7.10. Political Theories and Cultural Sciences (G10)
Es sind insgesamt 8 Semesterwochenstunden, also 4 zweistündige Lehrveranstaltungen, aus dem Spezialisierungsmodul G10 zu besuchen. Hierin müssen mindestens ein Seminar (SE) und eine Vorlesung (VO) enthalten sein.
- 070228 VO Vertiefung 1: Fragestellungen und Themen der Zeitgeschichte - Images / Politics / Knowledge. The New Relevance of the Visual in the Humanities, Social and Cultural Sciences
- 210030 SE SE G10/DISS: Research Seminar Political Theories between Modernity and Postmodernity
- 210034 SE SE G10/F: Families between Privacy and Publicity
- 210039 PS PS G10: The Principle of Power: A Theoretical Perspective on the Category of Power - Eine politisch-theoretische und ideengeschichtliche Perspektive der Grundkategorie Macht
- 210069 SE G10/G8: SE Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of the Political Field
- 210098 SE G10/G8/F: SE FOSE
- 210100 SE G10: SE Current Theories of Politics of Racism and Antiracism
- 210119 PS G8/G10: PS Neoliberalis, /Gender
- 210124 SE G9/G10/F: SE Mass Media, Public Opinion, and Democracy
- 210139 SE G9/G10/F: SE The Institutions of the Modern State
- 210141 VO G10: Politik der 'Identität' - Ethnische Konflikte
- 210145 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Politics and Religion in Eastern and South Eastern Europa
- 210146 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Problems and dysfunction in established democracies
- 210147 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Nonvoters
- 210151 SE [ en ] G1/G10: Western European Right-Wing Radical Parties
- 210152 VO G8/G10/F: VO Biopolitics, Masculinity, and homo sacer
- 210153 SE G8/G10/Diss: Critial Whiteness Studies
- 210155 SE G8/G10/Diss: Reading-Seminar: Biopolitics
- 210156 VO F/G9/G10/D2: RingVO: across the reality -cirtical theory and social criticism
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35