1.01. Catholic Theology
- 010031 VO Hope after the End of Utopias? - Ringvorlesung
- 010092 VO Methods in Theology
1. Christian Philosophy
- 010052 VO Ethics I - introduction into philosophical ethics
- 010053 SE Cosmopolitanism - philosophical conceptions, past and present
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 010138 VO Classics of Philosophical Thought
2. Social Ethics
- 010012 PS Basic Concepts of Anthropology and Ethics
- 010033 SE Ethics of Financial Markets
3. Science of Religion
- 010036 SE Medical Ethics in Religions
- 010037 VU Basic Principles of and Approaches to the Study of Religions
- 010043 VO Ritualtheorien
- 010080 VO Introduction to the general History of Religions
- 010082 VO Introduction to the History of Religions: main topic Islam
- 010087 VO Hindu-Religions: An Introduction
- 010326 PV Privatissimum - Privatissimum für Habilitanden, Doktoranden, Diplomanden und Interessierte
4. Old Testament Bible Studies
- 010002 VU Biblical Hebrew I
- 010006 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament - The Books of Wisdom
- 010061 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010062 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010078 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament 1 - The Tora
- 010093 SE Biblical Archeology - Israel and Juda during the Iron Age
- 010096 VO Exegesis of the Old Testament
- 010111 SE Seminar: Prophetesses in the Old Testament
- 010125 SE Bible and contemplation
5. New Testament Bible Studies
- 010001 VO Introduction to the New Testament
- 010009 PV Research Seminar - for advanced and postgraduate students
- 010010 SE Seminar: Apocryphal Gospels
- 010136 VO Exegesis of the New Testament - Expectations of the future in the New Testament
- 010139 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010140 VU New Testament Greek I
- 010142 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament I - Jesus - Johannine Literature
6. Ecclesiastical History
- 010008 SE Theories of Gender and Church History
- 010013 VO Church History Part III - The Church from the late Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightment
- 010014 VO Church History Compact I - A Survey of the History of the first Christian Millenium
- 010015 PV Doctoral Seminar - für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 010016 PV Privatissimum - Diplomands and Doctorands
- 010019 SE Specific subject didactics III - How to Teach History of Church
- 010021 SE Conciliarism and Church Reform in the Later Middle Ages
- 010044 SE Basics and methods of Church History - an introduction - Die Leisten zum Schustern - Einführung in Grundlagen und Techniken kirchenhistorischen Arbeitens.
- 010049 VO Debates of Religion in Contemporary Art
- 010074 PV Privatissimum - for Diplomands and Doctorands
- 010148 SE Church as cultural reality - Wahlfachkorb "Vermittlung kirchlichen Kulturerbes"
7. Patrology and Eastern Church Studies
- 010077 SE Selected Texts of the Philokalia
- 010079 PS Introduction Course: Academic Skills
- 010088 PV Privatissimum
- 010091 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010095 VO Ecumenical Theology I - Main Issues Around a Wounded Relationship - Catholic Perspectives
- 010305 VO Patrology I - Early Christian Literature
- 010307 VO Study of the Eastern Churches III - Spirituality of the Eastern Churches
8. Fundamental Theology
- 010003 VO Speaking about God today
- 010020 SE Doctoral school: Concepts of God and their ethical implications
- 010059 PV Postgraduate tutorial
- 010069 VO Fundamental theology I: Christian Religion and its Central Issues (lecture)
- 010095 VO Ecumenical Theology I - Main Issues Around a Wounded Relationship - Catholic Perspectives
- 010098 SE Hegel's Phänomenlogy of the Spirit
- 010109 PV Privatissimum für DiplomandInnen
- 010110 VO Introduction in Theology
- 010127 SE Paulus - Eschatology and Event in the Reception by Marquardt, Heidegger, Badiou and Agamben
9. Dogmatic Theology
- 010011 VO Ecumenical Theology II - Main Issues Around a Wounded Relationship - Catholic Perspectives
- 010056 SE The symbolism of evil
- 010057 SE Theology and Phenomenology - An Introduction into Their Relationship
- 010065 PV Privatissimum - Politics of Religion? Which Place for Dogmatic Theology in the European Public Square?
