SPL 24 - Social and Cultural Anthropology
24.01. Social and Cultural Anthropology
Bachelor Degree Programme in Social and Cultural Anthroplogy
1. Introductory Phase
1.1 Basic Concepts of the Social Sciences
- 240001 VO Basics of social theory
- 240002 VO Basics of methodology in social sciences
- 240003 VO Social sciences and social change: contemporary debates
1.2 Introduction to Social Scientific Work
- 240004 VO Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240005 VO STEOP: VO Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology: Fields of research and Case Studies
- 240006 VO Introductory Course: Anthropological Studies in Colonialism, Racism and Ethnicity
- 240007 VO Introduction into the Social Anthropological Methods
2. Basics
2.1 Core Issues
2.2 Central Fields of Research
- 240009 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
2.3 History of Theory in Anthropology
- 240010 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240011 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240012 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240013 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240014 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240015 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
3. Advanced Phase
3.1 Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240017 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240018 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240019 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240020 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240022 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240024 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240025 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240026 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240027 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240029 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240119 PS Qualitative Research Methods
3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research
- 240040 VS [ en ] Health, Poverty and Development
- 240046 VS Sicherheit und Friedenssicherung im Kontext internationaler Missionen
- 240047 VS Investigating human rights organisations and institutions
- 240048 VS Insights into legal anthropological project work
3.2.1 Organisational and Business Anthropology
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum
- 240035 VS The Austrian Asylum Regime
- 240036 VS Migrants and Travellers: "Strangers" in the Austrian discourse
- 240037 VS The "migrationprocess" and its relevance for psychosocial work with migrants
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation
- 240038 VS Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation in Development Assistance - An Introduction
- 240039 VO Development co-operation in the context of cultural and social anthropology
- 240045 VO Indigenous Movements in Latin America
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality
- 240041 VS [ en ] Health, illness and politics in disadvantaged countries
- 240042 VO Introduction Ethnomedicine / Medical Anthropology
- 240043 VS Applied Medical Anthropology
3.2.6 Intercultural Communication
3.2.7 Visual Anthropology
3.2.8 NGOs, Project Law and International Legal Development
- 240044 VS Anthropology of Human Rights
- 240045 VO Indigenous Movements in Latin America
3.3 Current Issues in Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240052 VS Body ¿ Soul ¿ Spirit: Conceptions of the World and of Personhood
- 240054 VO Historic and recent processes of transformation of Afro-American religions - using the example of the Orisha-Religion in Trinidad
3.3.1 Globalisation - Postcolonialism - Transnationalism
3.3.2 Law - Peace - Conflict
3.3.3 Urban Anthropology
3.3.4 Political Anthropology
3.3.5 Economy - Tourism
- 240050 VO VO Economy - Tourism
- 240051 VS Social Security as an aspect of informal economy
- 240125 VO The way we feast and celebrate - reflections on consumption as cultural and social phenomenon
3.3.6 Religion - World View - Ritual
- 240049 VS The economies of masters and slaves
- 240053 VS Migration and Religion
- 240055 VS Contested sacred grounds - the perspectives of Anthropology of law and religion
3.3.7 Art - Visual Culture - Material Culture
3.3.8 Media, New Media, Film
3.4 Regional Specialisations
- 240030 VO Ethnology of Central Asia: An Introduction
- 240031 VO Introduction: Ethnology of Mesoamerica
- 240032 VO Einführung in das sub-saharische Afrika
- 240033 VO Introduction to the Ethnology of North America
- 240034 VO Ethnology of India: An Introduction
4. In-Depth Study Phase
4.1 Theoretical Discourses
- 240057 SE Theoretical Discourses
4.2 Fieldwork and Analysis of Data
- 240058 SE Fieldwork and Analysis of Data
Master Degree Programme in Cultural and Social Anthropology
- 240084 VO [ en ] Ritual Healing
P1 Methods
- 240060 SE Research in cities - methods from the fields of social sciences 'under the microscope'
- 240061 SE Participartory Rural Appraisal - Handlungsorientiertheit versus wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinn?
