5.4. Advanced Historical Competence
- 030052 SE Law of Christian East - Legal History in Art
- 030065 KU Course Retrocedent Constitutional History 20th century - (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp)
- 030077 SE Seminar on Roman Law - für DiplomandInnen
- 030132 VO Einführung in das Recht der Katholischen Kirche
- 030134 SE Seminar on Legal History - Austrian and european Legal History as well as on Comparative History on Law
- 030167 KU [ en ] Selected chapters of European private law History - (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp) + Sprachkompetenz
- 030184 KU History of Constitutional and Administrative Justice
- 030210 SE Seminar in Legal and Constitutional Law - "Terrorismus" (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp), DiplomandInnen- und DissertantInnenseminar
- 030214 SE Seminar on Legal History - also for advanced and doctoral students
- 030359 KU Famous church processes in the Middle Ages - vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp
- 030653 KU [ fr ] Introduction historique au Code Civil français
- 030684 SE Exklusive tutorial - (vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp), DiplomandInnen- und DissertantInnenseminar
- 030691 KU From Ius Commune towards a European Civil Code - European Privat law in a historical perspective
Last modified: Fr 21.02.2025 01:38