2nd Stage of the Degree Programme in Meteorology and Geophysics
2.1. Areas of Concentration: Meteorology and Geophysics
- 280414 EX Geophysical excursion
- 280417 PR Basic exercise in Meteorology and Geophysics
- 280422 SE Meteorological-Geophysical seminar
2.2. Area of Concentration Meteorology
- 280418 SE VERA-Seminar
- 280420 SE Seminar Research-platform 'Mountain Limits'
- 280421 EX Field trip in Meteorology
- 280423 SE Globale Haushalte
2.3. Area of Concentration Geophysics
- 280401 UE Exercises in potential theory
- 280402 VO Potential theory
- 280403 VO Signalanalyse
- 280404 UE Übungen zu Signalanalyse
- 280405 VO Data Processing 2
- 280407 VO Neuronal networks
- 280409 PR Laboratory (instruments in gravimetry)
- 280410 PR Instrumentenpraktikum Magnetik
- 280411 VO Introduction to the geophysical field course
- 280412 PR Geophysikalisches Feldpraktikum
- 280413 PR Advanced exercises
- 280415 VO Neuronale Netze
- 280416 VO Erdbeben und makroseismische Schadensklassifikation
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35