29.01. Bachelor Degree Programme in Geography (Curriculum 2007)
Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind nach jener Abfolge der Module geordnet, wie sie in dem für das neue Bachelorstudium Geographie ab 1. Oktober 2007 gültigen Studienplan (= Curriculum 2007) aufscheint.Das Curriculum für das neue Bachelorstudium "Geographie", das am 22. Juni 2007 im Mitteilungsblatt der Universität Wien verlautbart worden ist, ist am Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Zimmer D 501, erhältlich. Es ist auch in der Homepage des Instituts für Geographie und Regionalforschung unter der Adresse <http://www.univie.ac.at/geographie> in der Rubrik "Aktuelles" enthalten und kann von dort auch heruntergeladen werden (PDF-Datei).Die Bezeichnung der Module entspricht dem Curriculum 2007.
B1. Group of Required Modules - Orientation Period (STEP)
B1.1. Basics and Concepts of Physical Geography
- 290014 VO Introduction to Physical Geography
- 290173 VU Fundamentals of Science for Physical Geography
B1.2. Basics and Concepts of Human Geography
- 290085 VU Basic Concepts of the Social Sciences
B1.3. Introduction to Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290072 VO Introduction in Cartography
- 290073 PS Introduction in Cartography, Group A
- 290074 PS Introduction in Cartography, Group B
- 290075 PS Introduction in Cartography, Group C
- 290076 PS Introduction in Cartography, Group D
- 290183 VO Introduction in Geoinformatics
- 290119 PS Introduction in Geoinformatics II, Group A
- 290120 PS Introduction in Geoinformatics II, Group B
- 290069 PS Introduction in Geoinformatics II, Group C
- 290070 PS Introduction in Geoinformatics II, Group D
- 290216 PS Introduction in Geoinformatics II, Group E
- 290166 PS Introduction in Geoinformatics II, Group F
B1.4. Basics and Concepts of Regional Planning
B.1.5. Basic Techniques in Geography
- 290077 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group A - (Gruppe B wird im SS 2009 gelesen)
- 290063 PS Project Management A
- 290057 PS Project Management, Group B
B1.6. Introductory Field Trip I
- 290096 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography) (Group A): Vienna
- 290101 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography) (Group B): Vienna
- 290134 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography) (Group C): Vienna
- 290084 EX Introd. Field Trip II (Human & Physical Geography) (Group A) - Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation in the Neusiedler See Region
- 290155 EX Introd.Field Trip II (Physical Geogr.) (Grp.B): Northern Alpine Foreland, Granite & Gneiss Highlands
B2. Group of Required Modules - Physical Geography
B2.1. Basic Module - Physical Geography
- 290147 VO Introduction to the Geography of Climate
- 290148 VO Introduction in Soil Geography
- 290117 UE Practical class in hydrogeography, Group A
- 290009 UE Practical class in hydrogeography, Group B
- 290109 UE Practical class in hydrogeography, Group C
B2.3. Advanced Module - Physical Geography
- 290164 VO Fundamentals in Geomorphology
- 290152 VO Introduction to Landscape Ecology
B2.3. In-Depth Studies Module - Physical Geography
B3. Group of Required Modules - Human Geography
B3.1. Population Geography
- 290018 PS Introduction to Population Geography, Group A
- 290019 PS Introduction to Population Geography, Group B
B3.2. Social and Economic Geography
B3.3. Political Geography and Human Ecology
- 290032 VO Introduction into Political Geography
B3.4. Geography in Urban and Rural Areas
- 290071 VO Rural Geography
- 290115 UE Applied Urban Geography, group D - (die Gruppen A bis C wurden bereits im SS 2008 angeboten)
B4. Group of Required Modules - Cartography and Geographic Information Science
B4.1. Basics of Cartography
- 290004 VU Thematic Cartography
- 290174 PS Thematic Cartography, Group A
- 290003 PS Thematic Cartography, Group B
B4.2. Applied Geographic Information Science
B5. Group of Required Modules - Regional Research and Regional Planning
B5.1. Regional Research and Regional Planning
B6. Group of Required Modules - Methods
B6.1. Methods of Geographic Information Science
- 290236 PS Introduction to Databases
B6.2. Methods of Physical Geography
- 290016 VO Field and Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography
- 290160 UE Exercises - Field and Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography, Group A
- 290169 UE Exercises - Field and Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography, Group B
- 290172 UE Exercises - Field and Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography, Group C
B6.3. Methods of Human Geography
B6.4. Statistics and Regional Analysis I
- 290105 VU Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I
- 290106 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I, Group A
- 290107 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I, Group B
- 290108 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I, Group C
- 290141 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography I, Group D
B6.5. Statistics and Regional Analysis II
B7. Additional Required Modules
B7.1. Bachelor Seminars
B7.2. Field Trips II - Abroad
B7.3. Field Trips III - Austria
- 290199 EX Field Trip: Regional development Carinthia
- 290036 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Geomorphology
- 290116 EX Field Trip: Applied Climatology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35