Aspects
- 240064 VO [ de en ] Diaspora, Identität und Ideologie - Zur komparativen Ethnographie von Diasporagesellschaften
3.3.2 Recht - Frieden - Konflikt
- 240041 VS VS Law - Peace - Conflict - recent case studies from South Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
- 240042 VS Anthropology of Flight - Theoretical, Practical and Genderspecific Aspects
3.3.3 Urbane Anthropologie
3.3.4 Politische Anthropologie
- 240044 VS From the first anthropological theories of culture contact to the 'theory' of the 'clash of cultures
3.3.5 Ökonomie - Tourismus
- 240046 VS VS Economy - Tourism - Research on Hunter-Gatherer Societies
- 240058 VO Careful dealing with environment - traditional utilization of water and mud buildings in arid zones
3.3.6 Religion - Weltbild - Ritual
- 240049 VS Globalization and Imagination: Migration, Tourism and the Media
- 240065 VO Funeral Art - Entrance ticket to the land of the Deads
- 240066 VO Grundlagen der mesoamerikanischen Religion samt Lektüre II
3.3.7 Kunst - Visuelle Kultur - Materielle Kultur
- 240043 VS Material Culture and Museums
3.3.8 Medien, Neue Medien, Film
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34