7.5. East and Middle Europe (G5)
Es sind insgesamt 8 Semesterwochenstunden, also 4 zweistündige Lehrveranstaltungen, aus dem Spezialisierungsmodul G5 zu besuchen. Hierin müssen mindestens ein Seminar (SE) und eine Vorlesung (VO) enthalten sein.
- 210033 SE SE G1/G5: Romania: Political System and EU-Membership
- 210035 SE SE G5/F: Governance in Central Europe
- 210109 PS G5: Eastern and Central Europe
- 210110 SE G5: SE Transformation by integration? East Germany in comparison with Eastern Europe
- 210111 PS G5: Eastern and Central Europe
- 210113 VO G5/G1/F: VO EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy
- 210145 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Politics and Religion in Eastern and South Eastern Europa
- 210146 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Problems and dysfunction in established democracies
- 210147 SE G5/G1/G10/Diss: SE Nonvoters
- 210148 PS G5/G7: PS Modern non democratic regimes
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35