B. Masterstudium Afrikawissenschaften
1. Grundlagenmodul - Pflichtmodul
- 140179 KU Methods: Data Collection and Data Processing
- 140195 AG Workshop: Academic Writing and Knowledge Transfer
2. Spezialisierung - Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppen
2.1. Afrikanische Sprachwissenschaft
APM Grundlegende Einführung in eine 2. afrikanische Sprache
- 140076 SK Fulfulde: Grammar I
- 140085 SK Fulfulde: Exercises I
- 140180 SK Fulfulde: Conversation I
- 140358 SK Wolof: Grammar I
- 140114 SK Wolof: Exercises I
- 140181 SK Wolof: Conversation I
APM Sprachwissenschaftliche Spezialisierung
- 140182 VO The Language and Education Policy in Development Process in Africa
- 140111 VO Language and History in Africa III. Sudan Languages and Bantu Languages
- 140100 VO "Libyans"? Linguistics and the Early History of North Africa
- 140089 KU Creole Studies: Language Contact in Past and Present
- 140184 KU Linguistic Considerations about Hausa I
APM Mastermodul Afrikanische Sprachwissenschaft
- 140086 SE Language and Society
2.2. Afrikanische Geschichtswissenschaft
APM Historische Spezialisierung 1: regional und zeitspezifisch
- 140328 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: The History of Meroe
- 140047 KU Africa: Democratisation without Democracy? Actors, Processes and Discourses in Comparison
- 140186 KU West African Precolonial Political Systems
- 140072 KU Religions and Politics in Nigeria in the 20th Century
APM Historische Spezialisierung 2: thematisch
- 140330 VO+UE Racisms
- 140013 AG International Migration - causes, types, processes and the political regulation of migration
- 140029 VO Introduction to African Art: Concepts and Style Areas I
- 140090 SE Resistance and Gender in Colonial Africa
- 140354 SE History and Politics: Ethnicity and Racism
APM Afrikanische Geschichte als Teil der Weltgeschichte und Geschichte der Nord-Süd-Beziehungen
- 140272 VO Lecture Series: Migration and Global History - Migration patterns and dynamics in selected world regions, c. 1850 to the present
- 140274 VO+UE Eurocentrism
- 140227 AG Social Protection and Social Policy in Developing Countries
- 140230 AG Whose Empowerment? Concepts, interests and assumptions behind a development buzzword.
- 140088 SE Seminar in African History: The Interwar Depression
- 140352 SE Recipient Country Leadership: Tanzania as a Role Modell?
APM Mastermodul Afrikanische Geschichtswissenschaft
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35