4.02. International Business Administration
A. Bachelor Programme International Business Administration (A 033 514): Curriculum 2008
1. Introductory Phase
1.1. Basics of General Business Administration
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040294 EK Financial Accounting for Beginners
- 040295 EK Cost Accounting for Beginners
- 040675 EK Service Module: Specialization to Principles of Accounting
- 040686 EK Introduction to Business Administration
1.2. Basics of Information Technology
- 040248 EK Foundations of Information Technology - Foundations of Information Technology
1.3. Basics of Business Mathematics
- 040407 UK Introduction to Business Mathematics
- 040408 VK Introduction to Business Mathematics
1.4. Basics of Economics
- 040006 EK [ en ] Principles of Economics (E)
1.5. Basics of Law
- 040060 EK Introduction to Private and Business Law
1.6. Basics of Sociology
- 040381 EK Industrial Sociology
2. Core Phase
2.1. ABWL: Financial Management
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
2.2. ABWL: Marketing
- 040061 EK Marketing
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040428 FK Marketing
2.3. ABWL: Organization and Human Resource
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
- 040502 VK Organization and Human Resources
2.4. ABWL: Production and Logistics
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
2.5. ABWL: Innovation and Technology Management
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
2.6. Business Administration-Accounting
- 040597 EK Accounting: Cost Accounting for Advanced Students
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
2.7. Quantitative Methods in Business Administration
2.8. Micro Economy
- 040091 UK Introduction to Microeconomics
- 040184 UK [ en ] Introduction to Microeconomics (E)
2.9. Macro Economy
- 040090 UK [ en ] Introduction to Macroeconomics (E)
2.10. Private Law
- 040467 VK RdW: Private Corporate Law
- 040468 VK RdW: Public and Limited Corporate Law
- 040481 VK RdW: Business Law
- 040482 VK RdW: Private Law
2.11. Tax Law
- 040601 EK RdW: Introduction to Tax Law
- 040602 FK RdW: Determination of Income Tax Base
2.12. Business Mathematics
- 040053 FK WMS: Business Mathematics 1
- 040635 FK WMS: Business Mathematics 2
2.13. Business Statistics
- 040019 FK WMS: Business Statistics 1
- 040637 FK WMS: Business Statistics 2
2.14. Basics of Information Technology
- 040666 VK Foundations of Information Technology
2.15. Business English
- 040024 EK [ en ] WI-SPR: Business English I
- 040025 FK [ en ] WI-SPR: Business English II
2.16. Empirical Social Research
- 040511 VK BW SOZ: Social Research
- 040537 EK BW SOZ: Social Research
3. Specialization Phase International Management
3.1. Compulsory Modules
3.1.1. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I Preparatory Courses
- 040179 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Grammar Course - Russische Grammatik
- 040305 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 1
- 040309 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Basic Russian 1
- 040311 UK [ es ] WI-SPR: Basic Spanish 1 - Grundkurs Spanisch 1
- 040375 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 1
- 040388 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 3
- 040389 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 3 Business Communication
- 040036 EK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 1
- 040037 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 2
- 040094 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 2
- 040097 EK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 1
- 040303 EK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 1
- 040304 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 2
- 040312 EK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 1
- 040380 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 2
3.1.2. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040023 VK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 4
- 040038 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 3
- 040039 VK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 4
- 040067 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 3
- 040306 VK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 4
- 040310 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 3
- 040320 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 3
- 040382 VK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 4
3.2. Elective Modules
3.2.1. International Accounting
- 040656 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Group Accounting
- 040658 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS I
3.2.2. International Economics
- 040702 UK [ en ] IM: International Economics
3.2.3. International Environmental Management
3.2.4. International Financial Management
3.2.5. International Industrial Management
- 040633 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management I
- 040634 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management II
3.2.6. International Logistics
3.2.7. International Marketing
- 040517 FK [ en ] IM/KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Part 1 (E) - Context & Analysis
3.2.8. International Negotiations
3.2.9. International Personnel Management
- 040689 SE [ en ] IM/KFK PÖ: International Personnel Management
3.2.10. International Public Utility Management
3.2.11. International Strategy and Organization