- 010095 VO Ecumenical Theology I - Main Issues Around a Wounded Relationship - Catholic Perspectives
- 010115 VO Dogmatics II - On God
- 010133 VO Dogmatics I: Theological Epistemology - On the Basis of the Holy Writings Witness
10. Spiritual Theology
- 010075 VO Science and Spirituality
- 010076 PV Research Seminar
- 010077 SE Selected Texts of the Philokalia
- 010089 SE Spirituality on Screen: Existential questions in films
11. Moral Theology
- 010004 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010027 VO Applied Moral Theology - Ethics of Communication
- 010030 PV Current Topics of Applied Ethics - Aktuelle Themen der speziellen Moraltheologie
- 010032 SE Confession in times without sin?
- 010034 VO Applied Moral Theology II - Bioethics 1
- 010036 SE Medical Ethics in Religions
- 010038 VO Fundamental Theology for Teachers
- 010039 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010060 PV Privatissimum - Aktuelle Fragen der Fundamentalmoral
- 010094 SE [ de en ] Biology-Medicine-Theology: Currrent Research Issues
- 010107 VO Applied Moral Theologie II for Teachers - Bioethics
12. Church Law
- 010050 VO The relationship between Church and State
- 010106 SE Aspects of ecumenism in canon law
- 010183 VO The office of sanctifying in the church
- 010184 PV The unity of the "sacra potestas"
13. Liturgical Science
- 010070 SE Liturgy and Modern Mass Media: "Rituals" and Liturgical Elements in Movies
- 010071 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010072 SE Music and Singing in Church Service - A Cultural History of Sacred Music
- 010085 VO Basics of Liturgical Studies I: Introduction to Liturgical Studies
- 010086 PV Privatissimum - Exclusive Tutorial for Graduate and Post-graduate Students
- 010170 VO Liturgical Studies and Theology of Sacraments I: Sacramental Celebrations I (except Eucharist)
14. Practical Theology
14.1. Pastoral Theology and Kerygmatics
- 010007 UE Conflict resolution
- 010017 VU Introduction into Homiletics
- 010023 VO Introduction to Pastoral Psychology
- 010024 SE Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
- 010025 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students and candidates for habilitation
- 010028 SE Ars celebrandi et praesidendi - the art of (religious) celebrating - or: celebrating God has to be learnt
- 010040 UE Introduction into homiletic Practice via learning by doing
- 010041 PV Exclusive tutorial - for students who are about to take their diploma
- 010042 PV Exclusive tutorial - for scholarship holders of the Pastoral Forum
- 010149 SE Religion in the Context of Migration
- 010150 SE Religion and Ethics in modern society: An Introduction
- 010164 VO Pastoral Theology I
- 010099 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience
- 010100 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal growth and self-experience IV- for theologians
14.2. Religious Pedagogy and Catechetics
- 010019 SE Specific subject didactics III - How to Teach History of Church
- 010041 PV Exclusive tutorial - for students who are about to take their diploma
- 010046 VO+UE Theory of religious education - General subject didactics
- 010047 SE Specific subject didactics IV - School As a Place of Memory: How to deal with the memory of teachers and pupils being driven out of Viennese secondary schools in 1938
- 010051 SE General subject didactics: Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training
- 010055 SE Specific subject didactics II - On Celebrating
- 010058 VO+UE Learning ecumenism
- 010063 PR Religious education in compulsory schools - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010064 UE Writing Lab
- 010066 SE Subjective Theories of Religious Education
- 010081 PV Religious plurality - a challenge for Religious Education
- 010112 PR Religious education in compulsory schools: Counselling
- 010149 SE Religion in the Context of Migration
- 010299 SE General subject didactics: Methods and media in RE - Pain
- 010315 SE General subject didactics: Religious didactics in compulsory schools
- 010316 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics: Biblical didactics focusing on pictures
- 190397 SE Theory and practical experience of school development - Theory and Practice of Schoold Development and Religion
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50