7. Specialization Modules (G)
7.1. Europe and European Union (G1)
- 210024 SE [ en ] FOSE: Analyzing European Integration:
- 210027 VO Structures of Negotiation of Interests I: Organized Interest Groups and Social Movements in Europe - Verbände, Verbändesysteme und soziale Bewegungen in Europa
- 210028 SE [ en ] SE G1/F: Ageing and Pension Reform Around the World
- 210033 SE SE G1/G5: Romania: Political System and EU-Membership
- 210038 PS PS G4/F: Structures of Negotiation of Interests II: Parties and Party Systems in Europe - Parteien und Parteisysteme in Europa
- 210041 PS G1/G9: "Nazi looted art and the question of restitution in Europe"
- 210099 SE G1/G4: SE The Treaty of Lisbon: Goals, Content and Consequenses of European constitutional politics
- 210102 SE G4/G1: SE empirical psephology
- 210113 VO G5/G1/F: VO EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy
- 210138 SE G1: Europe and European Union
- 210145 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Politics and Religion in Eastern and South Eastern Europa
- 210146 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Problems and dysfunction in established democracies
- 210147 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Nonvoters
- 210151 SE [ en ] G1/G10: Western European Right-Wing Radical Parties
7.2. International Development, Peace and Conflict Research (G2)
- 210097 VO F/G2: Foundations of Politics and Society
- 210101 SE G2/G7: SE Europe as a power of/to peace myth, fiction and reality
- 210104 VO G3/G2: VO Latin America in transformation? - Social conflicts and political change in the course of the crisis of neoliberalism
- 210106 VO G2/G3: International Politics
- 210114 VO [ fr ] G7/G2/F: VO Political systems in Africa
7.3. International Politics (G3)
- 210103 PS G3: PS EU and the US: security-political partners or competitors?
- 210104 VO G3/G2: VO Latin America in transformation? - Social conflicts and political change in the course of the crisis of neoliberalism
- 210105 VO G3: VO International Organisations
- 210106 VO G2/G3: International Politics
- 210107 PS G3: PS Liberalisation, privatisation and the european social model
- 210138 SE G1: Europe and European Union
7.4. Austrian Politics (G4)
- 210022 SE Austrian Corporatism
- 210023 SE Welfarestate in Austria
- 210026 SE The Political System of the Nazi Regime
- 210031 SE SE G4/DISS: Development and Reform of Democracy
- 210099 SE G1/G4: SE The Treaty of Lisbon: Goals, Content and Consequenses of European constitutional politics
- 210102 SE G4/G1: SE empirical psephology
- 210108 SE Austrian Corporatism
- 210121 PS G9/D6/G4: PS Attention and Lack of Interest: Functioning of (Austrian) Media
7.5. East and Middle Europe (G5)
- 210033 SE SE G1/G5: Romania: Political System and EU-Membership
- 210035 SE SE G5/F: Governance in Central Europe
- 210109 PS G5: Eastern and Central Europe
- 210110 SE G5: SE Transformation by integration? East Germany in comparison with Eastern Europe
- 210111 PS G5: Eastern and Central Europe
- 210113 VO G5/G1/F: VO EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy
- 210145 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Politics and Religion in Eastern and South Eastern Europa
- 210146 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Problems and dysfunction in established democracies
- 210147 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Nonvoters
- 210148 PS G5/G7: PS Modern non democratic regimes
7.6. Policy Analysis and Political Economy (G6)
- 210028 SE [ en ] SE G1/F: Ageing and Pension Reform Around the World
- 210051 VO B: Politics and Economy - political tendencies
- 210112 VO M7/G6: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses
- 210115 PS G6: Policy Analysis and Political Economy
- 210116 PS [ en ] G6: PS InformationSociety&E-Government (english)
- 210122 SE G6: Policy Analysis and Political Economy
- 210149 SE G6: The welfare state in comparative perspective
- 210150 SE G6: Transformation of Public Policy
- 190934 SE 5.10.3 Politische Ökonomie der Unternehmerischen Universität - Forschung, Forschungsevaluation und Innovation
7.7. Extra-European Comparison of Politics (G7)
- 210028 SE [ en ] SE G1/F: Ageing and Pension Reform Around the World
- 210101 SE G2/G7: SE Europe as a power of/to peace myth, fiction and reality
- 210114 VO [ fr ] G7/G2/F: VO Political systems in Africa
- 210117 PS [ en ] G7: PS "Science Goverance in Asia" (engl?)