- 040506 SE [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization (E)
- 040562 VK [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization (E)
3.2.12. Risk and Insurance
4. Additional Courses
B. Master Programme International Business Administration (A 066 914): Curriculum 2006
1. International Management
1.1. Taxation of Multinational Corporations
- 040466 VK IM: International Tax Law
1.2. International Accounting
- 040629 VK [ de en ] KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS II (E)
- 040640 VK IM/KFK EUR: Group Accounting
- 040656 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Group Accounting
- 040657 VK IM/KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS I
- 040658 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS I
1.3. International Economics
- 040702 UK [ en ] IM: International Economics
1.4. International Financial Management
1.5. International Industrial Management
1.6. International Logistics
1.7. International Marketing
- 040517 FK [ en ] IM/KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Part 1 (E) - Context & Analysis
1.8. International Negotiations
1.9. International Market Entry Decision
1.10. International Personnel Management
- 040689 SE [ en ] IM/KFK PÖ: International Personnel Management
1.11. International Public Utility Management
1.12. International Strategy and Organization
- 040506 SE [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization (E)
- 040562 VK [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization (E)
1.13. International Management
- 040474 SE IM: Strategic Management of International Enterprises
- 040508 FK IM: Applied Management of International Companies/Groups
114. International Energy Management
- 040515 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040516 SE [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
1.15. International Cooperative Management
- 040707 FK IM: Cooperative Management
1.16. International Law
- 040486 VK [ de en ] IM: European Law
1.17. Risk and Insurance
2. Core Subject Combinations (KFK)
2.1. KFK Banking
2.2. KFK Controlling
- 040191 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Corporate Governance
- 040246 VK KFK CTR: Spreadsheet Accounting
- 040416 FK KFK CTR: Fundamentals in Managerial Accounting
- 040417 SE [ en ] KFK CTR: Seminar (E) - Seminar (E)
- 040418 FK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Management
- 040479 VK RdW: Topics in Corporate Governance
- 040480 VK Personal Liability of Administrative and Supervisory Bodies
- 040614 PR KFK CTR: Managerial Accounting with SAP
- 040619 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation - Abschlußanalyse und Unternehmensbewertung
- 040626 EK KFK CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
2.3. KFK Corporate Finance
- 040383 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization 1 (E)
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040569 FK [ en ] KFK CF: Valuation (E)
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Principles of Finance
- 040642 SE [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Seminar Portfoliomanagement
- 040643 SE [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Seminar
- 040644 VK [ en ] KFK CF: Financial Policy (E)
- 040645 EK [ en ] KFK CF: Financial Policy (E)
2.4. KFK Energy and Environmental Management
- 040515 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040516 SE [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040712 VK KFK EU: Risk Management
2.5. KFK Electronic Business
- 040013 VK KFK eB: Introduction to eBusiness
- 040339 VK KFK eB/ITM: Business Modelling in ITM
- 040373 FK KFK eB: Case Studies on eBusiness
- 040574 VK KFK eB/ITM: Applications of ITM
- 040583 SE KFK eB: Recent developments in eBusiness & eLogistics
- 040691 VK KFK eB: Economics of Electronic Commerce
- 040692 FK KFK eB: eBusiness in the Creative Industries
- 040737 VK KFK eB/ITM: Applications of eBusiness and eLogistics
2.6. KFK External Business-Accounting
- 040125 VK [ en ] KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to US-GAAP (E)
- 040269 SE KFK EUR: Seminar
- 040398 VK KFK EUR: Seminar Workshop
- 040418 FK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Management
- 040429 VK KFK EUR: Use of Accounting Software: SAP
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040619 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation - Abschlußanalyse und Unternehmensbewertung
- 040629 VK [ de en ] KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS II (E)
2.7. KFK Financial Engineering
2.8. KFK Financial Services
- 040089 EK KFK FD: Financial Services (Theory)
- 040344 SE [ en ] KFK FD: Financial Services (E)
- 040345 FK KFK FD: Advanced Topics in Financial Services
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Principles of Finance
- 040648 FK KFK FD: Financial Services (Applications)
2.9. KFK Health Care Management
- 040620 UK KFK HCM/ITM: Strategical Management in Health Care
- 040621 SE [ en ] KFK HCM/ITM: OR in Health Care (E)
- 040622 VK [ en ] KFK HCM: Advanced Studies in Strategic Health Care Management
- 040623 UK KFK HCM: Executive Information Systems in Health Care
2.10. KFK Industrial Management
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040631 VK [ en ] KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance I
- 040632 VK KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance II
- 040633 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management I
