Module C: Politics, State and Gender System
- 030016 KU Equlity between the sexes - Equlity between the sexes in European Community Law
- 030310 KU Unmarried Couples and their legal problems - als Schauplatz des Geschlechterverhältnisses
- 030375 KU Gender issues in the practice of familiy and divorce law
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Relgious Law - Women¿s Rights an Political Participation
- 140341 SE Gender and Economics
- 150161 UE Gender and Sexuality in Japan
- 190208 SE Empirical research on gender socialisation from childhood to adolescence - Vom Teddybär zum Lippenstift
- 190956 VO+UE Intrudation into educational Gender-Studies
- 210122 PS G8: Geschlecht und Klasse
- 210125 PS G8: Gleichgeschlechtliche PartnerInnenschaftskonzepte
- 210198 PS D1, G4: Familienpolitik und Geschlechterverhältnis in Österreich
- 220039 VO+UE FORMAN - Research Management and Gender Mainstreaming
- 230028 VO+SE Health an Gender
- 230037 SE City and Gender - Space Production of Feminist Public Sphere and Social Movements
- 230040 SE Genderperspectives on Family Violence
- 240070 VO Hegemonic and Subversive Imaginations and Conceptions of Gender
- 240107 UE "Gender in the Middle" - Exercises on strategies und methods to change the mainstream.
- 240108 VO+UE Feministische Ökonomie
- 240113 VO+KO Einführung in genderspezifische Organisations- und Kommunikationskompetenzen
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35