7.7. Block of Elective Modules: Ecology
- 300039 SE Limnological Seminar - Limnological Seminar
- 300053 VO Habitatmapping - Habitatmapping
- 300055 VO Limnology of salt lakes
- 300101 VO Aquatic microbial Ecology
- 300109 VO Biology of recent reefs
- 300114 VO Ecology and Biogeography of the Mediterranean Flora
- 300115 VO Soil science for Ecologists
- 300117 UE Ex: Application of Geographical Informat. Systems, Geo-statistics & Spatial Analysis in Bio-Sciences
- 300130 VO Radiation and life
- 300131 SE [ de en ] Seminar in hydrobotany - New publications and topics on aquatic macrophytes
- 300133 VO Comparative anatomy of aquat. and terrestr. plants
- 300138 VO Ecology and Physiology of the cell
- 300140 VO Aquatic Microbial Ecology
- 300148 VO Introduction to Desert Biology. Life communities of subtropical and tropical deserts
- 300162 UE Field course Hydrology and Running Water Ecology
- 300176 VO Ecography of selected cultural landscapes - structure, vegetation & land use
- 300193 SE+UE Preparation and evaluation of multifactorial experiments in Ecology
- 300205 VO Introduction to the chemistry of natural waters
- 300219 SE Multivariate statistics in aquatic ecology
- 300241 VO Tropical ecosystems of South and Central America
- 300259 VO+UE Selected GIS-problems and solutions for biologists - Course
- 300262 VO+SE Sustainable Development and political ecology
- 300264 VO Soil Ecology (interdisciplinary lecture)
- 300265 VO [ en ] Marine Symbiosis - Evolution, adaptations, and interactions of marine microbial associations
- 300290 UE Course in vegetation Ecology: Data interpretation and analysis
- 300291 VO Ecology and management of meadows and pastures
- 300296 VO [ en ] Molecular Mechanisms of Symbiosis
- 300304 UE Simuliidae Identification Course - Simuliidae Identification Course (advanced level)
- 300306 UE Riverine geomorphology - Hydrogeomorphological development and vegetation of Middle European riverine landscapes
- 300315 SE [ en ] Selected Chapters of Microbial Ecology
- 300359 SE+UE [ de en ] Stable Isotopes in Ecology - Stable Isotope Tracing
- 300369 SE Proteomics: Theory and Applications in Microbial Ecology
- 300390 SE Methods in photobiology
- 300401 VO Quantitative Ecology of Fishes of the Trout Region - Quantitative Ecology of Fishes of the Trout Region (Development, Growth, Population Regulation)
- 300415 VO Eco-physiological significance of heavy metals and trace elements - Lecture
- 300434 SE Seminar fish ecology - Dicussion and presentations of new literature within the area fish ecology. Especially for master and PhD doctoral and postgraduate students
- 300436 VO Seasonality of freshwater systems
- 300442 VO Functional Stream Ecology - From Molecules to Networks
- 300445 UE Analysis of ecological data
- 300461 VO Biology and ecology of European amphibians
- 300464 VO+UE+EX Limnetic copepods Central Europe - Biology, taxonomy und ecology of the limnetic copepods Central Europe
- 300501 UE [ en ] Molecular and chemical methods in ecology
- 300502 SE [ en ] Seminar Chemical Ecology & Ecosystem Research
- 300505 UE Species determination and biology of nativ fishes
- 300506 VO Ecological effects of climate change
- 300519 SE Dietary pathways in aquatic foodwebs
- 300520 VO Aquatic neozoans in freshwater
- 300521 UE Introduction to groundwater ecology
- 300552 VO Physiology and Ecology of Cyanobacteria
- 300572 SE Limnology of tropical brook systems - Introduction to the project practical "Limnology of tropical brooks" SS 2009
- 300625 VO Landscape history
- 300658 VO Biology of Protozoa
- 300668 VO Mountain ecology
- 300679 VO+UE Models of species dynamics - Models and indices for the analysis of species dynamics and community patterns in aquatic systems
- 300694 VO Flora and vegetation of Austrian landscapes in a regional view
- 300722 SE Molecular processes of early evolution: from the "RNA world" to the Metazoa
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35