- 040634 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management II
- 040636 VK [ en ] KFK IndM: Network Industries
2.11. KFK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040166 UK KFK ITM: Tactical ITM - Tactical ITM
- 040228 UK KFK ITM: Strategical ITM
- 040339 VK KFK eB/ITM: Business Modelling in ITM
- 040340 SE [ en ] KFK ITM: Recent Developments in ITM (E)
- 040483 VK RdW: Copyright
- 040484 VK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040574 VK KFK eB/ITM: Applications of ITM
- 040620 UK KFK HCM/ITM: Strategical Management in Health Care
- 040621 SE [ en ] KFK HCM/ITM: OR in Health Care (E)
2.12. KFK Investment Analysis
2.13. KFK Investments
- 040458 VK RdW: Banking Law
- 040461 VK RdW: Insurance Law
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040472 VK RdW: Taxation of Investments (basics)
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040643 SE [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Seminar
- 040646 VK [ en ] KFK IV: Implementing Derivative Models
- 040649 PR [ en ] KFK IV: Practical Course
- 040652 EK KFK IV: Investment Analysis
- 040653 VK KFK IV: Investment Analysis
- 040654 EK KFK IV: Financial Products
- 040719 UK [ en ] Financial Econometrics and Forecasting
2.14. KFK International Marketing
- 040223 FK [ en ] KFK iMAR: International Marketing Research: Teil 1 (E) - Process & Data
- 040501 PR [ en ] KFK iMAR: Interational Data Analysis: Methods & Interpretations (E)
- 040517 FK [ en ] IM/KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Part 1 (E) - Context & Analysis
2.15. KFK Logistics Management
2.16. KFK Marketing
- 040087 FK KFK MAR: Consumer Behavior: Theory (Part 1)
- 040252 FK KFK MAR: Marketing Communications (Part 1) - Marketingkommunikation (Teil 1)
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
2.17. KFK Operations Research
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040624 FK [ en ] KFK OR: Decision Analysis
- 040626 EK KFK CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
2.18. KFK Organization
- 040220 SE [ en ] KFK ORGA: Advanced Topics in Organization (E)
- 040430 VK [ en ] KFK ORGA: Organizational Design (E)
- 040537 EK BW SOZ: Social Research
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040626 EK KFK CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
2.19. KFK Advanced Personnel Economics
- 040383 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization 1 (E)
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040626 EK KFK CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
- 040631 VK [ en ] KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance I
- 040632 VK KFK IndM, EU: Corporate Governance II
- 040687 VK KFK PÖ: Deciding and Negotiating
- 040688 FK [ en ] KFK PÖ: Advanced Personnel Economics
- 040690 FK [ en ] KFK PÖ: High-Profile Employees, Spin-Offs and Entrepreneurship
- 040705 PR [ en ] KFK PÖ: Praktikum: Workshop People and Organisations - Image; Culture; Sructure; Performance
- 040706 FK KFK PÖ: Selected topics of Human Resource Management
2.20. KFK Production Management
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040491 VK nBWM PM/LM: Implementation of Optimization Methods
- 040661 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar A
- 040662 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar B
- 040663 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Paper Reading
- 040664 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course SAP
- 040665 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Transportation Logistics
- 040668 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Inventory Management
- 040669 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation I
- 040672 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation II (PM)
- 040676 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics I
- 040681 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics II (PM)
2.21. KFK Production Management
2.22. KFK Public Utility Management
- 040156 PS Economics of Public Administration - Ökonomische Theorie der öffentlichen Verwaltung und UK Modul I von "Public Utility Management" (Modul II im Sommersem)
- 040349 SE [ en ] KFK PUM: Sector-specific Problems in PUM (E)
- 040358 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Theory)
- 040563 FK [ en ] KFK PUM: Sector-specific Problems in PUM (Applications) (E)
2.23. KFK Revision, Tax and Escrow
- 040121 VK KFK RST: Audit
- 040122 VK KFK RST: Taxation, Accounting, Auditing of Insurance Companies - Besonderheiten der Besteuerung, Rechnungslegung und Prüfung von Versicherungsunternehmen
- 040123 VK [ en ] KFK RST: Theory of Tax Counselling (E)
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
2.24. KFK Supply Chain Management
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040491 VK nBWM PM/LM: Implementation of Optimization Methods
- 040661 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar A
- 040662 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar B
- 040663 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Paper Reading
- 040664 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course SAP
- 040665 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Transportation Logistics
- 040668 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Inventory Management
- 040669 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation I
- 040674 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Praktikum Simulation II (SCM)
