B.2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 320028 VO Special Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - Handhabung v. Metallorganika
B.2.1. Required Courses
B.2.2. Required Elective Courses
- 320013 VO Flavour Chemistry - (Vorlesung für Dissertanten, Diplomanden, Hörer der Studienrichtung Chemie sowie Teil I der Vorlesung, "Zusatz- und Fremdstoffe in Lebensmitteln" für Hörer der Studienrichtung Ernährungswissenschaften)
- 320020 VO Pharmacology of bone
- 320021 VO Drug Interactions
- 320033 VO Drug targeting - Drug targeting
- 320043 VO Cell Biology Principles - Cell Biology Principles essential for Pharmacology
- 320044 VO Phytopharmaceuticals and Phytotherapy
- 320045 VO Patient-oriented Consultation - Patient-oriented Consultation
- 320047 VO Medicinal and poisonous plants in Austria
- 320050 VO Drugs in old age and infancy
- 320051 VO Resistance in Tumortherapy - Mechanisms and Solutions
- 320054 VO Dermatika und Kosmetika - Dermatika und Kosmetika
- 320078 VO Basic clinical pharmacokinetics
- 320088 VO Molecular Calculations & Molecular Modelling - in Pharmacy
- 320093 VO Applied Pharmacogenetics - Applied Pharmcogenetics
- 320099 UE Kosmetik-Übungen - Kosmetik-Übungen
B.2.3. Elective Courses
- 320018 VO Pharmeceutical Biotechnology - am Beispiel der Blut- und Plasmaderivate
- 320019 VO Basics in Structure-Activity Relationship Studies - Methoden zur Korrelierung
- 320026 UE Excersises: Molecular Modelling
- 320028 VO Special Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - Handhabung v. Metallorganika
- 320034 VO Freies Wahlfach A - A400 - Bestimmungen in der EU
- 320037 SE Conception of methods in Phytochemistry - for pharmakognostica research of undergraduated and graduated students
- 320040 SE Selected chapters of clinical pharmacy
- 320046 VO Food Safety in the European Union - Food Safety in the European Union
- 320065 SE+EX Proseminar aus Pharmakognosie - mit Exkursionen
- 320072 VO Herbal Medicines - Therapeutic concepts - Traditional Chinese Medicine to Bachflowers: herbal medicines in different therapeutic concepts
- 320107 SE Conception and optimization of methods in Pharmakognosie - for pharmakognostica research of undergraduated and graduated students
- 320110 SE Conception and optimization of methods in Pharmakognosie - for pharmaceutical-biological investigations 1
- 320134 SE+PR Drugs of Abuse and their Analysis
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35