- 240062 SE [ en ] Research Process, Fieldwork and Ethnographic Approach
- 240064 SE Researching the World of Water
- 240065 SE Switch of Generations in Small Family Firms
- 240066 PR Anthropology of Conflict Resolution and Mediation
- 240067 PR Anthropology of Media
- 240068 PR Life History and Migration: Theoretical Foundation and Explorative Research
- 240092 SE Surviving the data jungle - coding, categories and visualization in qualitative data analysis - Kodieren, Kategorienbildung und Visualisierung in der quantitativen Datenanalyse (inkl. EDV-Anwendungen)
- 240126 PR Feldpraktikum: Researching a multicultural classroom-a classroom of researchers - Researching a multicultural classroom-a classroom of researchers
P2 Theories
P3 Regional Fields of Research
- 240073 VO Introducion to the cultural and social anthropology of Central America and Mexico
- 240074 VO Tribe and State Relations
- 240075 VO Selected Rituals in Oceania
- 240077 SE Governance in Transition
- 240078 SE [ en ] Central Asian Women: Past and Present
- 240079 SE P3 Regional Fields of Research SE
- 240080 VS Bartered Sexuality. Hybrid Identity: Gender Studies of Latinamerica
- 240083 VO Ozeanien: Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 18.-20. Jahrhundert
- 240115 SE Visuelle Repräsentation Papua Neuguineas. Selbstdarstellung und Fremddarstellung in Bildern - ein Vergleich
- 240117 VO Die Eroberung Mexikos und der darauffolgende Kulturwandel I
- 240118 SE Architecture and Symbolism. - The 'house': Tradition and transformation in the traditional architecture of Southeast Asia
P4 Thematic Fields of Research
- 240071 VO [ de en ] Power, Politics and Religion: The Case of Vodun
- 240074 VO Tribe and State Relations
- 240075 VO Selected Rituals in Oceania
- 240078 SE [ en ] Central Asian Women: Past and Present
- 240081 VO [ de en ] "Night of the Living Dead" - Contributions to Visual Theory and Anthropology on Concepts of Terror and Belief in Film
- 240082 SE Biological and Social Reproduction in Austria - Public Encroachment into the Private Sphere?
- 240083 VO Ozeanien: Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 18.-20. Jahrhundert
- 240085 VO Indian classical dance: from postcolonial political issues to intercultural training courses
- 240086 SE Visual Anthropology
- 240087 SE Anthropology of Work
- 240088 SE Anthropology of violence and conflict
- 240089 SE Constructing and deconstructing the phantasmagoria of otherness
- 240090 VS Gender, Orientalism and Colonial Discourses - Gender, Orientalismus und koloniale Diskurse
- 240091 VS Theories of social movements
- 240122 SE [ en ] Material culture : between signs and praxis
- 240123 SE Moderne afrikanische Musik. Eine Einführung.
- 240128 VO+SE [ en ] Economic anthropology and post-socialist societies
P5 Research Design and Practical Skills
- 240093 UE Visual Anthropology
P6 Anthro Lab
- 240094 AL Antro Lab
- 240095 AL Anthro Lab
- 240096 AL Anthro Lab
- 240097 AL Anthro Lab
- 240127 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium - Anthro Lab
Master Degree Programme CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes
Thematic Modules
Material Culture and Consumption
New Identities
Visual Culture, Popular Culture
History of Theory and Methods in Cultural and Social Anthropology
Scientific Methods
Erasmus Module
- 240128 VO+SE [ en ] Economic anthropology and post-socialist societies
CREOLE Thesis Module 2
Diploma Degree Programme according to UniStG
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Orientation Period
- 240004 VO Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240006 VO Introductory Course: Anthropological Studies in Colonialism, Racism and Ethnicity
1.2. Theory
1.3. Method
- 240016 PS Social and Cultural Research Methods and Research Approaches
- 240017 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240018 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240019 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240020 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240022 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240024 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240025 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240026 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240027 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240029 PS Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- 240119 PS Qualitative Research Methods
1.4. Thematic Fields of Research
- 240009 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
- 240042 VO Introduction Ethnomedicine / Medical Anthropology
- 240124 VO Introduction into Ergology/Technology
1.5. Regional Fields of Research
- 240030 VO Ethnology of Central Asia: An Introduction
- 240031 VO Introduction: Ethnology of Mesoamerica
- 240032 VO Einführung in das sub-saharische Afrika
- 240033 VO Introduction to the Ethnology of North America
- 240034 VO Ethnology of India: An Introduction
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Wissmeth
- 240060 SE Research in cities - methods from the fields of social sciences 'under the microscope'
- 240061 SE Participartory Rural Appraisal - Handlungsorientiertheit versus wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinn?
