First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Lectures
- 080012 VO Die Malerei der Turfan-Oase (8.-14. Jh.n.Chr.) im Licht neuester Ausgrabungen und Funde (au.K.)
- 080044 VO Europäische Malerei des 20. Jahrhunderts I (nst.K.)
- 080054 VO The Semantic Messages of Material in European Art. - A Survey from the Middle Ages up to the Present Production
- 080057 VO Instantaneous Photography: It's Development since 1840, - it's Predecessors and Followers in the Visual Arts
- 080058 VO Pattern on a ground. The history of central European Ornament - from the Medieval up to the 20th century
- 080066 VO Art of the occident from the beginning of Christianity to the end of the High Medieval Period - Epochen der Kunstgeschichte: Mittelalter I (Spätantike bis Romanik)
- 080072 VO The Myth of the Cathedral - Gothic Architecture in Central and Western Europe
- 080084 VO Introduction to Iconography
- 080086 VO The History of the Decorated Letter
- 080102 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Art and Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent - From the early historic to the early medieval period
- 080104 VO Einführung in das Fach Kunstgeschichte
- 080105 VO Introduction into Picture-Theories and Canons of Feminist Arthistories - Warum sind Fragen der Geschlechterkonstruktionen der blinde Fleck der Bildwissenschaft?
- 080137 VO Painting and Sculpture in the Era of Francis Joseph
- 080159 VO Inter arma silent musae? Architecture of 17th century
- 060095 VO [ de en he ] Jewish cemeteries - places of worship, places of memorial or places of cultural heritage
2. Conversatoriums
3. Practical Courses
- 080059 UE Berlin in the 1920s. Art and culture in the Weimar Republic
- 080060 UE Site-specificity in sculpture and installation art since 1965: - Minimal Art, Land Art, Process Art, institutional critique
- 080062 UE Aniconism and Iconoclasm in monotheistic religions
- 080067 UE Ottoman Architecture: An Introduction
- 080070 UE Photography, moting picture and television in service of art history
- 080080 UE Architectural Styles and their Terminology
- 080083 UE Übung: Wiener Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts im Kontext der europäischen Manufakturen (n./ö.K.)
- 080087 UE Tutorial: Scientific Writing: Rewarding experience or cause for frustration? - A writers' workshop for art historians
- 080099 UE Baroque elements in the art of the 20th century
- 080110 UE Archive and Digital Databases in Art History (with practical exercises)
- 080226 UE Introduction to Byzantine Architecture (with practical exercises)
4. Excursions
- 080101 EX Excursion: Eastern India
- 080140 EX Excursion: Rom
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34