- 040676 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics I
- 040684 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics II (SCM)
2.25. KFK Transportation Logistics
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040491 VK nBWM PM/LM: Implementation of Optimization Methods
- 040661 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar A
- 040662 SE [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Seminar B
- 040663 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Paper Reading
- 040664 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course SAP
- 040665 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Transportation Logistics
- 040668 VK [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Inventory Management
- 040669 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Simulation I
- 040676 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics I
- 040682 PR [ en ] KFK PM/SCM/TL: Practical Course Metaheuristics II (PM)
2.26. KFK Business Informatics
- 040021 SE [ en ] KFK WINF: Seminar on Business Intelligence (E)
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040084 UK KFK WINF: E-Business - Technologien und Anwendungen
- 040261 VK [ en ] KFK WINF: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- 040483 VK RdW: Copyright
- 040484 VK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040736 SE [ en ] KFK WINF: Seminar Knowledge Management (E)
3. Business Communication in a Foreign Language
3.1. Preparatory Courses
- 040179 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Grammar Course - Russische Grammatik
- 040305 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 1
- 040309 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Basic Russian 1
- 040311 UK [ es ] WI-SPR: Basic Spanish 1 - Grundkurs Spanisch 1
- 040375 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 1
- 040388 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 3
- 040389 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 3
3.2. Business Communication I
- 040036 EK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 1
- 040037 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 2
- 040094 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 2
- 040097 EK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 1
- 040303 EK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 1
- 040304 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 2
- 040312 EK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 1
- 040380 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 2
3.2. Business Communication II
- 040023 VK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 4
- 040038 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 3
- 040039 VK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 4
- 040067 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 3
- 040306 VK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 4
- 040310 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 3
- 040320 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 3
- 040382 VK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 4
4. Additional Courses
- 040035 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040117 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040214 SE [ en ] Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040262 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates - Marketing
- 040264 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040270 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040414 UK [ en ] WI-SPR: The Language of Capital Market Regulation
- 040446 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040453 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040616 UK [ en ] WI-SPR: Ecology, Politics and the Economy (E)
- 040659 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040671 PR Information literacy and scientific writing - Information literacy and scientific writing in economics and business sciences
C. Diploma Programme International Business Administration (A 157): Curriculum 2001
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Basics of General Business Administration
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040675 EK Service Module: Specialization to Principles of Accounting
- 040686 EK Introduction to Business Administration
1.2. Basics of Economics
- 040006 EK [ en ] Principles of Economics (E)
1.3. Basics of Law
- 040060 EK Introduction to Private and Business Law
1.4. Basics of Business Mathematics and Business Statistics
- 040408 VK Introduction to Business Mathematics
1.5. Basics of Business Accounting: Bookkeeping and Balancing
- 040294 EK Financial Accounting for Beginners
- 040295 EK Cost Accounting for Beginners
- 040628 EK Accounting: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
1.6. Business English I
- 040024 EK [ en ] WI-SPR: Business English I
1.7. Basics of Information Technology
- 040248 EK Foundations of Information Technology - Foundations of Information Technology
- 040666 VK Foundations of Information Technology
1.8. Business Mathematics I and Business Statistics I
1.9. General Business Administration
1.9.1. Production and Logistics
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
1.9.2. Organization and Human Resources
- 040054 VK Organization and Human Resources / Organization
- 040055 VK Organization and Human Resources / Human Resources
- 040058 EK Organization and Human Resources
1.9.3. Marketing