- 210142 SE G7: Politics in Non-European Comparison
- 210148 PS G5/G7: PS Modern non democratic regimes
7.8. Women's and Gender Research in Political Science (G8)
- 210069 SE G10/G8: SE Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of the Political Field
- 210098 SE G10/G8/F: SE FOSE
- 210118 PS G8: PS Nationalismus und Homosexualität
- 210119 PS G8/G10: PS Neoliberalis, /Gender
- 210152 VO G8/G10/F: VO Biopolitics, Masculinity, and homo sacer
- 210153 SE G8/G10/Diss: Critial Whiteness Studies
- 210154 SE G8/Diss: PhD-Kolloquium: Postcolonialism/Queer/Gender
- 210155 SE G8/G10/Diss: Reading-Seminar: Biopolitics
7.9. Political Education (G9)
- 210026 SE The Political System of the Nazi Regime
- 210036 SE G9: Political Education - Nachrichtendienste und Politik im Spiegel der Literatur
- 210041 PS G1/G9: "Nazi looted art and the question of restitution in Europe"
- 210120 PS G9/F: PS "Education for New People. Culture and Politics in Austro-Marxism"
- 210121 PS G9/D6/G4: PS Attention and Lack of Interest: Functioning of (Austrian) Media
- 210123 SE G9: Political Education
- 210124 SE G9/G10/F: SE Mass Media, Public Opinion, and Democracy
- 210156 VO F/G9/G10/D2: RingVO: across the reality -cirtical theory and social criticism
- 190290 SE Movies in Civic Education
7.10. Political Theories and Cultural Sciences (G10)
- 070228 VO Vertiefung 1: Fragestellungen und Themen der Zeitgeschichte - Images / Politics / Knowledge. The New Relevance of the Visual in the Humanities, Social and Cultural Sciences
- 210030 SE SE G10/DISS: Research Seminar Political Theories between Modernity and Postmodernity
- 210034 SE SE G10/F: Families between Privacy and Publicity
- 210039 PS PS G10: The Principle of Power: A Theoretical Perspective on the Category of Power - Eine politisch-theoretische und ideengeschichtliche Perspektive der Grundkategorie Macht
- 210069 SE G10/G8: SE Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of the Political Field
- 210098 SE G10/G8/F: SE FOSE
- 210100 SE G10: SE Current Theories of Politics of Racism and Antiracism
- 210119 PS G8/G10: PS Neoliberalis, /Gender
- 210124 SE G9/G10/F: SE Mass Media, Public Opinion, and Democracy
- 210139 SE G9/G10/F: SE The Institutions of the Modern State
- 210141 VO G10: Politik der 'Identität' - Ethnische Konflikte
- 210145 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Politics and Religion in Eastern and South Eastern Europa
- 210146 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Problems and dysfunction in established democracies
- 210147 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Nonvoters
- 210151 SE [ en ] G1/G10: Western European Right-Wing Radical Parties
- 210152 VO G8/G10/F: VO Biopolitics, Masculinity, and homo sacer
- 210153 SE G8/G10/Diss: Critial Whiteness Studies
- 210155 SE G8/G10/Diss: Reading-Seminar: Biopolitics
- 210156 VO F/G9/G10/D2: RingVO: across the reality -cirtical theory and social criticism
7.11. Research Practice (FoP)
- 210025 SE Political barometer. The political mood of the Austrians during the National Socialism - Zur politischen Stimmungslage der ÖsterreicherInnen während des Nationalsozialismus(FoP)Fortsetzung aus dem WS 2008/2009
- 210088 SE FOP: Research Practice
- 210089 SE FOP: SE Governance and Goverment
- 210090 SE FOP: Research Practice part 2
- 210091 SE FOP: Research Practice
- 210092 SE FOP: Research Practice part 2 - Fortsetzung aus dem Wintersemester 2008/09
- 210093 SE FOP: Research Practice
- 210094 SE FOP: Asylum Policy
- 210095 SE FOP: Research Practice part 1
- 210140 SE FOP: SE europeanisation of the public administration - Erosion of the state? - New forms of Government
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
Des weiteren ist in einem der drei ausgewählten Spezialisierungsmodulen ein vierstündiges Forschungspraktikum (FoP) zu besuchen. Das FoP gilt als Seminar (SE) und ersetzt somit das notwendige SE im jeweiligen Modul. Darüber hinaus ist das FoP Modul-unabhängig, d.h.: Ein FoP kann für jedes Spezialisierungsmodul verwendet werden.Studierende anderer Studienrichtungen können Proseminare aus den Bereichen G1-G10 (und D1-D6, erster Studienabschnitt) anstelle von Grundkursen aus den Kernfächern (C) besuchen.
Anstelle von C1 kann ein Proseminar aus den Modulen D1, D2, D4, G8 oder G10 besucht werden.
Anstelle von C2 kann ein Proseminar aus den Modulen D1, D5, D6, G1, G4, G6 oder G9 besucht werden.
Anstelle von C3 kann ein Proseminar aus den Modulen D1, D5, D6, G1, G5, G6, G7 besucht werden.
Anstelle von C4 kann ein Proseminar aus den Modulen D1, G1, G2, G3, G5 oder G7 besucht werden.
Näheres hierzu im Leitfaden für LV-Anmeldungen: http://public.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=10233