- 240062 SE [ en ] Research Process, Fieldwork and Ethnographic Approach
- 240064 SE Researching the World of Water
- 240065 SE Switch of Generations in Small Family Firms
- 240066 PR Anthropology of Conflict Resolution and Mediation
- 240067 PR Anthropology of Media
- 240068 PR Life History and Migration: Theoretical Foundation and Explorative Research
- 240092 SE Surviving the data jungle - coding, categories and visualization in qualitative data analysis - Kodieren, Kategorienbildung und Visualisierung in der quantitativen Datenanalyse (inkl. EDV-Anwendungen)
- 240126 PR Feldpraktikum: Researching a multicultural classroom-a classroom of researchers - Researching a multicultural classroom-a classroom of researchers
2.2. Packages
- 240050 VO VO Economy - Tourism
- 240052 VS Body ¿ Soul ¿ Spirit: Conceptions of the World and of Personhood
- 240053 VS Migration and Religion
- 240054 VO Historic and recent processes of transformation of Afro-American religions - using the example of the Orisha-Religion in Trinidad
- 240055 VS Contested sacred grounds - the perspectives of Anthropology of law and religion
- 240070 VO Hegemonic and Subversive Imaginations and Conceptions of Gender
- 240071 VO [ de en ] Power, Politics and Religion: The Case of Vodun
- 240073 VO Introducion to the cultural and social anthropology of Central America and Mexico
- 240074 VO Tribe and State Relations
- 240075 VO Selected Rituals in Oceania
- 240077 SE Governance in Transition
- 240078 SE [ en ] Central Asian Women: Past and Present
- 240079 SE P3 Regional Fields of Research SE
- 240080 VS Bartered Sexuality. Hybrid Identity: Gender Studies of Latinamerica
- 240081 VO [ de en ] "Night of the Living Dead" - Contributions to Visual Theory and Anthropology on Concepts of Terror and Belief in Film
- 240082 SE Biological and Social Reproduction in Austria - Public Encroachment into the Private Sphere?
- 240083 VO Ozeanien: Gesellschaft und Geschichte, 18.-20. Jahrhundert
- 240084 VO [ en ] Ritual Healing
- 240085 VO Indian classical dance: from postcolonial political issues to intercultural training courses
- 240086 SE Visual Anthropology
- 240087 SE Anthropology of Work
- 240088 SE Anthropology of violence and conflict
- 240089 SE Constructing and deconstructing the phantasmagoria of otherness
- 240090 VS Gender, Orientalism and Colonial Discourses - Gender, Orientalismus und koloniale Diskurse
- 240091 VS Theories of social movements
- 240093 UE Visual Anthropology
- 240094 AL Antro Lab
- 240095 AL Anthro Lab
- 240096 AL Anthro Lab
- 240097 AL Anthro Lab
- 240115 SE Visuelle Repräsentation Papua Neuguineas. Selbstdarstellung und Fremddarstellung in Bildern - ein Vergleich
- 240117 VO Die Eroberung Mexikos und der darauffolgende Kulturwandel I
- 240118 SE Architecture and Symbolism. - The 'house': Tradition and transformation in the traditional architecture of Southeast Asia
- 240122 SE [ en ] Material culture : between signs and praxis
- 240123 SE Moderne afrikanische Musik. Eine Einführung.
- 240125 VO The way we feast and celebrate - reflections on consumption as cultural and social phenomenon
- 240127 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium - Anthro Lab
- 240128 VO+SE [ en ] Economic anthropology and post-socialist societies
2.3. Modules
- 240035 VS The Austrian Asylum Regime
- 240036 VS Migrants and Travellers: "Strangers" in the Austrian discourse
- 240037 VS The "migrationprocess" and its relevance for psychosocial work with migrants
- 240038 VS Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation in Development Assistance - An Introduction
- 240039 VO Development co-operation in the context of cultural and social anthropology
- 240040 VS [ en ] Health, Poverty and Development
- 240041 VS [ en ] Health, illness and politics in disadvantaged countries
- 240043 VS Applied Medical Anthropology
- 240044 VS Anthropology of Human Rights
- 240045 VO Indigenous Movements in Latin America
- 240046 VS Sicherheit und Friedenssicherung im Kontext internationaler Missionen
- 240047 VS Investigating human rights organisations and institutions
- 240048 VS Insights into legal anthropological project work
- 240049 VS The economies of masters and slaves
- 240051 VS Social Security as an aspect of informal economy
2.4. Excursions Abroad
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Basics of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240004 VO Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240005 VO STEOP: VO Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology: Fields of research and Case Studies
Basic Approaches of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Regional Perspectives
- 240030 VO Ethnology of Central Asia: An Introduction
- 240031 VO Introduction: Ethnology of Mesoamerica
- 240032 VO Einführung in das sub-saharische Afrika
- 240033 VO Introduction to the Ethnology of North America
- 240034 VO Ethnology of India: An Introduction
Thematic Perspectives
- 240009 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
24.02. Doctoral Degree Programme (New Curriculum according to UniStG)/Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240098 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 240099 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 240116 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 240120 SE Doctoral Seminar
- 210219 SE [ en ] Diss, H: Testing Causal Hypotheses in Social Sciences
- 210220 SE Diss, H: Design, Evaluation and Analysis of Questionaires for Survey Research
- 210221 SE Diss, H: Empirical Research of the Social Capital Theory
- 210225 SE Diss: FOSE Regressionsmodelle in den Sozialwissenschaften
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34