- 040061 EK Marketing
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040428 FK Marketing
1.9.4. Finance
- 040002 EK Basic Finance
- 040003 VK Intermediate Finance
1.9.5. Cost Accounting
1.9.6. Innovation and Technology Management
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
1.9.7. Basics of Information Technology
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. General Business Administration
2.2. Business Mathematics II and Business Statistics II
2.3. Business English II
- 040025 FK [ en ] WI-SPR: Business English II
2.4. Introduction to Micro Economy
- 040091 UK Introduction to Microeconomics
- 040184 UK [ en ] Introduction to Microeconomics (E)
2.5. Private Law
- 040467 VK RdW: Private Corporate Law
- 040468 VK RdW: Public and Limited Corporate Law
- 040481 VK RdW: Business Law
- 040482 VK RdW: Private Law
2.6. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language I
- 040036 EK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 1
- 040037 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Russian 2
- 040094 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 2
- 040097 EK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Italian 1
- 040179 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Grammar Course - Russische Grammatik
- 040303 EK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 1
- 040304 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - French 2
- 040305 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 1
- 040309 UK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Basic Russian 1
- 040311 UK [ es ] WI-SPR: Basic Spanish 1 - Grundkurs Spanisch 1
- 040312 EK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 1
- 040375 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 1
- 040380 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication I - Spanish 2
- 040388 UK [ it ] WI-SPR: Basic Italian 3
- 040389 UK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Basic French 3
Third Stage of the Degree Programme
3.1. Core Subject Combinations
3.1.1. Marketing
- 040087 FK KFK MAR: Consumer Behavior: Theory (Part 1)
- 040252 FK KFK MAR: Marketing Communications (Part 1) - Marketingkommunikation (Teil 1)
- 040386 FK KFK MAR: Marketing Research: Theory (Part 1)
- 040483 VK RdW: Copyright
- 040484 VK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
3.1.2. International Management
3.1.3. Investment Analysis
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
3.1.4. Corporate Finance
- 040383 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization 1 (E)
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040569 FK [ en ] KFK CF: Valuation (E)
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Principles of Finance
- 040642 SE [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Seminar Portfoliomanagement
- 040643 SE [ en ] KFK CF/IV: Seminar
- 040644 VK [ en ] KFK CF: Financial Policy (E)
- 040645 EK [ en ] KFK CF: Financial Policy (E)
3.1.5. Banking
- 040458 VK RdW: Banking Law
- 040461 VK RdW: Insurance Law
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
3.1.6. Business Informatics
- 040021 SE [ en ] KFK WINF: Seminar on Business Intelligence (E)
- 040083 VK KFK WINF: Business Process Management
- 040084 UK KFK WINF: E-Business - Technologien und Anwendungen
- 040261 VK [ en ] KFK WINF: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- 040483 VK RdW: Copyright
- 040484 VK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040736 SE [ en ] KFK WINF: Seminar Knowledge Management (E)
3.1.7. Production Management
3.1.8. Logistics Management
3.1.9. Industrial Management
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040523 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040526 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040633 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management I
- 040634 VK [ en ] IM/KFK IndM: International Industrial Management II
- 040636 VK [ en ] KFK IndM: Network Industries
3.1.10. Energy and/or Environmental Management
- 040515 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040516 SE [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040712 VK KFK EU: Risk Management
3.1.11. External Accounting
- 040118 VK KFK EUR: Special Issues of Financial Accounting
- 040125 VK [ en ] KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to US-GAAP (E)
- 040269 SE KFK EUR: Seminar
- 040618 VK KFK EUR: Special Issues of Financial Accounting
- 040619 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation - Abschlußanalyse und Unternehmensbewertung
- 040629 VK [ de en ] KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS II (E)
- 040640 VK IM/KFK EUR: Group Accounting
- 040656 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Group Accounting
- 040657 VK IM/KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS I
- 040658 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS I
3.1.12. Internal Accounting
3.1.13. Operations Research
- 040072 EK KFK OR: Operations Research I
- 040624 FK [ en ] KFK OR: Decision Analysis
- 040626 EK KFK CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
3.1.14. Innovations and Technology Management
- 040166 UK KFK ITM: Tactical ITM - Tactical ITM
- 040228 UK KFK ITM: Strategical ITM
- 040339 VK KFK eB/ITM: Business Modelling in ITM
- 040340 SE [ en ] KFK ITM: Recent Developments in ITM (E)
- 040483 VK RdW: Copyright
- 040484 VK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040574 VK KFK eB/ITM: Applications of ITM
- 040620 UK KFK HCM/ITM: Strategical Management in Health Care
- 040621 SE [ en ] KFK HCM/ITM: OR in Health Care (E)
3.1.15. Financial Engineering
3.1.16. Business Administration of Financial Services Industries
- 040089 EK KFK FD: Financial Services (Theory)
- 040344 SE [ en ] KFK FD: Financial Services (E)
- 040345 FK KFK FD: Advanced Topics in Financial Services
- 040383 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization 1 (E)
- 040471 VK RdW: Equity Market Law
- 040473 VK Securities Law
- 040648 FK KFK FD: Financial Services (Applications)
3.1.17. Public Utility Management
- 040156 PS Economics of Public Administration - Ökonomische Theorie der öffentlichen Verwaltung und UK Modul I von "Public Utility Management" (Modul II im Sommersem)
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040349 SE [ en ] KFK PUM: Sector-specific Problems in PUM (E)
- 040358 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Theory)
- 040443 VK KFK PUM: Public Law I
- 040563 FK [ en ] KFK PUM: Sector-specific Problems in PUM (Applications) (E)
3.1.18. Organization
- 040220 SE [ en ] KFK ORGA: Advanced Topics in Organization (E)
- 040430 VK [ en ] KFK ORGA: Organizational Design (E)
- 040511 VK BW SOZ: Social Research
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040537 EK BW SOZ: Social Research
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040626 EK KFK CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
3.1.19. International Marketing
- 040223 FK [ en ] KFK iMAR: International Marketing Research: Teil 1 (E) - Process & Data
- 040501 PR [ en ] KFK iMAR: Interational Data Analysis: Methods & Interpretations (E)
- 040517 FK [ en ] IM/KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Part 1 (E) - Context & Analysis
3.1.20. Revision, Tax and Escrow
- 040121 VK KFK RST: Audit
- 040122 VK KFK RST: Taxation, Accounting, Auditing of Insurance Companies - Besonderheiten der Besteuerung, Rechnungslegung und Prüfung von Versicherungsunternehmen
- 040123 VK [ en ] KFK RST: Theory of Tax Counselling (E)
- 040462 VK Legal Framework of Auditing
- 040463 VK Professional Regulations for Tax Consultants and Auditors
3.1.21. Controlling
- 040191 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Corporate Governance
- 040246 VK KFK CTR: Spreadsheet Accounting
- 040416 FK KFK CTR: Fundamentals in Managerial Accounting
- 040417 SE [ en ] KFK CTR: Seminar (E) - Seminar (E)
- 040418 FK KFK CTR/EUR: Value Based Management
- 040479 VK RdW: Topics in Corporate Governance
- 040480 VK Personal Liability of Administrative and Supervisory Bodies
- 040614 PR KFK CTR: Managerial Accounting with SAP
- 040619 VK KFK CTR/EUR: Financial Statement Analysis and Business Evaluation - Abschlußanalyse und Unternehmensbewertung
- 040626 EK KFK CTR/OR/ORGA/PÖ: Game Theory
3.1.22. Electronic Business
- 040013 VK KFK eB: Introduction to eBusiness
- 040373 FK KFK eB: Case Studies on eBusiness
- 040583 SE KFK eB: Recent developments in eBusiness & eLogistics
- 040691 VK KFK eB: Economics of Electronic Commerce
- 040692 FK KFK eB: eBusiness in the Creative Industries
3.2. Tax Law
- 040601 EK RdW: Introduction to Tax Law
- 040602 FK RdW: Determination of Income Tax Base
3.3. Business Communication in the Second Foreign Language II
- 040023 VK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 4
- 040038 FK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 3
- 040039 VK [ ru ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Russian 4
- 040067 FK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 3
- 040306 VK [ fr ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - French 4
- 040310 FK [ it ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Italian 3
- 040320 FK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 3
- 040382 VK [ es ] WI-SPR: Business Communication II - Spanish 4
3.4. Introduction to Macro Economy
- 040090 UK [ en ] Introduction to Macroeconomics (E)
3.5. Elective Courses
- 040414 UK [ en ] WI-SPR: The Language of Capital Market Regulation
- 040466 VK IM: International Tax Law
- 040472 VK RdW: Taxation of Investments (basics)
- 040519 EK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040555 UK Cooperatives
- 040577 VK KFK IndM/IM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040603 VK RdW: Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 VK RdW: Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040616 UK [ en ] WI-SPR: Ecology, Politics and the Economy (E)
3.6. Additional Courses
- 040035 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040117 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040214 SE [ en ] Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040262 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates - Marketing
- 040264 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040270 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040445 VK [ en ] Special Topics for Incomings
- 040446 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040453 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040596 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040659 SE Conversatorium for Diploma Candidates
- 040671 PR Information literacy and scientific writing - Information literacy and scientific writing in economics and business sciences
D. Trial Degree Programme International Business Administration (A 153)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34